NVQ level 2 ??

No way can an NVQ be completed in that time. Looks like today was a “simulation” which doesn’t count towards assessment. Also 7.5 tonne is too small. It has to be in a vehicle in excess of 7.5 for DGV Level 2. 7.5 is carry and deliver". The auditors will love this one!

I can’t believe what i am reading - no wonder the LSC has pulled the funding - what happened to the information, advice and guidence that should be given at the introduction to the NVQ. How can you be doing an NVQ and not know - you should have been given your portfollio and started to collect some evidence of your own. What about feedback and reviews? Did the assessor not explain what you was doing and how you was getting on.

Morning all,
well i completed the course yesterday, i was filmed in everything i had to do, walk round checks, going through all the paperwork and loading, securing the load and delivering the load to there othere office in Feltham, being filmed all the time. I then had a de- brief, i got a few questions wrong, which were fully explained to me. All this now gets sent to the assessor who i take it decides if im worthy enough of this NVQ.
From my point of the whole thing from start to finish was badly run, to get your booking confirmed by text is not very professional. But i stuck with it, i did do a lot of research and to be told i was by far the best driving wise was a confidence boost to me. I drove for 4 hours yesterday as i would normally, like i had a bucket of water next to me, i remembered everything i was taught when i done my cat c back in Jan.
The only thing that stops me from doing any more training is money, ive been on benefits for neary 4 years now, i saved hard to do my Cat C, i want to get on, ive done everything properly but with the current problems, there is just no work about and so many better experianced drivers than me going for the same job.
But im still not giving in, my goal is to end up on the bendy trucks and i will stop at nothing until i get there.
I do agree with wot you are all saying, it is corrupt, someone somewhere is getting very rich and it is wrong, but from my point of view wot do i do? I have to follow everything up to try and gain employment.
Anyway it felt so good driving a truck again yesterday, albeit a puddle jumper, just makes me more determined now.
Cheers guys.

Although this seems very odd for a DGV NVQ2 you seem to have benefitted from it especially for the driving part :smiley: :smiley:

This is where the new Driver CPC is a big let down - it does not have a compulsory on-road driving assessment or training which is the main part of a drivers job :exclamation: :exclamation:

Was everything such as loading the vehicle etc assessed twice :question:

Everything was done twice Rog, and to be fair the offer from the assessor of showing was there but a lot of it i already knew, loading, unloading, walk round checks atc. I needed the experiance of driving again. It just felt so wierd being filmed, i hadne any make up on and my hair looked terrible :smiley:

johnny boy:
Everything was done twice Rog,

That sounds ok :slight_smile:

johnny boy:
It just felt so wierd being filmed

Is it going on youtube :question: :wink: :laughing:

i would be mortified if it turned up on you tube Rog :blush: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

johnny boy:
i would be mortified if it turned up on you tube Rog :blush: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

That’s as maybe but think of the ‘fun’ the rest of us could have :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If it put some smiles on a few of our faces id be happy to Rog :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Will see what i can do

Just a quick question, how long should i wait for the certificate, to date ive heard nothing from Hull College, stuart at the agency doesnt have a clue wots going on. Ive got no paperwork from Hull College so i cant contact them. I passed June the 25th so i thought i might of heard something by now. I want to put it on my cv but dont want to untill i have it in my hands. Any ideas Rog?

johnny boy:
Just a quick question, how long should i wait for the certificate,

No idea mate - maybe those that have done a DGV NVQ recently can help…

Thanks rog, will post on here and see wot happens, i cant believe how bad that company is run, makes me even more angry to know that they are getting paid £1200 for it!!!

At least it did not come out of your wages :smiley:

johnny boy wrote:Rog,
Just a quick question, how long should i wait for the certificate,

No idea mate - maybe those that have done a DGV NVQ recently can help…

Depends on many factors - - but I wouldn’t start worrying for a while yet :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

johnny boy wrote:Rog,
Just a quick question, how long should i wait for the certificate,

No idea mate - maybe those that have done a DGV NVQ recently can help…

Depends on many factors - - but I wouldn’t start worrying for a while yet :laughing: :laughing:

I thought you might have some idea Peter :smiley: :smiley: - when would you advise him to start chasing it :question:

Give it till end August before you get anxious. Everything stops for holidays (so they tell me!) :laughing: :laughing:

hi guys,
thought id just let you all know i got my shiny new certificate today.
edexcel is written on the top, nvq, level 2 in driving goods vehicles.
the course was obtained from hull college.
Beats me how no one has asked if i have a nvq yet, only drivers direct and i havnt had a shift from them im many month’s.
What a waste of time but its free.

johnny boy:
Beats me how no one has asked if i have a nvq yet

they usually don’t
Have you got clean licence and have you got experience arethe usual questions

I do not know of anyone that has been asked if they have a NVQ…

so realy this nvq isnt worth the paper its printed on then Rog. i do have a clean license and ive been driving for a few months now on the class 2, working for a mate on a scaffolding firm, not where i want to be but its good money, just waiting for things to pick up generally, long story but i want to do my class c+e, everything is in place but my boss is my best mate and if i leave hes sort of stuck, so waiting for him to put a couple of his lads threw there clase c. I am lucky enough to have a job lined up aswell when i pass my artic, but anyway im assuming drivers direct get paid for putting me through this nvq thing of which ive had nothing but hot air from them.
Have a great day guys

If you enjoyed doing it and it was FREE then great