Not truck related but in the news

Well, another poor kid gets his face bitten off, just because some moron thinks its cool to have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
This little lads only 2 years old. Ear bitten off, nose bitten off and lost the sight in one eye. He needs extensive plastic surgery. Well heres an idea. Hows about instead of having a list of dogs that are in effect “banned”, (Pit Bulls and the like), why cant we have instead a list of breeds which are "allowed? Chiwahwahs (fuuk I cant spell the stupid thing)! Poodles, a golden retriever or labrador or a cocker spaniel......thats your lot. If you want a dog other than that you ■■■■■■■ cant have one. Im sick of dog ■■■■ on the pavement. Im sick of dogs jumping up at me when Im out walking with the Mrs…("Oooooh hes only being friendly,")...well heres some news for ALL dog owners, I do not want your animal to be near me actually, and Im sick of hearing of tragedies like this. I understand the need for companionship especially for the elderley. So a choice from the above should fill the need. But lets get some sense of importance. That kids life is in tatters at the age of two. It breaks my heart. Jail for owners of dangerous dogs. Heavy fines for dog-■■■■ non-collection of. And a realisation from dog owners that maybe...just maybe I dont give the tiniest sh.t about being friendly to an unruly animal which chooses to jump up on me trousers with muddy feet, and I don`t care how much its tail is wagging at the time.

Oh, and Im sick of hearing, every time a child gets hurt or killed like this, from the owner of the (usually) Rottweiler..."well, I cant understand it. He`s never done anything like this before".


Well really?? He`s never killed a child before has he? Maybe he was just having a bad day then eh?

I have a Rottweiler. I have had 2 or 3 over the years. I am sick to death of people who have these dogs as knob extensions. Torquay is full of chav arse holes that walk around with Staffies. I have never seen so many. The town is crawling with dog crap on the streets.
My dog is a pet, been brought up with children and is very people friendly. I don’t let mine jump up people or use him as a weapon. The fact is it’s the way they are reared. If you want a weapon, they can be one. I don’t. Poor kid. I feel so sorry for the child.

I don’t know about having a list of dogs that are allowed but I certainly agree that the dangerous dogs act should be tightened up.

Dangerous dogs in the UK

I don’t think Staffs are generally considered to be an aggressive breed of dog though?

I actually agree with you H. Staffies are known as “The Nanny Dog”. I firmly think the dodgy ones are taught to be that way.

they make good cab muts keep the rifraf away

My dad had a Rotty which was soft “but i think he wouldnt be soft if he feel treated” as ■■■■ but he passed away :frowning: but he got another one which is soft to :slight_smile:

And iv got two Chinese Shar Pei and they are soft as hell got a boy and girl, the girl just barks when someone comes to the house and when they come in but that kinda there job.

my view
Only reason the dog turns is we can tell someone to ■■■■ off if they keep it up we would punch them, But a dog can’t really speak so they snarl then if the person don’t stop then there gone turn…

Poodles, a golden retriever or labrador or a cocker spaniel…thats your lot.

only dog ever bit me was a lab.
ANY dog can be dangerous. depending on the owner.
NO dog (or in this case 2 dogs) should ever be left alone with a 2 year old.

I really hate dogs, don’t want them anywhere near me or my family, they are dangerous & dirty animals-I don’t care what anyone says…! :imp:

i have a staffy she its the softest dog you could imagine!more a nurture than nature thing i think :confused:

A very tiny proportion of dogs might be dangerous but the massive majority of them aren’t. Certainly my own dog has never once shown aggression towards another person and at the age of 14 I think it’s unlikely that she would.

NO dog (or in this case 2 dogs) should ever be left alone with a 2 year old.

he toddler was found in a neighbour’s back garden by his grandfather - who suffered an injury to his arm while trying to fight the Staffordshire bull terrier off.

Where were the “Responsible” parents that allowed a toddler to roam into a neighbours garden?

hadn’t seen the part re the neighbours garden.

Sorry. Yeh, I think I was a bit OTT with the genuine dog lovers. But I was a bit upset with this story.
I know there are some responsible ones and we do come across quite a few on our walks who gather their dogs up on the lead when they see us or anyone else coming, but my gripe with everyday situations like this is when they,(the dogs)! jump up at you and the gormless owner just stands there smiling saying "oh shes just saying hello". For one thing, I dont want to say hello to an animal and secondly this cant be the first time the daft dogs done it. It must do it all the time. Why would they think this is ok? In fact its usually middle aged ladies who are the worst. They just cant comprehend that not everybody likes dog slaver and mud up their legs. Im either proud or ashamed to say, I dont know which, that whenever its happened Ive just smiled and pretended its ok to avoid a “situation”. But an incident last week has made me think I should start yelling at people.
In other words, yes it is the owners who are at fault, and I`m sorry if I offended anyone with my earlier outburst.

You have every right to tell the person to control their animal. Responsible folk don’t let their dogs jump. I certainly don’t.

Sorry. Yeh, I think I was a bit OTT with the genuine dog lovers. But I was a bit upset with this story.
I know there are some responsible ones and we do come across quite a few on our walks who gather their dogs up on the lead when they see us or anyone else coming, but my gripe with everyday situations like this is when they,(the dogs)! jump up at you and the gormless owner just stands there smiling saying "oh shes just saying hello". For one thing, I dont want to say hello to an animal and secondly this cant be the first time the daft dogs done it. It must do it all the time. Why would they think this is ok? In fact its usually middle aged ladies who are the worst. They just cant comprehend that not everybody likes dog slaver and mud up their legs. Im either proud or ashamed to say, I dont know which, that whenever its happened Ive just smiled and pretended its ok to avoid a “situation”. But an incident last week has made me think I should start yelling at people.
In other words, yes it is the owners who are at fault, and I`m sorry if I offended anyone with my earlier outburst.

I have two dogs and i am a responsible owner if my dogs foul the pavement i clear it up they are not aloud to jump up at people and i take my responsabilaty to them very seriously.

Dogs live in the moment they deal with a situation then its forgot, If people were to try and understand things a bit more the world would be a better place.

The parents of the child are as much to blame. Who in their right mind would leave a 2 year old unsupervised when there is a chance that the fence could be breached

The dogs are on their own property they are doing what comes naturally garding their home.

Thats not to say i condone a dog being agressive i dont.

As for the op it could be that you are sending out the wrong signals when you meet strange dogs try being calm and have no eye contact with said dogs they WILL ignore you.

I really hate dogs, don’t want them anywhere near me or my family, they are dangerous & dirty animals-I don’t care what anyone says…! :imp:

My Border Collie is far nicer than most people that I meet :unamused:
She is also smarter than most people that i meet :unamused:
There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. It works the same with children.








Firstly, my deepest symapthy to the poor child and their family, absolute tragedy.

This really grits my sh*t.
My family own a staffordshire bull terrior and a standard poodle. Our staff walks off the lead, she interacts with other dogs just the same as any other and she is not VICIOUS. If im out walking her off lead and i see childern ahead she goes straight back onto the lead. Its not that i think she will bite them, its just sensible as a dog owner. I’d do the same if it were a retriever etc.

I ■■■■■■ me off that people lable them as dangerous. Cant people see that its not just down to the dog…but the owner too :imp: :exclamation:

Staffordshire bull terrior’s are usually referred to as ‘‘nanny dogs’’ for the affection towards childern (google it). They are also very eager to please their owners and some people use this to their advantage. Treating a dog badly will in turn create a aggressive dog. Just the same as a child who is brought up in a violent/aggressive enviroment.
It doesnt matter the breed of the dog…what makes a retriever any less dangerous than a staff or a rottweiler? Infact having walked a few rottweilers at our local rescue centre, they also are very gental. Its all about the upbringing.
If my dog ever jumped up at someone, they’d have every right to be ■■■■■■ about it, i know i would be. Again, a dog that doesnt jump up is a dog well disciplined.

I guess i look the ‘‘typicall’’ staff owner. I have a shaved head, both ears pierced and a gold bangle…But i’ll always stop and chat to other dog owners. DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.

Sorry. Yeh, I think I was a bit OTT with the genuine dog lovers. But I was a bit upset with this story.
I know there are some responsible ones and we do come across quite a few on our walks who gather their dogs up on the lead when they see us or anyone else coming, but my gripe with everyday situations like this is when they,(the dogs)! jump up at you and the gormless owner just stands there smiling saying "oh shes just saying hello". For one thing, I dont want to say hello to an animal and secondly this cant be the first time the daft dogs done it. It must do it all the time. Why would they think this is ok? In fact its usually middle aged ladies who are the worst. They just cant comprehend that not everybody likes dog slaver and mud up their legs. Im either proud or ashamed to say, I dont know which, that whenever its happened Ive just smiled and pretended its ok to avoid a “situation”. But an incident last week has made me think I should start yelling at people.
In other words, yes it is the owners who are at fault, and I`m sorry if I offended anyone with my earlier outburst.

Fair play to you.
I also feel very strongly about these “■■■■ extensions” that some of these chav owners have, as much you do!!
The government should have come down on this years ago but like everything else, they didn’t bother from fear of upsetting the human rights brigade. They are the ones to blame here, the average council estate chav doesn’t have the brains to know what he’s doing is wrong or how to train / reer a dog, they need to be edjucated and punished accordingly. Until this happens, this type of story will continue to be too common place in this country. Like so many other things in this ■■■■■ hole these days, there is no insentive for anybody to do anything differant.