Not truck related but in the news

I ■■■■■■ me off that people lable them as dangerous. Cant people see that its not just down to the dog…but the owner too :imp: :exclamation:

More sensible words that some would do well to remember!
And what other animal can be as loyal?

Harry Monk:
I don’t think Staffs are generally considered to be an aggressive breed of dog though?

They are not normally, a couple of our friends have them and they are just very licky. To the OP, there are many dangerous dogs, even the ones on your list. Labradors have a very hard bite and they will keep biting. Corgis are quite nasty if they turn as are Poodles

It is the tattooed thug who turn Staffies bad, they should have licences before being allowed to keep any animal.

But I have to add to the point that any two year old left with a dog or a cat is in danger of losing its face


I really hate dogs, don’t want them anywhere near me or my family, they are dangerous & dirty animals-I don’t care what anyone says…! :imp:

My Border Collie is far nicer than most people that I meet :unamused:
She is also smarter than most people that i meet :unamused:
There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. It works the same with children.

Absolutely! :wink:

As someone else said. Don’t judge a book by the cover. I’m tattooed, I have a shaven head. Am I a thug?
I have a Rottweiler. I must look well scary! Apart from a dislike of Devon taxi drivers…I ain’t got a bad bone in me.
So don’t tar me with that brush. A dog is my friend, not my ■■■■ extension.
The ■■■■ heads down here shouldn’t have these dogs without a check.

Well ya learn something new everyday. Staffies are not meant to be aggresive. A smallish compact muscular dog, with a broad head and a wide bite, powerful neck . Derived from dog fighting stock and they’re everyones friend !!!

The ■■■■ heads down here shouldn’t have these dogs without a check.

I think the whole dog legislation should be turned on its head. Everyone should be having a check before having ANY dog. That would probably solve most of the random neglect problems we get now.
I’ll give you a reference BTW if you need one !! :laughing: :laughing:

I’m responsible enough thanks very much.

i object strongly to the (usually)rottweiler bit…my rottie is well behaved…and as a well behaved owner i pick his ■■■■ up after him,dont let him jump up,dont let him run off,dont let him get into situations that might cause him distress(which might cause him to want to defend himself)…hes registered and microchipped and insured.
there is no such thing as a dangerous dog…its dangerous owners that need sorting?
why was a child that young roaming the neighbours garden unattended?

Well ya learn something new everyday. Staffies are not meant to be aggresive. A smallish compact muscular dog, with a broad head and a wide bite, powerful neck . Derived from dog fighting stock and they’re everyones friend !!!

Staffies do not like other dogs much, they love people and children and are very affectionate.

Wheel Nut:

Well ya learn something new everyday. Staffies are not meant to be aggresive. A smallish compact muscular dog, with a broad head and a wide bite, powerful neck . Derived from dog fighting stock and they’re everyones friend !!!

Staffies do not like other dogs much, they love people and children and are very affectionate.

Yeah right. So much so that the dopey drug dealers by me use them for protection. Maybe they think dogs are gonna attack them ? !!! :laughing: :laughing:
I’m well aware of how good a properley socialised Staffy is, question i have is which is worse…a unsocialised staffy or say and unsocialised labrador/collie/ bischon frisee ? !!!

I’m responsible enough thanks very much.

Sure you are mate. I’ve no doubt whatsoever that you can contain your dog exactly like you can contain yourself, like on here. I’m talking about the ■■■■■■■■■ who can’t contain them, like you mentioned.


Wheel Nut:

Well ya learn something new everyday. Staffies are not meant to be aggresive. A smallish compact muscular dog, with a broad head and a wide bite, powerful neck . Derived from dog fighting stock and they’re everyones friend !!!

Staffies do not like other dogs much, they love people and children and are very affectionate.

Yeah right. So much so that the dopey drug dealers by me use them for protection. Maybe they think dogs are gonna attack them ? !!! :laughing: :laughing:
I’m well aware of how good a properley socialised Staffy is, question i have is which is worse…a unsocialised staffy or say and unsocialised labrador/collie/ bischon frisee ? !!!

Being deliberately obtuse as usual, Mike C?
All dogs were bred for something else, they were domesticated by humans.


Border Collie

Dog Blog

All dogs will bite on command when controlled by a tattooed phuc whet (Billy Connolly)

An ex boss had a pure breed poodle, it was a psychotic mental case that always tried and several times succeeded to bite me. A fried used to have rotwillers and they were dopey and soft as anything, the minute they saw you they would be flat on their backs wanting their tummy stroked.

A bad dog can only be bad if it has a bad owner.


Yeah right. So much so that the dopey drug dealers by me use them for protection. Maybe they think dogs are gonna attack them ? !!! :laughing: :laughing:

Dopey Scouse drug dealers might consider them to be a personal protection dog but you’ll have noticed that they aren’t used by the Police or any proper security agency, for precisely the reason that they are too friendly in disposition towards humans.

The fact that Staffies were bred to fight other dogs is neither here nor there because humans aren’t other dogs. I don’t own a Staff, I have a rather elderly JRT, and while she is the friendliest and most affectionate creature imaginable who, at age 14 has never once harmed a human being, if you show her a rat she will have snapped its neck within seconds.

Throw her a ball and she’ll chase it but she won’t bring it back, because she’s not a retriever.

Staffs are not an aggressive breed of dog by nature but like all dogs, can be trained to be aggressive by their owner.

Does the apperance of a dog mean it has a mentality to match?

Yes, my staff is muscular, she has a wide mouth, shes very agile her bite would obviously be that much more powerfull than that of a pug, does that mean she has a personality to match…of course not.

So why do people assume that a collie or a retriever are always friendly…just because they look it. what about the 2 pugs local to me that always go mental at my dogs even from the other side of the road… do the pugs look agressive, no…rather cute actually :blush:

Our staff loves our male poodle, and we also have a house cat who she gets on fine with too.

Surely not matter what breed a dog is, the thing to remember is they have their own mind.