Not allowed to name and shame?

Are we not allowed to name and shame companies now? In the recent removed post, from what I has seen, the comments made were from people who had actually worked for the company at some point and all they were doing was highlighting the working practices. It’s all very well saying you need proof to back up what you’re saying but how do you prove it if you’re talking about past experiences with the company?

Moderation needs Moderating…

And theres me thinking that web sites were by drivers for drivers to give the insight into how this industry works so that the “newbies” can gain knowledge!! :unamused: :unamused:

I never saw the post in question but we often see posts where a TM of a company has been ridiculed for giving incorrect info which could be deemed as bad practice.

If an employee makes a comment on the working practices of his / her last employer, He / she do not invaded any property than does a protester holding a sign or shouting through a bullhorn outside corporate headquarters, posting a letter through the mail, or telephoning to complain of a corporate practice" Th is was the result of a case in the United States supreme court and Justice Kathryn Werdegar wrote for the high court’s majority.
Any one can comment on the working practices of a company it comes under the Freedom of Speech, there is only one clause, that being if you signed a contract of confidentiality.

Are we not allowed to name and shame companies now? In the recent removed post, from what I has seen, the comments made were from people who had actually worked for the company at some point and all they were doing was highlighting the working practices. It’s all very well saying you need proof to back up what you’re saying but how do you prove it if you’re talking about past experiences with the company?

Hi steve-o

The said posts were stating fact and were not in anyway fabricated to make the said company look bad. It made no diffirence to me as i just refused to go in once they put their new work practice into place. If you cant put it on here where can you■■? :unamused:


Are we not allowed to name and shame companies now? In the recent removed post, from what I has seen, the comments made were from people who had actually worked for the company at some point and all they were doing was highlighting the working practices. It’s all very well saying you need proof to back up what you’re saying but how do you prove it if you’re talking about past experiences with the company?

Hi steve-o

The said posts were stating fact and were not in anyway fabricated to make the said company look bad. It made no diffirence to me as i just refused to go in once they put their new work practice into place. If you cant put it on here where can you■■? :unamused:

No where.Now its going to be people going in there blind to the fact what’s going on,when they could have been in full knowledge that they were about to get shafted but hey ho!! legalities and all that B/S
:unamused: :unamused:

And theres me thinking that web sites were by drivers for drivers to give the insight into how this industry works so that the “newbies” can gain knowledge!! :unamused: :unamused:

That, in my view is to a cetain extent fair enough. The problem arises when specific allegations are published on a site such as this one, which is viewable by many millions of on-line www viewers, which might be seen as causing damage to the good name of a company. The person(s) making those allegations might well be forced to attempt to justify their allegations in a court of law.The medium via which those allegations were published , (in this case TNUK),could well be standing alongside the defendant as the attempt is made to justify having made, and published them.The laws of Libel, and Slander apply to such allegations. They can prove to be very costly, if a driver thinks that slagging a former employer off, on TNUK is OK. Mouthing off on here,is a long way different from having a moan in some truckstop amongst your mates.On here, the whole world can read it, including the company on the recieving end of the accusations. Please note ,I am just a retired driver, not a lawyer, or a TM.

Funny how the Stobart bashing stays on here then… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

My view is that if certain posts were a bit dodgy, then pull the post, not the whole thread, some of which was fine imho.

The route of talking to the said company was ignored and shoulders were shrugged when asked awkward questions so now months down the line it was put on trucknet and i hope the people from the said company did read it as it was stated about one depot not directed at the company as a whole. It was brought up by some one i know who like me is not an angel and has done things the same as any other driver to get the job done but hope that others wouldnt have to!! I look forward to this thread being removed aswell.

It was removed because within it allegations were made that will land us in court.

As the publisher of this website we are as liable for damaging comments as the person who made them, If WE cant prove those allegations (Not you- US), and were aware of them being published on here and do not remove them we can be sued, someone posting the comments on a forum is not proof that any judge will accept.

The only defence we have in law is either we had no knowledge of the content, or when we became aware of it , or it was reported to us we removed it within a reasonable time frame.

Any thread posted on here that includes comments along the lines of the company is aware of illegal practices and ignoring/condoning it, or the manager at so so pushed drivers to break the law will be removed as we have no way of knowing if that is true of if its someone posting for a laugh/too cause trouble.

Bottom line is you may know what your saying, but we have no way of defending your comments in court as we have no proof, and without that we would be liable for some very heavy legal bills and settlements

is there no way TNUK can put up a disclaimer where this sort of thing happens,
IE the views posted are of the poster and not TNUK and warning posters that they may be liable to prosicution if posts are found to be false?
or words to that effect.
It just seems some sites have all sorts posted on them yet others are strictly controlled, yet we don’t hear about these other sites getting sued

A disclaimer means very little,

In law as it stands if we are aware of damaging content and allow it to stay we are deemed to have published it.

I have said on many occasions that the law in this area is a completly idiotic, But until the law is fully defined as it stands for the web we are stuck with laws that are essentially designed for print titles.

As for other websites, We are perhaps lucky in that we are owned by one of the biggest publishers in the world, and as such have easy access to very good lawyers in this field. Others may not have that luxury and may simply not be aware of the risks.

One of the reasons we havent been sued is because we take regular legal advice on threads, but even then we have come close on occassions in the past.

Hi rikki

I was stating facts with my replies and did work there but cannot now because of the work practices. I understand trucknet legal position and if you do look into it with your many contacts you will find it is statement of fact the way that one depot is now running its daily business. In my opinion it should be public knowledge as it was such a big player in the uk market and its not fair on the guys who dont have the luxury of just upping sticks and working somewhere else due to the downturn in the economy. That is only my point of view though :neutral_face:

So we can’t name and shame an employer then?

So we can’t name and shame an employer then?

As I said above threads that make allegations about possible illegal activity or otherwise damaging statements about companies or individuals that we cannot substantiate ourselves will be removed.

Think of TNUK as a newspaper and yourself as a journalist. If a Journo wants to make allegations about somebody then he had better be able to PROVE it if needs be. Without such proof no responsible editor would allow the allegations to be published. Although there is freedom of speech you have to remember that web fora are NOT the same as talking to your mates down the pub.

And theres me thinking that web sites were by drivers for drivers to give the insight into how this industry works so that the “newbies” can gain knowledge!! :unamused: :unamused:

there is plenty of other trucker sites out there though.

And theres me thinking that web sites were by drivers for drivers to give the insight into how this industry works so that the “newbies” can gain knowledge!! :unamused: :unamused:

This can still be done without naming a company.

Such as - watch out for a company in south ROGshire that wants you to check a truck is reversing ok by standing directly behind it !!!
This is an unsafe practise and must never be done.

OK, it does not name or pinpoint the company but those looking in that area are now made aware that such a company exists…

Also remember that private messages are just that, a private communication between members, we dont have access to them and therefore no knowledge of what is said, as the content of private messages are not published to the web ( Posting the content of private messages onto the forums is banned for this very reason ) you can say what you want in them

So given Rog’s post above a note on it saying to “PM for more details” would solve all the problems