Not allowed to name and shame?

Reminds me of founder of Lonely Planet books,where writers would ripp off their reviews on worldwide travel destinations.

If an employee makes a comment on the working practices of his / her last employer, He / she do not invaded any property than does a protester holding a sign or shouting through a bullhorn outside corporate headquarters, posting a letter through the mail, or telephoning to complain of a corporate practice" Th is was the result of a case in the United States supreme court and Justice Kathryn Werdegar wrote for the high court’s majority.Any one can comment on the working practices of a company it comes under the Freedom of Speech, there is only one clause, that being if you signed a contract of confidentiality.

While that may be useful within the US of A we live in a country where ANTI-TERRORISM laws are used to determine if you live within the catchment area of the prefered school for your children, after being told that you can express a choice in the school for your children, where a senior member of a political party can be removed from a party conference for having the temerity to express a contrary view to the party line.

The only problem, as I see it, would be that should a false accusation be made the poster could be seen to have defamed the company and liable in the civil courts and TN, as the medium used to make the accusation, may also find itself in the firing line for retribution.