Northern and southern Irelands speed limits

without sounding like a div,what is the limit for speed on artics from above.See some go at least 70 mph loaded.Go faster sripes attached too. :confused:

without sounding like a div,what is the limit for speed on artics from above.See some go at least 70 mph loaded.Go faster sripes attached too. :confused:

you mean to say that they have speed limits for trucks over their :question: :question: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i think in ireland the same speed limits apply to trucks on their roads as to cars on german autobahn’s, i read it somewhere… :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

coat, hat

TAXI :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Cruise Control:

without sounding like a div,what is the limit for speed on artics from above.See some go at least 70 mph loaded.Go faster sripes attached too. :confused:

you mean to say that they have speed limits for trucks over their :question: :question: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i think in ireland the same speed limits apply to trucks on their roads as to cars on german autobahn’s, i read it somewhere… :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

coat, hat

TAXI :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

The limit for cars on some autobahns is an advisory 130 kmh but in Ireland that’s a compulsory minimum for all trucks and they’re advised to go faster than that where possible.

Driver told me,got sacked for taking 45 min break,GPS at truck HQ saw him stopped,and fired for it,boss man said crack on to the ferry port,rest there.Irish company.

After looking like a load of fools going to the poll,s again told to vote yes for the lisbon treaty they will have some roads in k,s and some in mph


After looking like a load of fools going to the poll,s again told to vote yes for the lisbon treaty they will have some roads in k,s and some in mph

But it does’nt matter because all their speed limiters are swithchable at 90 kmh or 90 mph + or - 5%.

marcus 22:

Vive le Difference even if that’s French.

long live difference, dont understand that one carryfast.

marcus 22:
long live difference, dont understand that one carryfast.

My French is rubbish no one can understand it including the French.The rule of the road on the A5 and the M6 last time I was using them with a wagon was just like you said.Does vive the speed differential sound better?.I’d like to have been driving one of those southern Irish wagons.

southern ireland moterway is 50 mph no overtakin on themoterway wen its only 2 lanes northern ireland is the same as uk

andy best:
southern ireland moterway is 50 mph no overtakin on themoterway wen its only 2 lanes northern ireland is the same as uk

But there was often a big difference between what the limit signs say and the speed they drive their wagons at?.According to the original post nothing much seems to have changed?.

See what ye sayin now matey, keep it lit thats the moto

I think people have a fascination with the Irish… I get more Beanos passing me than Irish… The Beanos are teh worst of the lot but yet get away with more.

The North is the same as the rest of the UK, for laws, limits and signs.
Interpretation is rumoured to be a little more relaxed than over here, but I wouldn’t rely on that

In the South, there are a few different laws and a different interpretation of them :open_mouth: :laughing: .
The signs are now all in Km’s I believe. A few may still have yet to be changed, so keep your wits about you.
Once your off motorways and out onto country lanes, be very wary of those hedges. They only look like hedges. They are actually earth and rock bankings with bushes growing through them, very solid. Some country roads were rather narrower and a little rougher than we’re used to, so drive to suit the conditions rather than trying to keep to an unrealistic timetable. There’s always another boat.
Some more major roads are single carriageway with a slightly narrow hard shoulder. It was the done thing for slower vehicles to allow easy overtaking by using the hard shoulder, when safe to do so. 80km seemed to be the limit on these roads too. I didn’t have any problems doing that from anyone, including the Gardia (Police in the South). Parking for the night in a pub car park that is big enough was welcomed, provided you were eating a dinner in there and washing it down with a beer :sunglasses: . Getting washed was also easy. There were only a very few truckstops though (Mother Hubbards is a small chain), so showering was more problematic. Breakfast and lunch were equally easy. petrol stations and supermarkets/village shops almost all sell fresh coffee and hot and cold filled rolls etc.

I haven’t been over to Ireland for at least 5 years, so I may be a bit out of date now.
Hopefully the local knowledge folk will put us right and fill in anything important I’ve missed :smiley: :sunglasses:

After looking like a load of fools going to the poll,s again told to vote yes for the lisbon treaty they will have some roads in k,s and some in mph

Sorry,ALL roads in Ireland (S) are in kph,north of the border it is ALL mph.And has been for a few years now.Some minor roads in the south still have the old “milage” though.

Thats as close a perfect summary as Ive seen Simon.Spot on.The LIMIT is 80kph.However… :smiley:

That maybe the speed limit on motorways in Southern Ireland. But once north of Dublin everyone, including trucks, just seem to go as fast as they can. And trucks overtake each other on 2 lane sections. Though you raley see any police.

Do lorries not overtake eachother on A roads in England or Scotland or Wales??

No they just sit along side each other scottishcruiser like idiots , instead of the inside truck backing off for 30 seconds, and they get the hump when you pass them, BOOGEY ON.