Northern and southern Irelands speed limits

That maybe the speed limit on motorways in Southern Ireland. But once north of Dublin everyone, including trucks, just seem to go as fast as they can. And trucks overtake each other on 2 lane sections. Though you raley see any police.

got caught on M1 north of dublin near dunleer over taking on 2 lanes by a unmarked police car give us a letcher sent us on meway then got a 90euro fine throw me door

I think people have a fascination with the Irish… I get more Beanos passing me than Irish… The Beanos are teh worst of the lot but yet get away with more.

They must be getting old and doddery.But if it’s true the yanks are here now so when they’ve got bored with doing 85 kmh and they’ve found out where the right fuse is those beanos (who are they anyway sound like Mexicans to me) and the Irish and everyone else will just have to stay in the inside lane.

andy best:

That maybe the speed limit on motorways in Southern Ireland. But once north of Dublin everyone, including trucks, just seem to go as fast as they can. And trucks overtake each other on 2 lane sections. Though you raley see any police.

got caught on M1 north of dublin near dunleer over taking on 2 lanes by a unmarked police car give us a letcher sent us on meway then got a 90euro fine throw me door

Only cause you ‘come fae the bean’ though I’m afraid Andy :slight_smile:

A case of do the crime, be ready to do the time. A risk we almost all take at some time, you were unlucky.

Eyup Lads. Me an’t missus hve been living in the emerald isle for 8 years now and both are truckers there so I’ll give you all the wisdom of our experience. The speed national limit for trucks is 80 kph but everybody seems to drive on the limiter everywhere, we always ease off to 80 if there’s a garda about but most don’t and you’d have to be unlucky to get a ticket. Motorways… A couple of years ago some TD (MP) over here obviously got ■■■■■■ off with being stuck behind a truck on a mway so a law was brought in banning HGV’s Buss’s and cars with trailers from the outside lane of all motorways (not duel carraigeways) and it’s a fine and 2 points if your caught. A stupid law really when you consider that tractors can use mways here so long as they can do over 50 kph and if they drive on the hard shoulder they can get the same penalty. Truckers mostly ignore the law and pas as normal but I’ve still got a clean licence so I tend to be aware of any cops and wait till they’ve gone. I do tend to think that they will turn a blind eye as long as your overtake is quick, just don’t sit at the side of another truck for 5 mins or your asking for trouble.

Eyup Lads. Me an’t missus hve been living in the emerald isle for 8 years now and both are truckers there so I’ll give you all the wisdom of our experience. The speed national limit for trucks is 80 kph but everybody seems to drive on the limiter everywhere, we always ease off to 80 if there’s a garda about but most don’t and you’d have to be unlucky to get a ticket. Motorways… A couple of years ago some TD (MP) over here obviously got ■■■■■■ off with being stuck behind a truck on a mway so a law was brought in banning HGV’s Buss’s and cars with trailers from the outside lane of all motorways (not duel carraigeways) and it’s a fine and 2 points if your caught. A stupid law really when you consider that tractors can use mways here so long as they can do over 50 kph and if they drive on the hard shoulder they can get the same penalty. Truckers mostly ignore the law and pas as normal but I’ve still got a clean licence so I tend to be aware of any cops and wait till they’ve gone. I do tend to think that they will turn a blind eye as long as your overtake is quick, just don’t sit at the side of another truck for 5 mins or your asking for trouble.

hope you kept your uk license the ship
they cant put points on it for non criminal offences,as of yet.
been told its coming soon for years.
they will only mark your card for dd or no insurance.
things are changing over in ireland though.
the RSA are picking the hauliers off one by one and putting them into touch.
big changes in ireland now.

I would love to see an Irish truck that does’nt think it’s an F1 car :exclamation: Just come back from a night trunk to Cairnryan the speed at which those Irish boys were going was frightening :exclamation: and I was NOT stood still, we got a head start before the boat came inn and had only 2 to contend with boy am I glad we did :exclamation: :exclamation:

in all honesty boys and girls,i have driven plenty of irish trucks in the last 10 to 15 years and every one of them were limited to 90ks or whetever they are supposed to be limited to.
i know some are not working for whatever reason.
i must be drawing the short straw.

Mad dan:
I would love to see an Irish truck that does’nt think it’s an F1 car :exclamation: Just come back from a night trunk to Cairnryan the speed at which those Irish boys were going was frightening :exclamation: and I was NOT stood still, we got a head start before the boat came inn and had only 2 to contend with boy am I glad we did :exclamation: :exclamation:

Who you drive for? Theres a lot of power churning up that A75 m8… Them boys need to get on, best bet if you see 20 or 30 lorries in a convoy is pull in and let them past, or join the flow.

80 kph is the limit for the republic of ireland wether it be on the motorway/country road

80kph is the speed limit for the south of ireland wether your on the motorway/country road


Mad dan:
I would love to see an Irish truck that does’nt think it’s an F1 car :exclamation: Just come back from a night trunk to Cairnryan the speed at which those Irish boys were going was frightening :exclamation: and I was NOT stood still, we got a head start before the boat came inn and had only 2 to contend with boy am I glad we did :exclamation: :exclamation:

Who you drive for? Theres a lot of power churning up that A75 m8… Them boys need to get on, best bet if you see 20 or 30 lorries in a convoy is pull in and let them past, or join the flow.

thats what i do, its great fun being stuck in the middle of them all sat at 56, its a bit like being on a good ride at alton towers except you have to keep your eyes open :open_mouth: :laughing:

tuck in the middle or tag on the back,when i have had no cb in thats the best way to get down the road without the worry of cops.if you find yourself slowing then you know someone has spied police. :slight_smile: