good stuff Lucy
good stuff lucy…though i must point out, im not british, never have been never will be
im a scot…or a sweaty sock as youd call me
Fair point. I’m a Yorkshirewoman, after all. We’re not “British” either.
Fair point. I’m a Yorkshirewoman, after all. We’re not “British” either.
now thats a whole different country down there lol
my local council is trying to promote being proud of the place where we live…instead of buying grit for the roads. Also by trying to get us to be proud of where we live they used singers from…Dallas, Texas LOL. they are also showing it on primetime tv all over scotland lol
Fife council is a joke
enjoy the video, though im sorry for wasting 4 mins of your life
the difference is to those of you who may be interested is i have a mortgage in spain and pay all my taxes in spain and my daughter was born in spain.
how many flipflop and sock wearers contribute to the uk or irish economy like that? most of them live in the truck and send their money back to their family without spending much in the local comunity
as far as being “allowed” to go to spain it’s not because we are all european after all there are members on here who have gone to canada or new zealand or usa i simply chose spain because i can speak spanish
the two main reasons for leaving the uk were losing my job to a double man team of poles who earned less between them than i didand my local christian school turning into and islamic school
but those of you left in the uk put up with being born christian british but being the minority in your own country
So I assume that when you were working for Nolans that you had a house and family in Ireland where you spent your earnings. I certainly didn’t when I worked for Nolans, I even paid tax in the UK. (Incidentally the most you could earn when I was there, 7 years ago, was £525 for 7 days) I work for an another Irish company now, and like my foreign co-workers pay Irish tax. Unlike many of my foreign co-workers I spend next to nothing in Ireland. Many of them do all their shopping there, have houses there, some have their family over there yet it’s them who get the grief from people like you yet I’m ok even though all my earnings leave Ireland every Friday.
There just seems to be a lot of double standards going on. Why should you be able to move to Spain yet it’s wrong for an Eastern European to move to Ireland? Many of them do have houses, family, even businesses.
very good points very well made Lucy
and now breathe
good stuff lucy…though i must point out, im not british, never have been never will beim a scot…or a sweaty sock as youd call me
no Gogzy, you are just a manky scotch git
I’m with you on that one gogzy. I’m welsh, always have been always will be. Never british
good stuff lucy…though i must point out, im not british, never have been never will beim a scot…or a sweaty sock as youd call me
no Gogzy, you are just a manky scotch git
you all have different names for me, manky scotch git, sweaty sock, etc etc
im scotch or a scot either way. im proud of that.
good stuff lucy…though i must point out, im not british, never have been never will beim a scot…or a sweaty sock as youd call me
Am a very proud Haggis Junkie…!!!
BTW my wife is a Chinese Singaporean … but is now a British Citizen…
AND I WILL TELL YOU THIS…!!! (in my best Rab C Nesbitt. voice)… if they ever decide to send all the bloody Foreigners back to where they belong then i will be at the front of the Q… putting her back on the BLOODY BOAT…
Well said Lucy.
I know I aint foreign as such,well I am a geordie,
but the amount of grief I got when I moved south for taking a job a southerner could of had was unreal,narrow minded people.
As for Poles,our other driver was a pole when I started on the Hiab’s,and you know what,he was the only one who took the time to explain things and show a novice how to get on,thank you Piotr if you read this.
I’m with you on that one gogzy. I’m welsh, always have been always will be. Never british
i’m with gogzy on this one aswell
i might sound like a daft brummie if you speak to me but I was born in glasgow and am proud of my scottish roots even tho my folks moved round the uk with my dads job before he settled in birmingham
so you can speak Spanish or you know a few words? What I know about British expats is they can hardly speak a few words, usually isolated and moaning and commenting articles on the daily mail site.
If I settled in Spain I’d look for a Spanish version of the trucker’s forum.
It is exactly the same as johnny foreigner form Eastern Europe in the UK, you are johnny foreigner from the UK in Spain.
Good luck matey, pay your taxes regulary in Spain and enjoy your life there and I know it must be hard if you’re aware the Spanish have had enough of you (although you pay taxes as Poles do in the UK)
actually simon i’m fluent so what you mean is what you THINK you know about the expats.
there is a spanish forum which i use but i didn’t realise that a member of such long standing as yourself is offended by me using this forum seeing as i’m considered a johnny foreigner, well in that case maybe i should leave the forum along with all the other johnny foreigners on here like all the lads in canada? maybe you’ll all be better off with a forum without any of us being able to help out on european issues you can just rely on each other and the johnny foreigners who now live in the UK.
and since when have the spanish had enough of me? we’re not all english football hooligans or war mongering labour politicians you know some brits are welcomed into the community but then you’d know that wouldn’t you?
Hey,WBIS-don’t rise to it,mate.There will always be free movement of labour.You’ve done the best move for you and your family.You wouldn’t get a job in Spain if you didn’t speak the lingo(and not just cerveza and gracias either).What about Vas? he’s a manager or is that not allowed??.I for one appreciate your input and knowledge.BTW where is Vas?
I’m with you on that one gogzy. I’m welsh, always have been always will be. Never british
Same here. Can’t expect much better from WelshboyinSpain. He’s afterall a Cardiff FC fan!
I think the only country in Britain without any representation of it own is England!!!
how many flipflop and sock wearers contribute to the uk or irish economy like that?
Is there any way of earning money in some country and not paying taxes there? Can you let me know how to do it? I would tell my parents to earn money in Poland and pay taxes in UK, as here taxes are lower
most of them live in the truck and send their money back to their family without spending much in the local comunity
Any source for that information?
out of the four nations the only one that doesnt have its own goverment/assembly is england so in a way mike your right, and when gordon brown and his cronies get kicked off the hot seat we dont want the fifer back up ere (no offence to fifers mind)
good stuff lucy…though i must point out, im not british
I am not British either, but I really liked her opinion. And tofer’s! I could undersign it with both my hands!