What I really deeply resent is the amount of generalisation that goes on without any real reference to the facts. I mean, what is “British” anyway? We’re a hybrid nation, always have been. Most of those who get irate about “foreigners” come from Viking, Norman or Breton stock. Or perhaps Roman or Saxon. I also resent people telling me how the foreigners are doing “us” out of a job. An awful lot of the work done by the Eastern Europeans used to be done by other people who were sneered down upon in times past.
Take the harvesting/agricultural labouring work. It used to be done by Travellers. I know, I was one of them, and the old Agricultural Minimum Wage back then was just £2.65 an hour - not many people know we had one of those YEARS before there was a general Minimum Wage. Anyhow, the working Travellers got run off the road, and someone had to fill the gap. It was never the trendy youngsters out there in the first place. Years before that it was how the Working Class in the cities paid for a few weeks holiday in the country, but now they’d all rather go to the Costa Del Easyjet, so they wouldn’t be doing it now either. Can you seriously imagine the I-pod generation picking Daffs in horizontal rain in the middle of Winter for 5p a bunch? No, neither can I. But someone has to. It’s just that most people think they’re above all that now. It’s just greed.
As for the low-rate driving jobs, they’ve always been there, and once upon a time provided a foot in the door for newbies with shiny new licences. I worked for every cowboy in the West while I was “serving” out my two years, but you’ve only got to read what’s being posted in the Newbies Forum on here to know that today’s new passes won’t do that, they insist on the same rates as drivers with experience from day one, or go on agency and complain when they are bottom of the list or asked to work messy hours. So again, someone’s got to do it. Someone always did. So the Poles etc. fill the gap because others won’t. It’s just greed.
Then there’s all your factory and warehousing jobs, and all those waiters and kitchen porters etc. Once upon a time that was where those kids who didn’t want to stay in school started out, or how students supplemented their grants to get through college. Now kids just sit on the Dole sneering down at those who work in menial jobs like that, spending their benefits on WKD and mobile phones, whilst poncing off Mum and Dad, or good hearted people like me and Rik who try and give them a chance. Students run up bloody great debts doing pointless degrees a lot of the time, just to avoid having to contribute. In the meantime, the work still needs doing, and there’s no-one else prepared to do it. It’s just greed.
Sure, there are exceptions to the above, of course there are, but ultimately the only point I agree with when people talk about foreign workers is that they are a symptom of what is wrong with society today. And what is wrong with society today is that everyone wants something for nothing, everyone wants ever more consumer crap, and very few young people have any idea what really MATTERS in life any more. Self-respect and pride have gone straight out the window, and a misplaced sense of entitlement had crept in instead. We seriously need to get our own house in order before we blame those who haven’t yet screwed up their values for being the cause of all our ills.
scuttles off to hide in her nuclear bunker whilst the backlash from this gets unleashed…