No Wonder This Country Is


I’ve just arrived at an RDC at approx 37 mins before my time. The guy has told me to come back in 7 mins because he can’t book me in until 30 mins before my booked time!


I’m going to stack supermarket shelves I think.

Put your hi vis safety gloves and hard hat on before you start bashing your head against the wall…H&S will have a right go at you otherwise.

Sometimes you wonder if its worth going on.

Don’t suppose he quietly let you know if they have nice little canteen so you could grab a plate of egg and bacon before booking you? nah thought not.

Had just the same thing Sunday night, funny how long it can take to walk back to the truck, kicking a few tyres on the way.
Was sent away from a place @ 10:20 cus booking was 10:30!!!

I have no problem abiding to a company with a rule like this - but only if they tip me on my booking time exactly. If they want us to play along they should do their part too.

The beauty of it is that my notes have 10:48 on them as my arrival time! And no, no drivers facilities.

F-ing useless!

trouble is security havnt been given
the option of thinking outside the box

Indeed, go stacking shelves, because I doubt you’ll ever encounter any silly rules there now would you… :wink:

Indeed, go stacking shelves, because I doubt you’ll ever encounter any silly rules there now would you… :wink:

Thank you.

You’re welcome, glad to be of service

Sign of the times - You employ minimum wage operatives to do some fairly simple administrative functions at the gate. You soon find that some of them have a too liberal interpretation of your rules which some drivers will take advantage of. The cure is to make it impossible for them to book drivers in outside of whatever arbitrary rule you set.

It is the same mind set that says a driver must not change a faulty bulb, but call a fitter; a clerk in an office cannot correct the wrong details that someone put on your account, or you have to wear a hard hat while working in an empty field.

I had this a while ago at an RDC … can’t remember which … similar, I was about 12mins early … Security guy was very apologetic … would have been happy to book me in & let me park up … BUT … if he booked me in on the computer BEFORE the 30min window … it “flagged up” on the goods in system and HE would get in trouble :unamused: :unamused:
As there was space just inside the gate … he allowed me to pull in, make a brew ( used his kettle :smiley: ) and then book-in at proper time

Am buy no means sticking up for the gate guy but bigger picture what if every one turned up early it would be may hem the easiest way to solve this is to have a delivery time with a 30 min window either side 30 mins early or 30 mins is fine any thing else foxtrot oscar
As for staking shelves I’m sure if you turned up 37 mins eRly for work they wouldn’t pay you

We had a driver turn up for a subbed out load going abroad, not unusual you may say and yes that is true, but the problem is he turned up a day early, ‘security’ and I use that term loosely, then our transport department sent him to be loaded.

The problem was, half the stock was still on trailers waiting for our goods in to tip them, and the order had not even been printed off to be picked yet.

I swear if some people had brains they would be dangerous.

One of drivers turned up at b&q radlett two weeks ago and was 40 mins early, 2 days later customer passed on the £1000 early delivery penalty delivery charge to my boss.

One of drivers turned up at b&q radlett two weeks ago and was 40 mins early, 2 days later customer passed on the £1000 early delivery penalty delivery charge to my boss.

Why do hauliers agree to such ridiculous terms?

I’m going to stack supermarket shelves I think.

Why is stacking supermarket shelves always the alternative occupation of choice for TruckNet members?


One of drivers turned up at b&q radlett two weeks ago and was 40 mins early, 2 days later customer passed on the £1000 early delivery penalty delivery charge to my boss.

Why do hauliers agree to such ridiculous terms?

Because they all bend over and get shafted to get the work,my boss prices a job and gets it through honest and reliable work and doesn’t touch anything with silly clauses in it regarding times.


I’m going to stack supermarket shelves I think.

Why is stacking supermarket shelves always the alternative occupation of choice for TruckNet members?

And why do so few actually go and do it?

Maybe because £9 an hour at Aldi looks good until you realise it’s only 20 hours…

One of drivers turned up at b&q radlett two weeks ago and was 40 mins early, 2 days later customer passed on the £1000 early delivery penalty delivery charge to my boss.

And I assume if they keep your trucks waiting an excessive amount of time, your boss returns the favour?

Thought not.

Willing to be shot down but i prefer this system. It is communicated when you book in and on the drivers paperwork so he knows.

I went to a Brakes depot 3 weeks ago for a 8.30 am booking. Only to be sixth in the line waiting for a bay of which all 5 were full being tipped. This was at 8.20am so I am basically bang on time after been into goods in. Told to wait in line approach in turn as bay becomes available. Think to myself why would you book 10 trucks in when you have 5 bays, but not out of possibility as we know customer cares little about the haulage company. 2 hours 40 mins later i get on a bay and into the waiting room. Driver is having a right moan as it has taken 2 hours to tip 4 pallets, gets talking to him and shares my woes about being booked at 8 not to get on a bay til 11. At which point he declares his booking is 12.30. Brakes books loads then operates a first come first tipped policy.

So my boss gets a 5 hour tip because other drivers come in early to make their day easier. Booking times should be there to allow a transport manager to plan best he can. Otherwise it will be abused by drivers paid by load or day, apparently there are idiots about who still fall for that, which i find amazing on rdc work when the efficency of tipping is known by all.

Yes the 30 minute thing is a pain, but how hard is it to pull over on nearest services and time it right, most rdc’s are just off the motorway. It is\ better than no system at all.