No Wonder This Country Is

Booking times = complete load of bollox. We all know through bitter experience that the given times bear little or no relation whatsoever as to what happens once you get inside the gate.

Imo it should work on a first come first served basis. Works well enough at my local boozer and chippy!

the maoster:
Imo it should work on a first come first served basis. Works well enough at my local boozer and chippy!

Do they get 300 wagons a day as well ?
All at 19.00.
(That must be a BIG Chip Shop.)

I went to aldi at Chelmsford the other week, got there st 0722 for a 0700 booking. Guy said ‘you’re too late, come back at 11, you only get 30 minutes each side’. I queried how I could be too late then at 0722. Got told it was too close yo the cutoff time! Took s photo of the click to send to boss to let them know, then funnily got told to go straight in bay as they were desperate for the load! So why the need for the whole conversation in the first place?

And if you know Chelmsford aldi, I bet you know who I mean!

Happens at ASDA Washington all the time. I’ve turned up very early, early, on time, late & very late, you get the same every go. Ive checked your time and you’re …, join the queue! You are last whatever time you show up making the whole timing thing pointless.

grow some back bone and just drive away no one elses fault why the industry is ■■■■■■, i myself have jibbed yet another full time job today because after finding many faults on wagon which got fixed yesterday, yet again another curtain pole not working then got covered in grease so just give keys back i will have something else tomorrow as dont stand for nonsense we need more like this what a shame

I went to aldi at Chelmsford the other week, got there st 0722 for a 0700 booking. Guy said ‘you’re too late, come back at 11, you only get 30 minutes each side’. I queried how I could be too late then at 0722. Got told it was too close yo the cutoff time! Took s photo of the click to send to boss to let them know, then funnily got told to go straight in bay as they were desperate for the load! So why the need for the whole conversation in the first place?

And if you know Chelmsford aldi, I bet you know who I mean!

Ye i know the guy mate he can,t write his name, just does some strange scribble.

If drivers can’t conform to agreed delivery times, then the security guard or yard operative should have the legal right to defecate on said drivers DQC, in the same way that the DVSA will do at a later stage. Find a nice cake shop (or chippie) and park up till your allotted time :grimacing:

Try booking into an hotel or airport before the official booking time and see how far you get… :open_mouth:


I’ve just arrived at an RDC at approx 37 mins before my time. The guy has told me to come back in 7 mins because he can’t book me in until 30 mins before my booked time!


I’m going to stack supermarket shelves I think.

Today i went to Waitrose at Snellshall Milton Keynes, i got to the gatehouse at 14.35 (after a 1.5hr kip out in the road :smiley: ) security did their stuff, then radio’d thru to the goods in office
security:‘Driver here with 10 pallets of water, booking time 3 o’clock’
goods in bloke:’ Tell him to come back at 3 o’clock’
Unbelievable! :imp:

If drivers can’t conform to agreed delivery times, then the security guard or yard operative should have the legal right to defecate on said drivers DQC, in the same way that the DVSA will do at a later stage. Find a nice cake shop (or chippie) and park up till your allotted time :grimacing:

Try booking into an hotel or airport before the official booking time and see how far you get… :open_mouth:

I don’t think drivers would mind turning up at their agreed delivery times if they actually meant something. Imagine turning up at at hotel to check in at 2pm only to be told your room isn’t ready till 8pm. Is it any wonder drivers turn up early in the vain hope they might gain some time from the RDC Time Thieves? I do myself. If a booking meant being tipped promptly at that time I wouldn’t turn up early.

I went to aldi at Chelmsford the other week, got there st 0722 for a 0700 booking. Guy said ‘you’re too late, come back at 11, you only get 30 minutes each side’. I queried how I could be too late then at 0722. Got told it was too close yo the cutoff time! Took s photo of the click to send to boss to let them know, then funnily got told to go straight in bay as they were desperate for the load! So why the need for the whole conversation in the first place?

And if you know Chelmsford aldi, I bet you know who I mean!

I go into Aldi Neston sometimes and theres no gatehouse there! I’m in, on a bay and unloading before they even know i’m there (chill side)! Was in and out of there with 10 pallets in 15 minutes last week. No exaggeration.

We could solve all the problems at RDCs if:-

(1) All drivers (supply) going in there get the right to stay in their cabs on POA as long as it takes
(2) All drivers bent sent there are not already 13 hours into a shift - less than 3 would be nice.
(3) All drivers get treated politely by office clerks on arrival, and assigned to reasonable holding areas if it’s not possible to act upon their load straight away.

Yes. Ok. I realise that last one is a long shot.

Yes. Ok. I realise that last one is a long shot.

All 3 are:lol: