No win situation

I’ve never had immigrants in my trailer, i check it regular. but on thursday they found 3 iraqis in my trailer in newhaven.
UKBA said i’d done everything i should, the TIR cord was on, and the trailer was locked.
a UKBA officer said, "you might as well get it fastened up, then you can get on your way.
But then a police inspector was there, he said “NO, THIS IS A CRIME SCENE”.
i was arrested on the grounds that, because the trailer was so secure, that i must have put them in there.
i havn’t been charged, but i’ve been bailed to 1,12,2011.
it’s not right.

I’ve never had immigrants in my trailer, i check it regular. but on thursday they found 3 iraqis in my trailer in newhaven.
UKBA said i’d done everything i should, the TIR cord was on, and the trailer was locked.
a UKBA officer said, "you might as well get it fastened up, then you can get on your way.
But then a police inspector was there, he said “NO, THIS IS A CRIME SCENE”.
i was arrested on the grounds that, because the trailer was so secure, that i must have put them in there.
i havn’t been charged, but i’ve been bailed to 1,12,2011.
it’s not right.


ever think about a change of career?

with all the times you get arrested for various stuff, you are either the unluckiest driver on the planet, or you would make a fantastic fiction writer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ever think about a change of career?

with all the times you get arrested for various stuff, you are either the unluckiest driver on the planet, or you would make a fantastic fiction writer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but yes, i am thinking about a change of carrier, it’s always the drivers fault, no matter what.

So, how did the ■■■■■ get in■■?

So, how did the [zb] get in■■?

there might have been a bit of slack in the cord.
or maybe they chucked a strap over the trailer to pull one side down a little.
they work in groups, and they’ve been having years of practice.

Whats that I smell !!! Oh yeah BULLCRAP !!!

I’ve never had immigrants in my trailer, i check it regular. but on thursday they found 3 iraqis in my trailer in newhaven.
UKBA said i’d done everything i should, the TIR cord was on, and the trailer was locked.
a UKBA officer said, "you might as well get it fastened up, then you can get on your way.
But then a police inspector was there, he said “NO, THIS IS A CRIME SCENE”.
i was arrested on the grounds that, because the trailer was so secure, that i must have put them in there.
i havn’t been charged, but i’ve been bailed to 1,12,2011.
it’s not right.

aahh,there is the punchline… the last 3 words . :sunglasses:

Whats that I smell !!! Oh yeah BULLCRAP !!!

ok. i’ll scan my bail form. :unamused:

Check the cord very throughly you will probably find it has been cut then joined back together usually by using a small piece of thin welding rod and araldite it can be hard to spot and will pass the drivers quick “tug test” i have seen this before


ever think about a change of career?

with all the times you get arrested for various stuff, you are either the unluckiest driver on the planet, or you would make a fantastic fiction writer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but yes, i am thinking about a change of carrier, it’s always the drivers fault, no matter what.

I’ve seen it on tv before where the cord has been cut and then glued and pinned back together again. The driver has gone around to check it and found no cut. On closer inspection you can just about see the join. I’ve also seen it on tv where the doors have been padlocked but the padlock has been cut and glued back together again. On inspection of the padlock all looks fine. When you open it the whole lock falls apart.

Do the people who keep arresting you know your name before they ask you yet?


ever think about a change of career?

with all the times you get arrested for various stuff, you are either the unluckiest driver on the planet, or you would make a fantastic fiction writer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but yes, i am thinking about a change of carrier, it’s always the drivers fault, no matter what.

reading that and seeing who you drive for perhaps its not a spelling mistake . :slight_smile:


So, how did the [zb] get in■■?

there might have been a bit of slack in the cord.
or maybe they chucked a strap over the trailer to pull one side down a little.
they work in groups, and they’ve been having years of practice.

How did three ilegal imigrants get years of experience in getting into the back of a truck in order to enter the UK ? … were they that bad at it they kept getting caught and sent back to try again ?
Have they spent years entering and re-entering over and over again ?
I find it puzzling that you would say that.

They were probably helped in by an organised trafficking-type. They’re the ones with the experience.

That’s not even the worst bit, each immigrant had 10,000 ■■■■ each :grimacing:

That’s not even the worst bit, each immigrant had 10,000 ■■■■ each :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They were probably helped in by an organised trafficking-type. They’re the ones with the experience.

thanks Lucy, that’s what i was meaning about experience. at least someone can think without me having to spell it out.

Are you on 1st name terms with the desk Sargeant?

Are you on 1st name terms with the desk Sargeant?

no. i was arrested it newhaven, and interviewed in brighton, the last arrest was in dover, and interviewed in dover. it was not the same sergeant.
and the point of this post is to show all of the continental drivers, that we are all liable to arrest, even though we may do the job in accordance with government guidelines.
so we are [zb]ed from both sides.
thanks for your support.


So, how did the [zb] get in■■?

there might have been a bit of slack in the cord.
or maybe they chucked a strap over the trailer to pull one side down a little.
they work in groups, and they’ve been having years of practise.

that be a quite well known trait that, if they want in then they will find a way, dunno about your story about being nicked by the old flat foot when it isn’t really owt to do with them, crime scene,lol
But on a serious note they UKBA are well aware of the fact that some loads are impossible to be checked by the driver (loaded up to roof or would cause damage to load by driver climbing onto it) and not to mention the risk to the driver climbing up the side of a trailer & load to see on the top of it without proper equipment such as adequate lighting and a ladder & suitable place in for the driver to carry out such security checks of a trailer that hasn’t been sealed at collection point, but they will still insist on penalising the driver and company financially for any illegal clandestine found on board the vehicle, regardless of all the checks being documented by said driver , now that does stink, they even make reference to this on the documentary progs on tv, but still no changes in law are made why?