No win situation

Pat Hasler:
…were they that bad at it they kept getting caught and sent back to try again ?.

Believe it or not, the answer to that is probably YES.

Pat Hasler:
…Have they spent years entering and re-entering over and over again ?.

And believe it or not but…YES again.

Don’t know what the going rate is now for the handouts they receive as an inducement to return to their “claimed” country of origin but it used to be quite a few grand! So, they get caught, play the system, take the “bribe to go home” and the when reaching home, the whole sorry circle begins all over again!! :unamused:


Pat Hasler:
…were they that bad at it they kept getting caught and sent back to try again ?.

Believe it or not, the answer to that is probably YES.

Pat Hasler:
…Have they spent years entering and re-entering over and over again ?.

And believe it or not but…YES again.

Don’t know what the going rate is now for the handouts they receive as an inducement to return to their “claimed” country of origin but it used to be quite a few grand! So, they get caught, play the system, take the “bribe to go home” and the when reaching home, the whole sorry circle begins all over again!! :unamused:

Correcto mundo I’m afraid to say ,

Until this ■■■■■ footing lame excuse for a government finally get a grip with the reality of it and go tell Brussels where to stick their bill of human rights ect, it’s easily stopped though , change the rules for gods sake,

They only make a bee line for the uk because they know they will get handouts, money for clothing ,food,accommodation furniture ect ect and don’t forget access to free health care , they are entitled to more than someone who was born and bread in the uk and who has unlike them actually paid into this system remove those rights to this and you will remove the majority of fake asylum seekers from our shores,

but also changes need to made into the id loophole they are currently exploiting , where in if they don’t have any id with them, used ( to prevent the ukba knowing country of origin) many of them will destroy their id en route to the uk
as currently the rules are that without a passport or visa or other recognised proof of id/ nationality they are unable to to repatriate them or lock them up this is a sham, especially when you bring the drivers fines of upto £2000 per person into the equation, how are the government getting away with this bs??/


They were probably helped in by an organised trafficking-type. They’re the ones with the experience.

thanks Lucy, that’s what i was meaning about experience. at least someone can think without me having to spell it out.


tommy t:


Pat Hasler:
…were they that bad at it they kept getting caught and sent back to try again ?.

Believe it or not, the answer to that is probably YES.

Pat Hasler:
…Have they spent years entering and re-entering over and over again ?.

And believe it or not but…YES again.

Don’t know what the going rate is now for the handouts they receive as an inducement to return to their “claimed” country of origin but it used to be quite a few grand! So, they get caught, play the system, take the “bribe to go home” and the when reaching home, the whole sorry circle begins all over again!! :unamused:

Correcto mundo I’m afraid to say ,

Until this ■■■■■ footing lame excuse for a government finally get a grip with the reality of it and go tell Brussels where to stick their bill of human rights ect, it’s easily stopped though , change the rules for gods sake,

They only make a bee line for the uk because they know they will get handouts, money for clothing ,food,accommodation furniture ect ect and don’t forget access to free health care , they are entitled to more than someone who was born and bread in the uk and who has unlike them actually paid into this system remove those rights to this and you will remove the majority of fake asylum seekers from our shores,

but also changes need to made into the id loophole they are currently exploiting , where in if they don’t have any id with them, used ( to prevent the ukba knowing country of origin) many of them will destroy their id en route to the uk
as currently the rules are that without a passport or visa or other recognised proof of id/ nationality they are unable to to repatriate them or lock them up this is a sham, especially when you bring the drivers fines of upto £2000 per person into the equation, how are the government getting away with this bs??/

Do what the Aussies do to Illegals, throw them out for the account of the airline etc etc whether they have an ID document or not