No chalk or cones! But £1000 fines now



Wheel Nut:


Suffolk ReeferBoy:
Oh my God Ady , you dont know what you playing with Dude :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just leave it Dude it aint worth the hassle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Cue three laughs and a wink :sunglasses:

zb it,if they want to come the billy big ■■■■■■■■ [zb] theyll get it back,im no shrinking violet like poor old rog,if they want a tear up,lets zb go for it :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

You really are as daft as you look, what has Roger got to do with this thread or any other, How have I stopped Rog posting. If you really need to know Rog and I are in fairly regular contact by private email or through the TNUK internal server about various things.

My initial comments to bigvern were similar to

NTSA :stuck_out_tongue:

There are some fairly stupid posts on here, some are designed to be laughed at, some are written with a wind up in mind, some are serious or sensible questions.

But it is only a forum after all. I am a member of a dozen, although none so childish as this one. but it amazes me how serious some take it. :unamused:

I spend most of my time on here because I am a crippled ■■■■■■■ who is too lazy to leave the house and lives on benefits. I like you lads going to work so I can still get my giro to buy ■■■■ and ■■■■■ magazines.

It gives me a cover for my drug dealing and diesel sales :stuck_out_tongue:

dont lie wheelnut,you know well theres a clique on here,since ive been on here its been rob this,malc that coffee zb that,dont deny it,its fact and its been going on fr years,you lot love to try and bully folks off of here ,to say any thing else are blatant lies,its just unlucky for you some of us like nothing better than kicking bullys asses,verns only saying whats been said on here for years by various posters,but because hes not a member of the funny hand shake brigade hes not allowed too,zb it,if its all right for the clique to have there sniddy little digs every 5 mins ,then it should be alright for the rest

“If you put three Englishmen together, two of them will conspire to form a club to exclude the other”

Who frikken cares if there is a clique? It’s only a website…


Alex, I nominate you for the award for Most Sensible Comment Of The Day! :sunglasses:

The Sarge:
FFS Ady! What is the matter with you?
How are people bullied from here? If you don’t like what someone says about (or to) you on a forum - then leave. That’s not being bullied, it’s making a choice. Some smart-■■■ made a comment about me on Truckersworld that I didn’t like, so I posted that I wasn’t happy (but not particularly vexed) and was offski. Then I stopped posting on there - simples.
I’m always wary of people who are too eager to take up the cudgels on another’s behalf - it usually (in my experience) means they have problems of their own :wink:

so you do exactly want they want,you RUN AWAY,ive never ran away from a fight and never will,where i was brought up there was a saying IF YOU DONT LIKE IT,HIT IT,i just wish i could hit these sniddy back stabbing ■■■■■,if you want to run from a fight,do it,i never have,never will

so you do exactly want they want,you RUN AWAY,ive never ran away from a fight and never will,where i was brought up there was a saying IF YOU DONT LIKE IT,HIT IT,i just wish i could hit these sniddy back stabbing [zb],if you want to run from a fight,do it,i never have,never will

Alex, you just lost your nomination - sorry :frowning: Mr Monk has pipped you to the post :laughing:
Ady, ■■■■ off mate - you know nothing about me, or the other people that you want to fight :unamused:


Come on peeps, its only a forum. Getting nasty now :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

where were you when these [zb] were picking on rog/carryfast etc,nowhere,its all good fun when there ripping the [zb] out of some poor forum member,driving them off here,but soon as they get it back its lets hoist the white flags up :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Sorry Ady, but what has that got to do with me!! All i meant was chill out, not just you mate!! Come on guys, enough is enough, were never all gonna agree but this is getting a bit silly now :imp: :imp:


The Sarge:
FFS Ady! What is the matter with you?
How are people bullied from here? If you don’t like what someone says about (or to) you on a forum - then leave. That’s not being bullied, it’s making a choice. Some smart-■■■ made a comment about me on Truckersworld that I didn’t like, so I posted that I wasn’t happy (but not particularly vexed) and was offski. Then I stopped posting on there - simples.
I’m always wary of people who are too eager to take up the cudgels on another’s behalf - it usually (in my experience) means they have problems of their own :wink:

so you do exactly want they want,you RUN AWAY,ive never ran away from a fight and never will,where i was brought up there was a saying IF YOU DONT LIKE IT,HIT IT,i just wish i could hit these sniddy back stabbing [zb],if you want to run from a fight,do it,i never have,never will

Ady, I’m not reading anymore of this nonsense. Take this as a yellow card and grow up.