No chalk or cones! But £1000 fines now

Retracted…I knew it was bs, just trying to clarify . :blush:


A price increase of £250 for the ■■■■■■, the police must be feeling the pinch as well, since the ■■■■■■ tale was posted by TruckNet’s most gullible, “I Believe Absolutely Any Crap I’m Told Member” back in January. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


trucknets most guilble,really,well up to now my guilabily has cost me nothing,wheras your guilbility costs you every time you buy a pair of WORK BOOTS, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ,HA,HA,YOUR COMPANY MUST ZB LOVE YOU, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ,PAY TO GO TO WORK,WHATEVER NEXT :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You really are a blithering idiot. Where have I ever said I pay for my own work gear? Learn to read would be my suggestion to you.

A price increase of £250 for the ■■■■■■, the police must be feeling the pinch as well, since the ■■■■■■ tale was posted by TruckNet’s most gullible, “I Believe Absolutely Any Crap I’m Told Member” back in January. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


I knew who it was before I clicked the link, but thought I’d check it in case there were 2 of them knocking about! :laughing:


Wheel Nut:

As I said…It’s all lies. Someone, somewhere has nowt to say. Hears a bull ■■■■■■ story and adapts it as their own. Ignore… As you were. :wink:

Why do you participate on this forum?

Wont yer mam let you play outside?

Being as she’s been dead 25 years I doubt it.

Another one ? Sigh. I don’t like bullies. Simple. Someone’s opinion is taken as gospel. Those that disagree are shot down in flames. The clique is in full swing I see.

I think the fact that RobK had used three smilies before he had got to the point of the post, shows it was bull and lies, he wasn’t posting it as fact, and as for clique, your so wrong, me and Rob have been spatting on here since 2004 but we can still hold a discussion, rather than just call every poster a knob

britvic ,lutterworth has something about not entering unless you have 2hrs [driving/wtd left] on security place when you enter,im sure that was the place i saw it,if it wasnt there it was definately on a security gatehouse somewhere.

last time i did britvic at magna park(agency for stobarts)there was a notice up that you must have a minimum 2 hrs time left before entering the site.

We should make up our own word of mouth story, im in tesco livi and sainburys EK all the time these are 2 great breeding grounds for these types of stories.

We can sit back and watch it spread round the uk see how long it takes to work its way back onto this board with someone most likely Ady making a thread about it asking if its true :laughing:

Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:

As I said…It’s all lies. Someone, somewhere has nowt to say. Hears a bull ■■■■■■ story and adapts it as their own. Ignore… As you were. :wink:

Why do you participate on this forum?

Wont yer mam let you play outside?

Being as she’s been dead 25 years I doubt it

Another one ? Sigh. I don’t like bullies. Simple. Someone’s opinion is taken as gospel. Those that disagree are shot down in flames. The clique is in full swing I see.

I think the fact that RobK had used three smilies before he had got to the point of the post, shows it was bull and lies, he wasn’t posting it as fact, and as for clique, your so wrong, me and Rob have been spatting on here since 2004 but we can still hold a discussion, rather than just call every poster a knob

From memory…Only called someone a knob( ■■■■ actually) once. To be continued…

We should make up our own word of mouth story, im in tesco livi and sainburys EK all the time these are 2 great breeding grounds for these types of stories.

We can sit back and watch it spread round the uk see how long it takes to work its way back onto this board with someone most likely Ady making a thread about it asking if its true :laughing:

I started one many years ago, it’s pretty well known on here what is was and it has been in Truck & Driver when they ran a series exposing drivers myths, authored by another member on here who asked me if she could debunk it in the article.

My proudest moment was when, a few years after starting it, it was repeated back to me as gospel by another driver I met on a ferry crossing. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

All we need now is for Raymundo to come on here & say that the French fishermen have surrounded his ship with their nets cos he didn’t support their latest protest :smiley:


A price increase of £250 for the ■■■■■■, the police must be feeling the pinch as well, since the ■■■■■■ tale was posted by TruckNet’s most gullible, “I Believe Absolutely Any Crap I’m Told Member” back in January. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


I knew who it was before I clicked the link, but thought I’d check it in case there were 2 of them knocking about! :laughing:

zb off you FAT ■■■■■■■ :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


britvic ,lutterworth has something about not entering unless you have 2hrs [driving/wtd left] on security place when you enter,im sure that was the place i saw it,if it wasnt there it was definately on a security gatehouse somewhere.

last time i did britvic at magna park(agency for stobarts)there was a notice up that you must have a minimum 2 hrs time left before entering the site.

thanks,i thought it was there,but not 100% sure

Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:

As I said…It’s all lies. Someone, somewhere has nowt to say. Hears a bull ■■■■■■ story and adapts it as their own. Ignore… As you were. :wink:

Why do you participate on this forum?

Wont yer mam let you play outside?

Being as she’s been dead 25 years I doubt it.

Another one ? Sigh. I don’t like bullies. Simple. Someone’s opinion is taken as gospel. Those that disagree are shot down in flames. The clique is in full swing I see.

I think the fact that RobK had used three smilies before he had got to the point of the post, shows it was bull and lies, he wasn’t posting it as fact, and as for clique, your so wrong, me and Rob have been spatting on here since 2004 but we can still hold a discussion, rather than just call every poster a knob

get on with yourself,its always been rob this,malc that,coffee ■■■■ this,rob that,malc this etc,etc,verns dead right,there is defo a clique on her,your always trying to gang up and bully people,ROG for one,but some of us dont take bullying kindly,and you certainly dont like it when you get some ■■■■ back,soon start roaring your eyes out :unamused: :unamused:

Oh my God Ady , you dont know what you playing with Dude :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just leave it Dude it aint worth the hassle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Cue three laughs and a wink :sunglasses:

Suffolk ReeferBoy:
Oh my God Ady , you dont know what you playing with Dude :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just leave it Dude it aint worth the hassle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Cue three laughs and a wink :sunglasses:

zb it,if they want to come the billy big ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ theyll get it back,im no shrinking violet like poor old rog,if they want a tear up,lets zb go for it :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Suffolk ReeferBoy:
Oh my God Ady , you dont know what you playing with Dude :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just leave it Dude it aint worth the hassle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Cue three laughs and a wink :sunglasses:

wait till ive had a few CIDERS,then youll see the fireworks go off :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Well I went to a Lidl the other day. I refused to tip myself saying its against my human rights. Thing is it took them so long to tip me I ran out of hours on the bay, two police cars and a VOSA officer later they shut the whole RDC down for 11 hours so as not to disturb me illegally on my rest.

Haha, seriously?

This forum makes me laugh a lot :smiley: :smiley: Keep it up guys


Suffolk ReeferBoy:
Oh my God Ady , you dont know what you playing with Dude :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just leave it Dude it aint worth the hassle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Cue three laughs and a wink :sunglasses:

zb it,if they want to come the billy big ■■■■■■■■ [zb] theyll get it back,im no shrinking violet like poor old rog,if they want a tear up,lets zb go for it :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

You really are as daft as you look, what has Roger got to do with this thread or any other, How have I stopped Rog posting. If you really need to know Rog and I are in fairly regular contact by private email or through the TNUK internal server about various things.

My initial comments to bigvern were similar to

NTSA :stuck_out_tongue:

There are some fairly stupid posts on here, some are designed to be laughed at, some are written with a wind up in mind, some are serious or sensible questions.

But it is only a forum after all. I am a member of a dozen, although none so childish as this one. but it amazes me how serious some take it. :unamused:

I spend most of my time on here because I am a crippled ■■■■■■■ who is too lazy to leave the house and lives on benefits. I like you lads going to work so I can still get my giro to buy ■■■■ and ■■■■■ magazines.

It gives me a cover for my drug dealing and diesel sales :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t keep winding him up lads, he’ll only nick your diesel if you do :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:

As I said…It’s all lies. Someone, somewhere has nowt to say. Hears a bull ■■■■■■ story and adapts it as their own. Ignore… As you were. :wink:

Why do you participate on this forum?

Wont yer mam let you play outside?

Being as she’s been dead 25 years I doubt it.

Another one ? Sigh. I don’t like bullies. Simple. Someone’s opinion is taken as gospel. Those that disagree are shot down in flames. The clique is in full swing I see.

I think the fact that RobK had used three smilies before he had got to the point of the post, shows it was bull and lies, he wasn’t posting it as fact, and as for clique, your so wrong, me and Rob have been spatting on here since 2004 but we can still hold a discussion, rather than just call every poster a knob

get on with yourself,its always been rob this,malc that,coffee [zb] this,rob that,malc this etc,etc,verns dead right,there is defo a clique on her,your always trying to gang up and bully people,ROG for one,but some of us dont take bullying kindly,and you certainly dont like it when you get some [zb] back,soon start roaring your eyes out :unamused: :unamused:

Ady…Good name by the way. I don’t get bullied now or ever before joining this forum. I know who the [zb]'s are. I have a job to do and do it well. I will talk about transport related topics all day long. But when so called know-alls try and make their point at some one’s expense. And bully boy tactics. I’ll give 100% back and then some. I don’t go crying to mods when I’m called a fat whatever. That’s life. I’m fat some people are bell-ends. Most of this forum know who they are.

So let the little self appointed number1 arris holes have their fun. See who gives in first. :unamused: