Newbie has some questions that would like to be answered

Hey All

I just a couple of questions to ask. I would like to know what actually takes place in the medical as I have never had one before. Also I’m a big guy and would like to know from you guys (and girls) the professionals :smiley: what would you say the ideal weight should be to drive a LGV as it asks for this on the medical form. I have spoken to DVLA but the person did not why it was on there but basically they said it is down to the medical to declare you fit enough.

Thanks for the answers in advance

. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Welcome Keep On Trucking :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .
All the LGV TRAINING TIPS, including the Recommended LGV training schools that have been recommended by members, can be accessed by clicking on the link in my signature :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
The link includes THE INITIAL DRIVER CPC which started on 10 Sept 2009.

Keep On Trucking:
I would like to know what actually takes place in the medical

Eyesight, blood pressure, weight, BMI, generally a good health check.

Keep On Trucking:
what would you say the ideal weight should be to drive a LGV as it asks for this on the medical form

There is not one - a lot would depend on the individual

Keep On Trucking:
I’m a big guy

I trained one guy who was so large that seatbelt extensions were needed so I don’t think you need worry. :smiley: :smiley:
One more thing - don’t pay more than £49 for a medical - click link in my signature for all that info

THE DRIVER SHORTAGE IS AN ADVERTISING MYTH - Generally more drivers than jobs in the UK
However, many newbies on this site have recently secured permanent full time employment :smiley:

PS - have sent you a PM (Private Message - top of this page)

Forum with some useful stuff and Forum for questions on drivers hours

You also get to ■■■■ in a pot :smiley:

You also get to ■■■■ in a pot :smiley:

From 100 yards :laughing:

50 for me :blush: :cry:

Thanks for the welcome

I trained one guy who was so large that seatbelt extensions were needed so I don’t think you need worry.

Thankfully I’m not that big but still in the process of losing weight

From 100 yards

You also get to ■■■■ in a pot :smiley:

From 100 yards :laughing:

well I will try for 150 yards :laughing:

Welcome to trucknet…

Im a big lad (according to the ladies :wink: ) and had no problem…

Flexibility… touch your toes, or as far as you can…!!

The bit I did not like on the medical is when they put a cottonbud down your old man hurts like hell :open_mouth: :laughing:


The single biggest load of … … … … ■■■ ever!!

Sorry but has to be said! Doesnt bring in any acknowledgement of physical activity. I’m not Arnie is body type but play enough sport and do weight training which according to the BMI makes me morbidly obesse.

Just to highlight my point … … James Cracknal (Olympic Rower 4 Golds :question: ) again morbidly obesse!

Colin in Sweden:
The bit I did not like on the medical is when they put a cottonbud down your old man hurts like hell :open_mouth: :laughing:

Hi Colin, Did you take your medical in Sweden??

:open_mouth: I’ve never had that done on the two medicals I’ve had to take. (45y and 50y.)

if you dowload the D4 form that will tell you what to expect

as well as the pee in a bottle but for me not from 100yds as it wouldnt work as im a bit on the small side :laughing: :laughing:

Just remember not to sneeze when you open the pee bottle for the quack. :blush:

Also I am 20 stone, do weight training and am not unfit (by my standards anyway) passed ok but BMI tells me I am “seriously obese” yeah right.

If the doc starts quacking about losing weight or smoking or anything just nod politely :unamused:

One thing I did find out on my medical is my eyesight wasn’t as good as I thought :open_mouth:


Colin in Sweden:
The bit I did not like on the medical is when they put a cottonbud down your old man hurts like hell :open_mouth: :laughing:

Hi Colin, Did you take your medical in Sweden??

:open_mouth: I’ve never had that done on the two medicals I’ve had to take. (45y and 50y.)

Jesus, they didn’t do that for my medical :laughing:

The only time i’ve had that when i had a ‘full MOT’, shall we say…

and yes, it’s not nice :laughing:



Colin in Sweden:
The bit I did not like on the medical is when they put a cottonbud down your old man hurts like hell :open_mouth: :laughing:

Hi Colin, Did you take your medical in Sweden??

:open_mouth: I’ve never had that done on the two medicals I’ve had to take. (45y and 50y.)

Jesus, they didn’t do that for my medical :laughing:

The only time i’ve had that when i had a ‘full MOT’, shall we say…

and yes, it’s not nice :laughing:

That sounds more like a DNA swab!

DAD :laughing:

I dont think i can breed after that i swear, it was ■■■■■■■ painful :laughing:

I was kidding :smiling_imp: it just reminded me of a young lad that was going for a company medical and we told him that they put a small round wire brush down your japs eye he worried for days LOL

as for BMI it dint work all the time as for ppl like me who suffer from duck disease :blush: :slight_smile: or sports type ppl

duck disease

Ah the serious illness that is Duck Disease! The amount of people i know that worry because i’ve informed them of the unfortunate luck of contracting such an horrific illness. :grimacing:

hello mate, i wouldn’t worry too much about the weight factor unless you are as big as that lazy tard on the news weighing 77 stones hahaha, i don’t know how it is here in the UK and i will be finding out very soon, but back in the states there is loads of drivers that are extremely fat and can’t even climb up to the cap of their lorry, a good advice to all of us really is to have a nice diet and healthy lifestyle even though we know very well that by been on the road is very hard to keep up but we most do the best we can to eat good and healthy

I trained a huge rugby league player a couple of years ago who was very uncomfortable with the seat belt on so i inquired about seat belt extensions? to be told NO :astonished: they’re not allowed :astonished: so i ended up getting a medical exemption form from the doctor :astonished: :astonished: and the examiner was happy with that :smiley:
So can anyone enlighten me on that one? true or false? it did actually happen but i’ve had examiners that guess at the law as i’m sure some of you can verify!!