New Mods and Forum clampdown

Noticed there’s a couple of new mods on here now.
(Before I start can I just stress I aint hinting here for a gig, I’ve absolutely zero intention, or desire, to be a one whatsoever, just to clear that up :bulb: :smiley: )

Out of interest, how are new Mods started, are they chosen and contacted, or is it a volunteer situation…just curious.

So, is this part of Rikki’s clampdown, a bit of recruiting, his ‘‘couple of months’’ in his ‘It’s time’ thread are now up.

Also …To Rikki and the rest, what are your intentions and opinions of the forum now since you’ve been monitoring it closer lately, has your ‘clampdown’ in your opinion had the desired effect at all?

When it’s time, you will know, it could come at any time, a note in your wage packet, a face from the past, a strange vehicle following your family, consider your options carefully, you will have only one chance, listen to the words of Hotel California.

I am not a number, I’m a free man, who is number one?

Wheel Nut:
When it’s time, you will know, it could come at any time, a note in your wage packet, a face from the past, a strange vehicle following your family, consider your options carefully, you will have only one chance, listen to the words of Hotel California.

I am not a number, I’m a free man, who is number one?

There`s a place waiting for you in Room 101, mate. :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
When it’s time, you will know, it could come at any time, a note in your wage packet, a face from the past, a strange vehicle following your family, consider your options carefully, you will have only one chance, listen to the words of Hotel California.

I am not a number, I’m a free man, who is number one?

Funny that,… The pub I was in last night had mirrors on the celing, and pink champagne on ice, and when I was walking home I was followed by this bloody great bouncing balloon. :open_mouth:

Think we’re crossing the ‘posting random crap’ line, so I’ll get off…don’t want to upset the new mods. :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
When it’s time, you will know, it could come at any time, a note in your wage packet, a face from the past, a strange vehicle following your family, consider your options carefully, you will have only one chance, listen to the words of Hotel California.

I am not a number, I’m a free man, who is number one?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

New mods are started like this

The member is asked by a current member of the admin/mod team if they would like to be a mod

If that member says yes then a member of the admin/mod team proposes that member to be a mod to the rest of the team

If ALL the team agree then that member becomes a mod

And what about the rockers. I don’t fink it’s fair we don’t get a chance.

Sid Snot.

New mods are started like this

The member is asked by a current member of the admin/mod team if they would like to be a mod

If that member says yes then a member of the admin/mod team proposes that member to be a mod to the rest of the team

If ALL the team agree then that member becomes a mod

So what qualities (for want of a better word) need to stand out, that prompt the mods to contact these guys?
Also what makes someone want to become a mod?
If they become a bit ott it does nothing for their popularity on the forum.
(not criticising by that remark btw, just that it would not appeal to me…but then again I aint popular to start with :laughing: :laughing: )

The final decisions are taken in the VIP section of Hilton Park


New mods are started like this

The member is asked by a current member of the admin/mod team if they would like to be a mod

If that member says yes then a member of the admin/mod team proposes that member to be a mod to the rest of the team

If ALL the team agree then that member becomes a mod

So what qualities (for want of a better word) need to stand out, that prompt the mods to contact these guys?
Also what makes someone want to become a mod?
If they become a bit ott it does nothing for their popularity on the forum.
(not criticising by that remark btw, just that it would not appeal to me…but then again I aint popular to start with :laughing: :laughing: )

I can’t answer what prompts contact. I should think anyone could imagine people that wouldn’t and would make a good mod.

Why did I agree, I spend time here, I have an interest in the forum, I like being involved in things. I am libertarian by nature, so whilst there are things I don’t like on the forum, as long as they aren’t overly offensive, then I’m not bothered. Mostly I’ll take advice from others.

Having said that, I am busy for the next few weeks with a house move and possibly working away, so I maybe a missing mod.

As for popularity, I fi.d the people I respect, tend to think I’m ok, the ones I view as idiots, I’m not bothered what they think of me.

I woudn’t want to be a mod - dedicating all that time running a board, just so one can implement someone else’s rules that I don’t agree with in the first place… :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’m in complete agreement with the vast majority of board rules, which seem sensible, and solve a lot of problems before they start.
The rules that I’m less inclined to agree with, are the “Please don’t upset big brother” type ones. “What you can cut & paste” and the like.

Being a big fan of Free Speech, the Free Internet, and Free Thought - I already believe there is no such thing as “Enforceable Copyright” any more.
The very notion of a millionaire suing a minimium wage worker for cutting and pasting their intellectual property, such as a “Getty Images” Photo, “RIAA” protected Music track, or “Hollywood” protected Blueray film - are absurd. Possession is nine-tenths of the law, and taking a copy of something that doesn’t send it’s “owner” to the poor house - isn’t theft. The “taker” got no richer, and the “loser” still has the “work”.

David Bowie - was on the right side of History, Peter Cushing too.

Cliff Richard, Peter Gabriel and Carrie Fisher - are not.

It’s simply impractical to attempt to ban the copying and use of one’s image in law. It smacks of “No one may look upon the Face of God - and live!”, which might upset a few other types who consider “blasphemy” a crime punishable by terrorist-instigated death (or “Civilized World Forces” attacking without UN mandate, if you will!)

Mods…As this has been moved to the ‘Feedback’ section is there no chance of it running alongside the main forum also?..just as the ‘Syria’ thread on Bullys. :bulb:

I’m sure a lot of members will be interested in the official answer to my question on ‘Has the clampdown been successful’
As not everyone reads this forum…or is there a mod conspiracy theory in the mix here? :wink: :laughing:

Noticed there’s a couple of new mods on here now.
(Before I start can I just stress I aint hinting here for a gig, I’ve absolutely zero intention, or desire, to be a one whatsoever, just to clear that up :bulb: :smiley: )

Out of interest, how are new Mods started, are they chosen and contacted, or is it a volunteer situation…just curious.

Hi Rob,
As usual, a fair enough question. :smiley:

Any of the Mods can suggest that we need new or more Mods.
Initially, this is done in the Mods’ Forum.

If it is agreed that (a) new/more Mod(s) are needed, a nomination process then follows, during which the presently existing Team can express their views. All views are then considered by the whole Team.

If the Team decides to invite a person become a Mod, I then send an invite (by PM) to the nominee.
The PM contains the offer and invites the nominee to consider it.
The nominee has the opportunity to ask questions (back and to by PM) and has time to consider their response.
The nominee can then accept or reject the offer as they see fit.

So, is this part of Rikki’s clampdown, a bit of recruiting, his ‘‘couple of months’’ in his ‘It’s time’ thread are now up.

No Rob, it was entirely my idea.

Also …To Rikki and the rest, what are your intentions and opinions of the forum now since you’ve been monitoring it closer lately, has your ‘clampdown’ in your opinion had the desired effect at all?

I’m sure that you’ve noticed that things are… shall we say… a bit more orderly lately.

FYI Rob, there are three new Mods.

1.) ERF-NGC-European
2.) Reef
3.) albion

I woudn’t want to be a mod - dedicating all that time running a board, just so one can implement someone else’s rules that I don’t agree with in the first place… :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’m in complete agreement with the vast majority of board rules, which seem sensible, and solve a lot of problems before they start.
The rules that I’m less inclined to agree with, are the “Please don’t upset big brother” type ones. “What you can cut & paste” and the like.

Being a big fan of Free Speech, the Free Internet, and Free Thought - I already believe there is no such thing as “Enforceable Copyright” any more.
The very notion of a millionaire suing a minimium wage worker for cutting and pasting their intellectual property, such as a “Getty Images” Photo, “RIAA” protected Music track, or “Hollywood” protected Blueray film - are absurd. Possession is nine-tenths of the law, and taking a copy of something that doesn’t send it’s “owner” to the poor house - isn’t theft. The “taker” got no richer, and the “loser” still has the “work”.

David Bowie - was on the right side of History, Peter Cushing too.

Cliff Richard, Peter Gabriel and Carrie Fisher - are not.

It’s simply impractical to attempt to ban the copying and use of one’s image in law. It smacks of “No one may look upon the Face of God - and live!”, which might upset a few other types who consider “blasphemy” a crime punishable by terrorist-instigated death (or “Civilized World Forces” attacking without UN mandate, if you will!)

After the ‘‘Copyright anymore’’ bit I was with you Winseer me old mate.
After that I didn’t have a clue wtf you’re on about. :open_mouth:

Another slice of spacecake?
:unamused: :laughing:


Noticed there’s a couple of new mods on here now.
(Before I start can I just stress I aint hinting here for a gig, I’ve absolutely zero intention, or desire, to be a one whatsoever, just to clear that up :bulb: :smiley: )

Out of interest, how are new Mods started, are they chosen and contacted, or is it a volunteer situation…just curious.

Hi Rob,
As usual, a fair enough question. :smiley:

Any of the Mods can suggest that we need new or more Mods.
Initially, this is done in the Mods’ Forum.

If it is agreed that (a) new/more Mod(s) are needed, a nomination process then follows, during which the presently existing Team can express their views. All views are then considered by the whole Team.

If the Team decides to invite a person become a Mod, I then send an invite (by PM) to the nominee.
The PM contains the offer and invites the nominee to consider it.
The nominee has the opportunity to ask questions (back and to by PM) and has time to consider their response.
The nominee can then accept or reject the offer as they see fit.

So, is this part of Rikki’s clampdown, a bit of recruiting, his ‘‘couple of months’’ in his ‘It’s time’ thread are now up.

No Rob, it was entirely my idea.

Also …To Rikki and the rest, what are your intentions and opinions of the forum now since you’ve been monitoring it closer lately, has your ‘clampdown’ in your opinion had the desired effect at all?

I’m sure that you’ve noticed that things are… shall we say… a bit more orderly lately.

FYI Rob, there are three new Mods.

1.) ERF-NGC-European
2.) Reef
3.) albion

Thanks for your (usual) concise and straight answer Dave.
What I wouldn’t give to read some of the remarks and opinions of others on here (including me :laughing: ) on the ‘‘Moderator’s Forum’’ you mention. :wink: :laughing:

Mods…As this has been moved to the ‘Feedback’ section is there no chance of it running alongside the main forum also?..just as the ‘Syria’ thread on Bullys. :bulb:


This is very firmly a feedback question, so it was moved here (quite correctly IMHO) to where it belongs by one of the Mods.

I’m sure a lot of members will be interested in the official answer to my question on ‘Has the clampdown been successful’
As not everyone reads this forum…or is there a mod conspiracy theory in the mix here? :wink: :laughing:

How could it be a Mod conspiracy when it was you who asked the question? :open_mouth:
I still say that it’s a perfectly valid feedback question.

The answer to the other part of your question is that I agree that there’d be some interest in your topic, but can’t speak for whether anybody chooses (or can be bothered) to look in this forum or not because some people have more time than others.

Wasn’t being entirely serious about the conspiracy mate :smiley:
…I meant did they want it kept in that forum so nobody would read it, so no question needed to be answered on the clampdown… :bulb: I know that aint the case…or at least I think I do. :smiley:
A combination of me reading far too much into things and my weird sense of humour Dave. :laughing:

Wasn’t being entirely serious about the conspiracy mate :smiley:
…I meant did they want it kept in that forum so nobody would read it, so no question needed to be answered. :bulb: I know that aint the case…or I think I do. :smiley:
A combination of me reading far too much into things and my weird sense of humour Dave. :laughing:

That’s what I thought too Rob. :smiley:

As a footnote to your other question, it all depends on what the owners make of the situation because they are the ultimate arbitors of TNs continued existence.

On a personal note, my conscience is clear in that I’ve done my best for TN at all times.

This would be the closest I’ll ever get to becoming a Mod.

Mod Bike.jpg

Sounds like MI6 recruitment. Tap old the shoulder “So you’re a Cambridge man? Care for a cigar in the drawing room the club old chap?” :grimacing: