New Mods and Forum clampdown

Freight Dog:
Sounds like MI6 recruitment. Tap old the shoulder “So you’re a Cambridge man? Care for a cigar in the drawing room the club old chap?” :grimacing:

A bit more like the Masons I reckon mate, secret ceremonies etc…Dave stood there with his apron on and trouser leg rolled up while Rikki presides in his mankini horned helmet and robes deciding who shags the goat. :laughing:
There ya go…That’s me on pre.mod now I reck. :laughing:

Tongue length…

Oh dear 1 of them is a definate misstake .
Glad that other guys no longer weilding the red button … :laughing:


This would be the closest I’ll ever get to becoming a Mod.

Only problem is that if you turned that lot on, it’d stop the engine. :laughing:

Freight Dog:
Sounds like MI6 recruitment. Tap old the shoulder “So you’re a Cambridge man? Care for a cigar in the drawing room the club old chap?” :grimacing:

It’s Oxfords not brogues actually old bean. :wink:


Freight Dog:
Sounds like MI6 recruitment. Tap old the shoulder “So you’re a Cambridge man? Care for a cigar in the drawing room the club old chap?” :grimacing:

A bit more like the Masons I reckon mate, secret ceremonies etc…Dave stood there with his apron on and trouser leg rolled up while Rikki presides in his mankini horned helmet and robes deciding who shags the goat. :laughing:
There ya go…That’s me on pre.mod now I reck. :laughing:

Ha :laughing: :laughing:

You forgot to mention the handkerchief code! :wink: Robert

A bit more like the Masons I reckon mate, secret ceremonies etc…Dave stood there with his apron on and trouser leg rolled up while Rikki presides in his mankini horned helmet and robes deciding who shags the goat. :laughing:
There ya go…That’s me on pre.mod now I reck. :laughing:

Your not even close mate… its far more funky than that, but like the masons the exact initiation rites are a firmly held secret … but three new mods in one go has meant I have blown the latex budget for this year

what are your intentions and opinions of the forum now since you’ve been monitoring it closer lately, has your ‘clampdown’ in your opinion had the desired effect at all?

Easy answer… is yes, to your last bit, it has had the desired effect, I expected to lose page views when the more prolific posters that dodged around the rules had their wings clipped a bit, whats happened in fact is new folks feel more able to post without ridicule, I will take that any day.
We still have some who try , but they have their cards marked.

For the future…? the level of moderation and the tone of the forum is what will remain, we are never going back to the toxic atmosphere that we had. I am confident that we can retain this level of civility, and keep TruckNet UK going as it is, and unless things go down hill quickly then I am happy to fight to keep this webspace going and have confidence I can…If it descends again into the vindictive unpleasant site that some folks tried to make it last year , then my reccomendations to the MD will go a long way and you will possibly lose it.

To be clear… if it wasn’t for the sterling job done by Dave and the team over the last few months then my options would have been extremely limited… keep it reigned in or lose it

Although I was flattered to be asked I had to turn down the offer of Modship due to other commitments at the moment + it would be a disaster, Im very loose and can’t be trusted in certain positions.

Although I was flattered to be asked I had to turn down the offer of Modship due to other commitments at the moment + it would be a disaster, Im very loose and can’t be trusted in certain positions.

I’d heard you were very good in ALL positions because of your looseness. :blush:

I hope I’m not a scaremonger but since a sudden influx of “newcomers” with very random posts, random but full bodied. Most new posters are fairly monosyllabic and non confrontational.

I have found many more adverts, links and photos of undergarments, chemical enhancements and proposals of matrimony. Hopefully this is just a coincidence or linked to Tapatalk.

Wheel Nut:
I hope I’m not a scaremonger but since a sudden influx of “newcomers” with very random posts, random but full bodied. Most new posters are fairly monosyllabic and non confrontational.

I have found many more adverts, links and photos of undergarments, chemical enhancements and proposals of matrimony. Hopefully this is just a coincidence or linked to Tapatalk.

Funnily enough the advert below your post is for a ■■■■■ enhancing gel.

Oops my bad it’s a meme from the wife.

Bring back Mrs Mix is what I say! :smiley: Never had these problems 15 years ago when Pam was running the place. :bulb:

Rob K:
Bring back Mrs Mix is what I say! :smiley: Never had these problems 15 years ago when Pam was running the place. :bulb:

I just watched an episode of Star Trek Next Gen (yeah whatever, I’m not a trekkie or a nerd ok, I shouted up to my Mom and she confirmed it with “No dear of course you’re not, but it wouldn’t hurt to leave the basement occasionally” so there!) anyway in this episode the Enterprise (1701-D for those in the know) came across the 1701-C (It’s predecessor) which had time travelled 22 yrs into the future through a rift in the space time continu… (ok I can see I’m loosing some of you)

and now RobK is posting again… Weird or what huh?

Welcome young sir, you’re very welcome [emoji23]


Rob K:
Bring back Mrs Mix is what I say! :smiley: Never had these problems 15 years ago when Pam was running the place. :bulb:

I just watched an episode of Star Trek Next Gen (yeah whatever, I’m not a trekkie or a nerd ok, I shouted up to my Mom and she confirmed it with “No dear of course you’re not, but it wouldn’t hurt to leave the basement occasionally” so there!) anyway in this episode the Enterprise (1701-D for those in the know) came across the 1701-C (It’s predecessor) which had time travelled 22 yrs into the future through a rift in the space time continu… (ok I can see I’m loosing some of you)

and now RobK is posting again… Weird or what huh?

Hi Reef. I had to do a double-take to check I was on the correct site. The landscape here has changed so much I barely recognise it. What has happened to this place? It’s a shell of its former self, now populated by knuckle-draggers that can barely string a sentence together if the past couple of weeks’ threads are any indicator. Not that I’m saying it was some sort of utopian nirvana here 10-15 years ago but there was a healthy count of articulate members which resulted in good adult discussion and debate for the most part. Look at it now! The thread content is basically a voice recording of all the drivers in a Tesco RDC waiting room on a given day that has been transcripted and posted here. Is there any interesting and intelligent discussion to be found here anymore or have these clowns already taken over the asylum? :frowning:

Times have changed that is true, but I believe that once everyone gets over this ‘trolling, baiting and troll calling out’ phase then it will settle down and coax the genuine posters back out from the shadows, along with new like minded members too hopefully, the thing is regarding the trollbaiters or troll callers one group needs to make the first move, who do you think is more likely to take the higher and more mature ground?

Of course if all that fails then maybe we should indeed bring back Mrs Mix to sort 'em all out :wink:

Times have changed that is true, but I believe that once everyone gets over this ‘trolling, baiting and troll calling out’ phase then it will settle down and coax the genuine posters back out from the shadows, along with new like minded members too hopefully, the thing is regarding the trollbaiters or troll callers one group needs to make the first move, who do you think is more likely to take the higher and more mature ground?

Of course if all that fails then maybe we should indeed bring back Mrs Mix to sort 'em all out :wink:

Not really patronising & condescending are you :unamused:

Are you a T.M in real life ?Just asking like ,?

Said for a while now there should be some new mod on here & a change round pleased to see hope they can keep it good luck to the new mods