Hi there
just a little heads up from someone who was stung from one of these brokers not saying you will have any probs with the broker you have gone with and i sincerely hope you dont but if after all theory etc you find that the comunication with them dries up as you try and book your practical training not returning calls person you deal with not here at mo etc
Make sure you log the time and date of all the phone calls you put into them and wether or not they return the call etc keep a little diary then after a while get on to your credit card company and explain what has happened then ask for the chargeback on the grounds of (not providing the course in reasonable time) thats the key phrase then your credit card company can put in motion the wheels of getting your money back
The chargeback option leaves a black mark on the companies credit rating and if they get enough of them card companies will stop doing business with them!!!
As i said above i hope it does not come to this and your training is provided as they have said ,but forarmed is forwarned as they say so it may be a quicker route to getting your hard earned cash back .
Jennie, Si and everyone else you guys were right. After passing my theory I have heard very little from Highway HGV but keep getting promised a call back. Calling them tomorrow to demand my money back and have been looking at GTG in Glasgow.
Jennie, Si and everyone else you guys were right. After passing my theory I have heard very little from Highway HGV but keep getting promised a call back. Calling them tomorrow to demand my money back and have been looking at GTG in Glasgow.
I feel sick, very very sick
The slimy little ■■■■■, feel sorry for you chap, that is a horrible situation you’re in, I hope as other have said it was paid on a credit card and not cold hard via a debit card or anything, keep us up to date with how things go and hopefully you can get your money back on it
Im so sorry you have had this happen to you as well I hope you took our advice and have logged all the times you have called them or emailed them and no reply ,if you manage to speak to them today even if they promise to give money back get straight onto your credit card company to get the money back and hopefully will have the money back in acouple of months unfortunatly this is realisticly how long it will take as the credit card company have to go through procedures if you need any help with what to write in letters etc to claim back said monies then please ask here or pm me i still have all the letters I wrote and can give you some key quotes to make the letters hit home I presume you got the number for highway from the paper ring them up so they can pull the plug on the advert so hopefully no one else gets conned.
You will probably have to pay for theory and hazz tests so deduct them from the total you paid and dont let them charge you any administration costs the reason I say this as directlgv tried to charge me £250 for the starter pack which was the theory dvds and a few bits of paper so told them i wasnt paying them as they hadnt done anything and credit card comp claimed the full amount back less amounts for dvds and theory book go into smiths to find the prices and take a photo to send into credit card comp so they know how much it is in shops and also charge them for any costs you have incurred , interest on credit card even if paid it off ask them for interest for the time they have had it in their bank account ,credit card comp may help with this ,cant think of anythink else at mo if do will post it for you
This was all paid for me by a sponsor who is a very close friend. Unfortunately he has paid by digital transfer and I doubt he’ll be able to claim any money back unless you guys have any ideas?
This was all paid for me by a sponsor who is a very close friend. Unfortunately he has paid by digital transfer and I doubt he’ll be able to claim any money back unless you guys have any ideas?
Thanks Si.
I will be calling them again tomorrow to find out more. They are using weather etc as an excuse but that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t have been in touch.
My Category C Training begins Monday 7th February at Ritchie’s in Glasgow through Highway! At least I’m getting somewhere and I have learned my lesson. Won’t ever use a broker again!!
EDIT - Eileen at Ritchies confirms that they have ‘no booking from a Highway HGV or similar name’ for those dates (but the broker could be using a different name - but call Ritchies ASAP)