Yes they do guarantee a job or your money back… I am looking forward to this, maybe I’ll be a shelf stacker in a supermarket soon …

Craig, have you parted with any money yet? Because if you haven’t, please DON’T do it! These brokers/middlemen are an absolute disgrace - and more so, completely unnecessary to this industry.
They’ll get you a job alright, but it won’t be the full time permanent job they’re promising you. If you’re lucky (and I mean that sarcastically!) you’ll be sent direct to a driving agency who will then put you in their books with the promise of work! That’s all, nothing else! And it will most likely be a crap agency (there’s loads of them in the Strathclyde/Lanarkshire!) or even a half decent agency (they’re rare!) that will never give you full time work themselves AND they’ll NEVER find you a full time job anywhere else, because after all that would defeat the purpose of their own existence!
Agencies are there to fill a gap in the market. The service they provide is to supply drivers to haulage companies etc covering driver shortages due to holidays and sickness. If you want to sign up to an agency to get experience then great, but you don’t need to go through another agency (a broker), at your expense, to do that!
At the end of the day most brokers and driving agencies are morally corrupt. They have their own websites advertising their marvellous services to drivers and the false promises (lies!) of full time permanent work.
Brokers will charge you a non-returnable fee (trust me, you won’t get any money back) after promising you work that simply isn’t there (that’s illegal, therefore corrupt period!), whilst agencies are advertising “Full Time Permanent” jobs on job sites - including Jobcentre Plus - that don’t exist. The agencies aren’t doing anything illegal, but at the end of the day it’s false advertising by their staff - a ploy to bring you in to their office, get you signed up on that “promise” of full time work, therefore making themselves commission.
There are even a couple of driving agencies in Lanarkshire who are charging unsuspecting newbies a “small fee” with the promise of finding them work! Stay away from these dishonest, unscrupulous people!
Here in the Central belt of Scotland, the hard fact of the matter is, that there’s very little, decent, full time work. Any decent full time LGV jobs that are advertised on job sites don’t stay advertised for long, as many employed and unemployed drivers with years of experience, scramble to get their applications in!
The promise from any broker of a £500 a week full time permanent job “in your area” is ridiculous nonsense by any standard.
The broker you’re dealing with will most likely have to check what coast the Isle of Bute is actually situated off! And if they actually bother to check your location, don’t expect them to be honest and tell you that there is in fact very little work on the west coast of Scotland - especially Ayrshire!
If you haven’t parted with any money yet, then check in with the handful of decent, proper driving schools in the Central belt of Scotland. There is nothing a broker can give you that a decent driving school can’t. Then if you want to gain some experience, go direct to a decent driving agency and see what they can give you.
Sorry for what appears to be all gloom and doom, because it isn’t ALL gloom and doom.
But, there is a racket going on out there, performed by people who don’t give a ■■■■ about drivers.
Whatever you do or have done, best of luck.