New member.

Don’t know if it’s the done thing but just thought I’d say hiya. I work for a national waste management company. Employed to drive an 8 wheel RoRo but also drive artic ejectors. Quality forum with some really good insightful threads.

Thanks, Tony.

Welcome Tony. Forum rules are that you must get ■■■■■■ on a Saturday night and come on here and start a fight. Enjoy buddy.

the maoster:
Welcome Tony. Forum rules are that you must get ■■■■■■ on a Saturday night and come on here and start a fight. Enjoy buddy.

Sorted. :smiley:

There was a thread on here about a new member last week.

The guy paid £6k for it. Like an elephants trunk now.

There was a thread on here about a new member last week.

The guy paid £6k for it. Like an elephants trunk now.

I reckon it cost more than £6k to sort mine out. :laughing:

Welcome along Tony!!!

Enjoy the forum,it’ll change your life for the better (it won’t really,I just didn’t know what else to say).

Tony Saprano:
I work for a national waste management company.

Welcome aboard Tony, we are a clean polite bunch with representatives from all walks of life, truckers new and old, Highways reps, plod, airline pilots, cyclist liberation front and even a dodgy sailor.

As all the above, welcome Tony. Read some of DD posts then you will wonder who the dodgy one is :slight_smile:

Welcome,have you been acquainted with Carryfast yet for bedtime stories ?
Harry Monk to get you off parking fines.
Freightdog for aviation issues.
Rog and Tachograph for compliance regulations.
Diesel Dave for expert advice on ADR.
Dipper Dave for good fun posts that make you laugh out loud.
Switchlogic for European driving videos and his side kick Bertie .
Traffic Rat, a police man.

Thanks all. Looking forward to getting stuck in.

You’ve spelt a legends name wrong :cry:

He hasn’t spelt my name, has he?

Welcome,have you been acquainted with Carryfast yet for bedtime stories ?
Harry Monk to get you off parking fines.
Freightdog for aviation issues.
Rog and Tachograph for compliance regulations.
Diesel Dave for expert advice on ADR.
Dipper Dave for good fun posts that make you laugh out loud.
Switchlogic for European driving videos and his side kick Bertie .
Traffic Rat, a police man.

I’ll look forward to the tales. :smiley:

Welcome,have you been acquainted with Carryfast yet for bedtime stories ?
Harry Monk to get you off parking fines.
Freightdog for aviation issues.
Rog and Tachograph for compliance regulations.
Diesel Dave for expert advice on ADR.
Dipper Dave for good fun posts that make you laugh out loud.
Switchlogic for European driving videos and his side kick Bertie .
Traffic Rat, a police man.

you forgot to introduce Dozy and immigrant to him as well :stuck_out_tongue:

He also forgot to mention RobRoy - that’s a treasonable offence and we’ll need to find a newbie to sacrifice to appease the TrucknetUK gods now! Maybe we can sacrifice “immigrant” instead? :wink:

Welcome to the forum Tony and if you’re ever feeling insightful, the new drivers forum always has room for quality information and mis-information from anyone who knows what the heck their doing (or pretends to).

I think he already has been. His last input wasn’t well received.

Can’t believe our Rob is a late entry into the trucknet hall of fame, who’s latest and dare I say viral misdemeanour of getting caught and arrested for knocking one out in public view has made world wide headlines.

We are all hoping that the inspired defence of ‘well your honour I was just counting me ■■■■■’ will see him escape a custodial sentence due to his violation of the penal code.
Oh all allegedly of course.

Welcome to TruckNet Tony. Don’t make eye contact with anyone and don’t show any form of weakness because we will exploit it.

…and get yourself an avatar that looks nothing like you, makes us laugh, - and the rest I’m sure you’re already fully capable of.

Golden Rules:

Don’t offend the ladies…

Not my type.jpg

Cameron ■■■■.jpg
Offend this guy as much as possible, preferably a fortnight on thursday…

Do not talk to the pair of ■■■■ on here…

A pair of ■■■■.jpg

Always measure carefully what you read in posts, especially long posts like mine…


…Don’t trust the science.

Pendulum gone wrong.gif

and finally - entertain us all here with some insightful posts of your own!

Spock Fasciinating.gif