New Look

Looks like we have a new look to the forum already

Hmmm not sure about it mind

Looks the same to me…


Looks like we have a new look to the forum already

Hmmm not sure about it mind

other than the fact my name has been Tango’d I can’t see any changes in the forums :confused: :confused: :confused:

What can you see Ang ?

and me… :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

the new look shouldnt be live yet anywhere public as their are still some issues we need to get sorted.
the new look works fine on a vanilla forum, but as this one is quite heavily modified there is still a lot of work to do on it.

As too wether it is liked!!! I suspect that we will get many posts about how the one we are currently using is the best and why change it, exactly the same as when we changed last time :bulb:

The new look has far less page elements , so far less for computers or mobile devices to load so should improve page load times It is built using the latest CSS rather than code that is years out of date, It also will follow the look and feel of our parent site

We do expect that once we put the new look live many will not like it, and will barrage us with complaints … most pointing out that the one we have just ditched worked fine… happens everytime but we must move on, the old templates were far to heavy and too comlpicated for mobile applications.

this whole redesign goes far more than simple redecoration, the architecture of the forums is being revamped, we are moving to new far more stable servers and trying to minimise the effects of having large numbers of users online at one time.

This “need for speed” initiative does represent a decent investment in the forums, both in money and time. It will not be to everyones taste but it had to be done, we could not stand still as that was simply not working

Denis F:

Looks like we have a new look to the forum already

Hmmm not sure about it mind

other than the fact my name has been Tango’d I can’t see any changes in the forums :confused: :confused: :confused:

What can you see Ang ?

yaeh I am not quite sure why we have been tango’ed will chase that one up :grimacing:

It dont have many changes but the names are a lot larger & a change of colour on them

It dont have many changes but the names are a lot larger & a change of colour on them

If all goes according to plan the world (or at least TruckNet) will soon be orange, it will look very different to what we have now

it will take a bit of getting used too, but hopefuly the faster page load times and the dcreased load on the database will somewhat compensate

or it could all go horribly wrong at which point I will be up for an interview with Andy where Tea and biscuits wont be served

we wil not be able to eradicate every issue in testing so when it goes live we do expect some issues to arise … when it does go live we hope that you all will let us know which bits are not working

So the future is Orange then?

Wheel Nut:
So the future is Orange then?

Very :slight_smile:

Denis F:
other than the fact my name has been Tango’d I can’t see any changes in the forums :confused: :confused: :confused:

f=99 nod nod wink wink :wink:

Couldn’t you offer a number of different templates? The HATO forum has a dozen different templates so there’s something for everyone or is it a case of one template fits all? :wink:


Wheel Nut:
So the future is Orange then?

Very :slight_smile:

Looks like we don’t get a say in the matter again then. The current light blue/grey/pink is reaonably easy on the eye but if the main site is anything to go by I think you should be prepared for a bunch of complaints as that orange is way OTT. Site owners with anything about them will include some other forum skins for the members to choose from rather than forcing them to use the one they want. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

The Highway Man:
Couldn’t you offer a number of different templates? The HATO forum has a dozen different templates so there’s something for everyone or is it a case of one template fits all? :wink:

Yea, good point.
I frequent a number of Forums that give you an option of different colours. Most are bigger than TNUK but they aren’t run by RBI Ltd so…

WOW, I’ve just seen this site with Adblocker turned off, so many spam/ads. Not nice at all.

WOW, I’ve just seen this site with Adblocker turned off, so many spam/ads. Not nice at all.

It’s a shock when you see all the crap we used to see on various sites on the net isn’t it :wink:


WOW, I’ve just seen this site with Adblocker turned off, so many spam/ads. Not nice at all.

It’s a shock when you see all the crap we used to see on various sites on the net isn’t it :wink:

Flippin eck, it’s not a nice site without Adblocker.
I turned it off briefly to see if my Smilies would come back. They didn’t, so goodbye to the spam again.

I turned it off briefly to see if my Smilies would come back. They didn’t, so goodbye to the spam again.

To see if the smilies would come back ? :confused:

Sorry if I’m misunderstanding you but I use Addblocker Plus and have no problem seeing and using the smilies.

I don’t know what list you’re using with Addblocker but I use EasyList with a couple of custom rules of my own.

The Highway Man:
Couldn’t you offer a number of different templates? The HATO forum has a dozen different templates so there’s something for everyone or is it a case of one template fits all? :wink:

because this board is modified away from the standard phpBB boards the range of downloadable templates do not work correctly with it. It would take a lot of time for a designer to modify templates to work.

the default template will be orange, very orange :open_mouth: and bright, in line with our other web titles.

Once we have it in place and we complete the debugging etc, and then get the server move over and done with, I will see if we can clean up the current template to remove the issues that were causing slow page load times and offer it as an alternative but that will not happen quickly if at all

Sorry but this is not easy on the eye atm also noticed that the mods are now in the same blue as all the members instead of the green that they were is this going to be the case when moved to new boards :question:

Hope it becomes easier on the eye than this but will wait & see


I turned it off briefly to see if my Smilies would come back. They didn’t, so goodbye to the spam again.

To see if the smilies would come back ? :confused:

Sorry if I’m misunderstanding you but I use Addblocker Plus and have no problem seeing and using the smilies.

I don’t know what list you’re using with Addblocker but I use EasyList with a couple of custom rules of my own.

My Smilies vanished from here Yesterday, I thought it was down to this crap, so I just left it. When they didn’t re-appear that’s when I turned Adblock off to see if there was a problem at my end.