New Look


The Highway Man:
Couldn’t you offer a number of different templates? The HATO forum has a dozen different templates so there’s something for everyone or is it a case of one template fits all? :wink:

because this board is modified away from the standard phpBB boards the range of downloadable templates do not work correctly with it. It would take a lot of time for a designer to modify templates to work.

the default template will be orange, very orange :open_mouth: and bright, in line with our other web titles.

Once we have it in place and we complete the debugging etc, and then get the server move over and done with, I will see if we can clean up the current template to remove the issues that were causing slow page load times and offer it as an alternative but that will not happen quickly if at all

Rikki the problem is nothing to do with the template. :unamused: It’s everything to do with the two-bit hosting company you’re used that is oversubscribed. Even if you turn off the ads and the scripts the pages still take aeons to load. It’s nothing to do with the template. Listen to me I know what I’m talking about here. :bulb:



I turned it off briefly to see if my Smilies would come back. They didn’t, so goodbye to the spam again.

To see if the smilies would come back ? :confused:

Sorry if I’m misunderstanding you but I use Addblocker Plus and have no problem seeing and using the smilies.

I don’t know what list you’re using with Addblocker but I use EasyList with a couple of custom rules of my own.

My Smilies vanished from here Yesterday, I thought it was down to this crap, so I just left it. When they didn’t re-appear that’s when I turned Adblock off to see if there was a problem at my end.

I have my smilies but then I use a Macbook with Safari not sure if that makes a difference ( dont use an adblocker as never needed to or a anti virus or firewall )

I have my smilies but then I use a Macbook with Safari not sure if that makes a difference ( dont use an adblocker as never needed to or a anti virus or firewall )

Do you see all the ■■■■■■ ads everywhere? Makes the site look cheap and tacky.


I have my smilies but then I use a Macbook with Safari not sure if that makes a difference ( dont use an adblocker as never needed to or a anti virus or firewall )

Do you see all the [zb] ads everywhere? Makes the site look cheap and tacky.

Nope you can download Safari for your windows if you wish not sure how well it works but as far as I know it is ok but you dont get all the benefits as I do this is why when we had a discussion in the feedback about ads I said I dont get them

My Smilies vanished from here Yesterday, I thought it was down to this crap, so I just left it. When they didn’t re-appear that’s when I turned Adblock off to see if there was a problem at my end.

If you haven’t already, try User Control Panel/Board preferences/edit display options and make sure “display smilies as images” is selected :wink:

the default template will be orange, very orange :open_mouth: and bright, in line with our other web titles.

Have you ever paused to consider why, in nearly twenty years of the internet, nobody else has ever thought of using orange as their background colour? :wink:

same reason the square wheel never realy took off !!!
not that good on a pc so how do i get rid of all them cheap looking crappy adverts down the right hand side?
any help would be good thanks moose

not that good on a pc so how do i get rid of all them adverts down the right hand side?
any help would be good thanks moose

Use Firefox and install the Firefox add-on Adblock Plus and then install the Adblock list called EasyList.

Enjoy :wink:

Theres a few listed here some free some not… enjoy :slight_smile: … oryId=1448

How would potential advertisers or established advertisers who I presume pay good money to display their adverts feel if the website owner advises his members to block said well paid for adverts?

How would potential advertisers or established advertisers who I presume pay good money to display their adverts feel if the website owner advises his members to block said well paid for adverts?

I am not advising it at all… it is up to the users wether they use one or not - I would prefer if they did they white listed this site but that is their choice. If you look at the very ads on this site there is one to the website I linked too that comes up every now and then… so I am in fact promoting an advertiser :grimacing:

Of course if trying to ensure that if a members does want to use one, he at least gets a safe one, is wrong I suppose we could do what another website has tried , and block all content to those using ad block programmes … would that be better :wink: :wink: :wink:
PS if you think I get flack on here you should see what uproar that created :grimacing: :laughing:

How would potential advertisers or established advertisers who I presume pay good money to display their adverts feel if the website owner advises his members to block said well paid for adverts?

Indeed. SHOCKING practice! I wonder if his bosses are aware of this■■? :open_mouth:

Of course if trying to ensure that if a members does want to use one, he at least gets a safe one, is wrong I suppose we could do what another website has tried , and block all content to those using ad block programmes … would that be better

I don’t use one so I personally don’t care but if you do not object to your members blocking adverts why display them in the first place? May as well make them disappear once somebody has logged in - hey it could even be advertised as a beneficial feature of registering an account - no more adverts!

Mark :smiley:

members have the opportunity to block them if they wish using an ad blocker. we would prefer they didnt so thats why we leave the ads on or ask they consider white listing this site !!

Please use this thread to discuss the new look