New job,second hand motor

Picked up the truck I’ll be driving from now on…

…it’s about four years old (I haven’t checked the papers yet) and is a 420 with I-shift,but it’s in pretty good condition.

First job was to re-position the electronic boxes in the passenger side locker so that I can fit my big Volvo fridge,but,give it a few weeks and it’ll feel like home.

Work is either France or Germany,so no more UK

HURRAH!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is that your house? It looks lovely.

Has it been re-sprayed?

That looks very nice for 4 years old.


Is that your house? It looks lovely.

If you are talking about the house to the left of the head on pic,then yes it is,and thank you very much.

Has it been re-sprayed?That looks very nice for 4 years old.Ken.

Not as far as I know,but it had just been washed when I picked it up.

nice clean looking motor & nice looking drive & house

Roger on Breda flashed pics of his house in Belgium. Next week he was fired! Jealous drivers stuck the knife in… Be carefull.:smiling_imp:

Roger on Breda flashed pics of his house in Belgium. Next week he was fired! Jealous drivers stuck the knife in… Be carefull.:smiling_imp:

It’s not exactly a mansion,but it’s home…

…and it’s only a semi

At least it looks as if youve finished work on the house now, when you showed me round i think you still had a hell of a lot of work still to do. Did you sort out the basement? if i remember it kept filling up with water!
Nice truck, nearly dhl yellow like mine

Good looking truck KW and at least you won’t lose it in a car park eh! :wink:


Yes thats the one I meant. Great house! (you can keep the Volvo though, several design features that are not to my taste)

At least it looks as if youve finished work on the house now, when you showed me round i think you still had a hell of a lot of work still to do. Did you sort out the basement? if i remember it kept filling up with water!
Nice truck, nearly dhl yellow like mine

Yes we’ve cured the indoor swimming pool problem :unamused:

But as for finishing the house,we’ve had a guy round today to start on a plan for the new kitchen.

It will probably all be done just as I retire,and pop my clogs :confused: :confused: :confused:

If you want to know how old the truck is apparently if you take the ashtray out and look underneath the date is stamped on it, Month and Year that will give you the most precise way to find out.

I dont know why but it is in ANY vehicle.

If you want to know how old the truck is apparently if you take the ashtray out and look underneath the date is stamped on it, Month and Year that will give you the most precise way to find out.

I dont know why but it is in ANY vehicle.

Sort of yes. If you look on various parts of a vehicle you’ll find stickers and embossings showing different dates. It’s so vehicle makers can identify which batch and or supplier parts come from incase they have problems with them. Basically a maker might have had the ashtrays in stock for a couple of years or more before they actually got assembled into a vehicle. Even complete vehicles can be held instock for a long time before actually being registered. Which is why you will see the odd 51 reg classic mini for example.

nearly dhl yellow like mine

No that’s much brighter! :open_mouth: DP Yellow is much more orangey.

Lovely house KW, continental houses are so much better looking than the mock Tudor/Victorian/cottage/edwardian crap we see so much of here.

nice truck and the house looks great as well

all the best with the job Kieth

The ashtray is the most accurate and is the first place plod looks if they find a vehicle is not of the origin it looks to be, I doubt if they would use that system if ashtrays were kept in stock for a few years.

Just purely out of self righteousness and curiosity can those of you who can check the BOTTOM of your ashtray insert and let me know what year your truck is and what year the ashtray says?.

I doubt if they would use that system if ashtrays were kept in stock for a few years.

Who says plod always get everything right? :laughing:

Most decent vehicle plants run on the just in time principle, but the supplier might keep a good backstock of parts. It can give you a ‘rough’ idea, but the most accurate way would be to look over several parts and see if the dates are roughly inline with each other.
Virtually all plastic mouldings will have a date, part number, vehicle maker on the reverse of it somewhere.

I actually did this on my car a few years ago, it has dates ranging from 1994 to July 1998 (it was registered in August 1998) So chances are it was made around july/august 1998. However if i had just looked at 1994 part it would have been way off.
Of course there is always a chance the ashtray had been replaced with a new one at some point, they do get broken/lost etc.

I’m not saying your method is rubbish, just that it’s not the ‘most accurate’ you’d need to look at several parts.

NB. Seat belt labels are another good place to look.

I can’t check the ashtray. KW don’t fit them.

So your basement floods too? Ours has 2 sump pumps running all year long. They only kick in every hour or so now, but in spring they were going every few minutes.

Nice truck, too. Amazing how nobody gives a stuff about parking them on your drive over there. The number of complaints I got to hear about in Britain was unreal. They were never brave enough to complain to me. :unamused: is ok too

I actually did this on my car a few years ago, it has dates ranging from 1994 to July 1998 (it was registered in August 1998) So chances are it was made around july/august 1998.

I’d bet it was not made in July/Aug 98 if it was registered in Aug 98.

Not unless you live next to the factory.