New Guidelines Feedback thread

Here it is, Your chance to discuss the new guidelines, this thread is open and in here you have totally free reign to point out where you think we have got it right, and where we have got it wrong. I cant promise that we will change/act on every thing said, but it will be discussed amongst the website team.

Please keep all discusssion on the new guidelines and suspension policies in this thread, we will delete without warning any other thread created on the subject.

On a personal note I would like to thank the Moderators and Admins, not only for their voluntry work throughout the year, a somewhat thankless task, but also for their input and work over the last couple of weeks ensuring we had this done ready for New Year

not being banned but coming close over the years :unamused:

Kate welcomes back the old banned members and you lock the thread :question: why :question: would seem a strange way to welcome back the banned,and a very strange amnesty :unamused:

Not really, Jim. Rikki said we were keeping all the comments on the subject on one thread in one place, so that’s what’s happening. Rik locked it last night and I moved it in here this morning. Seeing as how he originally said he was going to delete any extra threads like this, I think he’s been quite restrained myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

So Kate could have been seen to have broken the new rules already then :wink:

Nah. Just a bit of housekeeping. :wink:

I think the wiping of the slate is a good idea.

Life’s to short to bear grudges,and while some members have maybe overstepped the line,you can’t disagree that some of their contributions to the site,were monumental,and it’s very good that they have been allowed back.

Take Rob for example.(Well someone had to bring his name up. :laughing: )

Taking aside his alleged personal attacks on members,his diaries really set the precedent for all the others that get posted,and were a riveting read,and in my opinion,this is what people want to see.Joe Public will want to read what our working week consists of,and some of the difficulties we face.

If we can let just a very tiny percentage see what goes on,then we can say we’ve educated a few.

Here’s an example that I think I may have touched on before…

My brother in law,who is now a traffic cop in the Northumbria region,had never set foot in a truck before,until few years ago,when I gave him a lift to town,and he said,in his own words,that he didn’t realise what we faced.Result? One educated person.(And a copper to boot!!!)

While I agree that personal attacks are unacceptable,in the main,the contributions offered to the site,are invaluable,and along with other organisations in the industry,could be very useful in the long term.

I’m glad that we can welcome back some old members,and on that note,can I wish the membership a happy and prosperous 2008.


I have to agree with Quinny.

Some of the best posts on here were by Rob K and Vince and still take some beating.

If anyone is sad enough to take umbrage at a few unkind words on a chat forum, how do they cope with the real world?

Thank you Ken and Malc for your kind words.

It is nice to be back. It has been such a long time since I have posted on here that I’d nearly forgotten how to do it ! :laughing:

My reinstatement (along with all the other members) does seem very suspicious to me though. It is no secret that Rikki hates my guts and will actively go out of his to way to keep me out, so why the sudden change of heart? I suspect there is an ulterior motive to all this. Maybe something along the lines of RBI offering Rikki a nice monetary bonus for achieving and exceeding a certain amount of page hits… ■■ :wink:

Straight in there :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
Thank you Ken and Malc for your kind words.

It is nice to be back. It has been such a long time since I have posted on here that I’d nearly forgotten how to do it ! :laughing:

My reinstatement (along with all the other members) does seem very suspicious to me though. It is no secret that Rikki hates my guts and will actively go out of his to way to keep me out, so why the sudden change of heart? I suspect there is an ulterior motive to all this. Maybe something along the lines of RBI offering Rikki a nice monetary bonus for achieving and exceeding a certain amount of page hits… ■■ :wink:

Hates your guts ■■? I dont even know you, apart from a brief phone call once, and your words on the forums. If you seriously think I hate you because you cant follow a set of forums guidelines on an internet website then you need to start wearing a tin foil hat and looking out for black helicopters too. :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The website team actively kept you out of the forums because you repeatedly broke the rules. no other reason. You actually had more “off the record” warnings from me and others to try to keep you on the forums than anyone else. but you chose to ignore them and the forum rules.

As for a bonus from RBI. I wish :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: (not a bad idea though will suggest when my contract comes up for renewal) :wink: :wink:

I dont think reinstating 4-5 people usernames is going to make any real difference at all to the overall page views :bulb:

The changes were not sudden, they have been discussed for quite some time, the 1st of the year seemed the ideal time to implement them. With us no longer "life " banning it seemed unfair to those already under that suspension, so we decided on the amnesty. Nothing more than that.

you need to start wearing a tin foil hat and looking out for black helicopters too. :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I do that, you just can’t be too careful.

I do that, you just can’t be too careful.

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■■■ great new rules its nice to see them changed occasionaly.

Straight in there

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Welcome back Rob.


Leave Vinces name as Hary Monk, i’m used to him like that now and don’t want to be changing my routine :smiley:

I dont think reinstating 4-5 people usernames is going to make any real difference at all to the overall page views :bulb:

Name Rob K Where you from Where t’brass is First registered on here 01 Nov 2003 (Total Posts)5938

Rob is still the Third most posting person on this site but you dont think it will make a difference?.

He was banned for a long time but is STILL the 3rd most posting person and you think it wont make a difference?.

Come on rikki lets have one out of your bag.

One thing that Rob and James Whale have in common is they speak their minds.

Welcome back Rob althoguh a few posts from you and they will probably ban you again so enjoy it while you can;).

Not the slightest bit of difference Jammy, one post or 10,000, and the end of the day they are all equally as welcome here, and expected to adhere to the same codes of conduct while on the website.

If a member with 10,000 posts habitualy and deliberatly breaks the rules of this website they will be suspended. If anything I would probably give them less slack than a new member with one post due to the fact they have been around long enough to know what is acceptable on here and what isnt.


I dont think reinstating 4-5 people usernames is going to make any real difference at all to the overall page views :bulb:

Name Rob K Where you from Where t’brass is First registered on here 01 Nov 2003 (Total Posts)5938

Rob is still the Third most posting person on this site but you dont think it will make a difference?.

He was banned for a long time but is STILL the 3rd most posting person and you think it wont make a difference?.

Come on rikki lets have one out of your bag.

One thing that Rob and James Whale have in common is they speak their minds.

Welcome back Rob althoguh a few posts from you and they will probably ban you again so enjoy it while you can;).

Thanks Alex. Yes, I was thinking exactly your thoughts on it, but didn’t like to say anything, as you know I’m not one for blowing my own trumpet :laughing: .

Not the slightest bit of difference Jammy, one post or 10,000, and the end of the day they are all equally as welcome here, and expected to adhere to the same codes of conduct while on the website.

If a member with 10,000 posts habitualy and deliberatly breaks the rules of this website they will be suspended. If anything I would probably give them less slack than a new member with one post due to the fact they have been around long enough to know what is acceptable on here and what isnt.

If you seriously believe that the amount of posts from individual members makes no difference to your traffic then you need to get yersen on google and do some reading.

Do you honestly believe that if Neil, Malc and myself didn’t exist and you had 22,000 (roughly the combined amount of posts between us) individual members with 1 post each instead, that it would make “not the slightest bit of difference” to your traffic figures? :unamused:

But we dont Rob, thats the point, there are plenty of other people posting. maybe not as prolificaly as you, but they are.
We have had prolific posters in the past who have come and gone, that is the nature of forums, people do stay a while and pass on.
The amount of posts under a members name means zilch, being prolific doesnt give any extra rights, or benefits. and as I said a poster with 10,000 posts will probably get less slack under the rules than a new guy with a single post simply because the more prolific poster should have a better understanding of the rules.
Simply said. just because someone posts a lot doesnt mean to say that all those posts have worthwhile content, and it certainly doesnt mean they are seen as an asset we cant afford to lose and given “special” treatment.

Simply said. just because someone posts a lot doesnt mean to say that all those posts have worthwhile content, and it certainly doesnt mean they are seen as an asset we cant afford to lose and given “special” treatment.

That is a silly thing to say. You cannot tar everyone with the same brush. Usually a member with a very high post count over a prolonged period of time is either very knowledgable in their field and/or an “interesting” person, be that in terms of entertainment or opinions or both. People that aren’t liked either don’t stay around long and leave out of choice or are ousted out by the other members.

I mean take the top posting members on here as an example. Unfortunately I also fit into this bracket :blush: so you’ll have to forgive the trumpet blowing :laughing:

Neil - knows the rules and regs inside out and is always on hand to offer advice to those that don’t. He also offers his tuppence worth on most posts, usually in the form of a witty remark and/or an interesting alternative viewpoint - therefore a very popular member.

Malc - an all round funny bloke. Comments on most threads with silly (but funny) remarks, along with the obligatory :stuck_out_tongue: at the end of each line - therefore a popular member.

Moi - well okay I can’t do trumpet blowing because it just wouldn’t be right :stuck_out_tongue: so let’s look back over the various threads from the various sites over the years and see what other people say about me: “tells it how it is”, “doesn’t mince his words”, “always puts across an alternative viewpoint”, “could have an argument in an empty room”, “he’s a complete and utter [zb]” :open_mouth: :laughing: (thought I’d get that one in before the anti-Rob brigade crawled out of the woodwork :laughing: ), “has a razor sharp tongue” :open_mouth: , “always an entertaining read”, etc, not to mention the 6 month long uproar when I got banned :open_mouth: , including the Government petition to Tony Blair to have me reinstated :open_mouth: , so I think you’d agree that that would class me too as a popular member, in the main.

Then there’s the forum comedian that is Mike-C !! A great asset to any forum, I’m sure you’d agree.

It’s people like these that keep people coming back for more and I don’t think you realise what effect this has on your site stats :open_mouth: . You should be thankful that it’s not like another trucking site where it is full of members that spend all their time patting each other on the back and writing “I agree”.

Which would you rather read? A lively discussion on here with Neil’s witty quips, Malc’s silly remarks and my (usually lengthy) alternative viewpoint, or a discussion where everyone goes “here here, I agree, well done old chap, we all should stick together and organise a conference to solve the world’s problems!” ■■ I bet I know which one you’d choose, and I bet I know which one the majority of the members would choose too, and that’s why it was such a silly thing for you to say that members with thousands of posts are no better than those with only one post. It’s not favouritism or elitist, it’s simply a no-brainer. :bulb: :bulb: