New Guidelines Feedback thread

Its a no brainer that no many how posts a member makes, they still have exactly the same rights on this website than a member with one…

I agree many of your posts are excellant reads, and you do hold a good debate, but that doesnt give you or any other “high post” member any special rights. Break the rules and a member will get sanctions.

A member can state as often as they like how important they are because they have a high post count, or are entertaining, it makes no difference if they cant keep within the rules of the website.

Now you can argue as much as you wish about how important those with high post counts are, it will not change our views. Post within the rules and all are welcome, repeatedly break the rules and sanctions will be aplied. 1 post or 10,000 its no difference.

not to mention the 6 month long uproar when I got banned , including the Government petition to Tony Blair to have me reinstated , so I think you’d agree that that would class me too as a popular member, in the main.

That would be the small minority out of nearly 7000 members, hardly an uproar :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink: :wink: just a small few being extremely vocal :smiley:
and just a point even without you posting as prolificaly while banned, the post counts and page views still went upwards, not down.
Sorry Rob, you can be a good forum member and post a lot of good and relevant content, but please dont get carried away that TruckNet cant survive without you. Because we did very well indeed. :wink: :smiley:

Now we can continue this conversation until the cows come home.
But it is probably pointless as we seem to be going round in circles.
So I will say welcome back, and I look forward to reading your informative input, and I sincerely hope that lessons from the past have been learnt by both.

and just a point even without you posting as prolificaly while banned, the post counts and page views still went upwards, not down.
Sorry Rob, you can be a good forum member and post a lot of good and relevant content, but please dont get carried away that TruckNet cant survive without you. Because we did very well indeed. :wink: :smiley:

But what you didn’t know was that I engaged Neil to post on my behalf, hence why his post count doubled why I was away, so you should be thanking him for the post boost otherwise the figures would have plummetted and the site gone bankrupt :laughing: :laughing: .

I should been given shares in Trucknetuk Ltd or RBI or whatever the company is called that owns it now. After all, it’s the likes of Neil, Malc and myself that pay your bills !

Big posters make the post numbers increase obviously. Then again, some of the big posters can easily put people off posting at all, especially with the usual smartarse remarks and sarcasm that acompanies their utterances. So maybe it’s better to have 3000 posters with 100 posts each, and all the variety that comes with that, than 10 opinionated posters giving the world 3000 helpings of their perceived wisdom? It’s a double edged sword, like most things in life at the end of the day. But nobody’s indispensible, well said Rikki.

Rob K:

and just a point even without you posting as prolificaly while banned, the post counts and page views still went upwards, not down.
Sorry Rob, you can be a good forum member and post a lot of good and relevant content, but please dont get carried away that TruckNet cant survive without you. Because we did very well indeed. :wink: :smiley:

But what you didn’t know was that I engaged Neil to post on my behalf, hence why his post count doubled why I was away,

I thought that was going to be kept between us? :wink:

That would be the small minority out of nearly 7000 members

actualy it’s 6745 members at 19.45pm

3806 members have never posted

A total of 4329 with none or one post,that is over 50% of the members contributing zilch to the website,sorry numbers mean everything…

How many of the nearly 7000 members are spammers etc? I seem to remember that not so long ago you admitted to just leaving the spammer accounts and not deleting them as it would take up too much time or some other excuse - so in actual fact you don’t have 7k members do you?

As I pointed out to you and also I see Rob has also done - lies, ■■■■ lies & statistics!

How many of the nearly 7000 members are spammers etc? I seem to remember that not so long ago you admitted to just leaving the spammer accounts and not deleting them as it would take up too much time or some other excuse - so in actual fact you don’t have 7k members do you?

As I pointed out to you and also I see Rob has also done - lies, ■■■■ lies & statistics!

I’ll tell thee something, I know what Lucy got Rikki for Christmas !!

It was one of these !!!


How many of the nearly 7000 members are spammers etc? I seem to remember that not so long ago you admitted to just leaving the spammer accounts and not deleting them as it would take up too much time or some other excuse - so in actual fact you don’t have 7k members do you?

As I pointed out to you and also I see Rob has also done - lies, ■■■■ lies & statistics!

All the new users are activated manually so all the spammers that register are deleted
and I know this because I do them I have 38 to sift through this morning on average there will be 37 spammmers and 1 geniune user

Leave Vinces name as Hary Monk, i’m used to him like that now and don’t want to be changing my routine :smiley:

Is that Hairy Monk?

As an aside, another forum I use has done some spring cleaning and deleted over 1000 accounts who havent posted within the last year.

About 200 have come back and complained, nothing was heard from the rest of them. It might give a clue as to how many are actually reading the posts.

■■■■■■■■ :wink:;):wink: bovine excretia :wink:;);).

Link Link nudge nudge FPMSL

That is a silly thing to say. You cannot tar everyone with the same brush. Usually a member with a very high post count over a prolonged period of time is either very knowledgable in their field and/or an “interesting” person, be that in terms of entertainment or opinions or both. People that aren’t liked either don’t stay around long and leave out of choice or are ousted out by the other members.

Utter crap :exclamation: :exclamation:

It means they post stuff like this

I like the uproar bit that’s funny, comedian