New Forum

I preffered the old one

Great new forum, love it.

Well done and thanks for all the work put in to change it.

Iam just getting used to it ask me in a week ?

… Don’t like the way that the advertisers column squashes the reading page though…

It doesn’t - you need a bigger monitor or up your resolution a bit!!

The Profile page.

You can not read what is on the far right hand side because of the adverts…

So far so good :exclamation: :smiley:

So do you like the new forum, i’m just getting used to navigating it and that but all seems good and many thanks for all the hard work of the people who have done it.
So what’s your views?
Cheers, Josh

just getting used to it but i already like the fact that when you hover over a post it comes up with the text. good improvement i think. :smiley:

I preffered the old one

It’s a lot easier to do multiple quotes than the old one :laughing: :laughing:

sean vernon:
Iam just getting used to it ask me in a week ?

Totally agree

All new things take time to settle in

Sir LANs-a-lot:

… Don’t like the way that the advertisers column squashes the reading page though…

It doesn’t - you need a bigger monitor or up your resolution a bit!!

My thoughts exactly, nothing squashed here.

If you can’t up your resolution ROG you could always zoom out a bit.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
The Profile page.

You can not read what is on the far right hand side because of the adverts…

No problems here!! Are you lot running teeny-tiny monitors or something!! :smiley: :smiley:

Yes love the metal effect at the top of the pages, will take a bit of getting used to though

Why has the number of members fell by about 600 though?

I think the avatar pics could be allowed to be the same width as the left column - they are very small and increasing the allowable width size would not hurt as long as they fit neatly into the left column

I like my new status - SENIOR MOMENTS -

I think the avatar pics could be allowed to be the same width as the left column - they are very small and increasing the allowable width size would not hurt as long as they fit neatly into the left column

Why the need for large avatars, it would make more sense to reduce the width of the column imo.

I like my new status - SENIOR MOMENTS -

its been like that for weeks ? :confused:

It’s ok but avaters gone smaller and that chat is different.
Thanks tech guys!

Dark, gloomy, messy. Not a nice read at all. Horrid, just HORRID. :angry:

Looks and feels good
I also like the hover and see what the thread is about rather than trapsing through everything
Well done :grimacing:

Must admit to an old ■■■■ like me, i found it a tadge confusing at first but like anything new it takes a while to get used to it, dunno if its my screen but seems a bit loud
:sunglasses: :laughing:


I think the avatar pics could be allowed to be the same width as the left column - they are very small and increasing the allowable width size would not hurt as long as they fit neatly into the left column

Why the need for large avatars, it would make more sense to reduce the width of the column imo.

I agree we don’t need larger avatars but I think the column is that width to accommodate the ‘Online’ banner which appears next to a members name when they are indeed online while you are reading their post.