New England Manager

I’m a parent, I am also very sad about the fact that a little girl has gone missing.
I hope she will be found alive and well though I know that it is probably against the odds.

Humour can sometimes seem to be very cruel at first sight but maybe it is just the way we deal with a crisis. It is not very long, sometimes just hours, after a major tragedy that, what some may call sick, text messages start to circle the globe.

Coffeeholic told a joke, some may not think it funny, some will find it very funny. I found it funny, I sent it to my two sons and to my daughter via text message. They know how upset I was on hearing the news about poor Maddie and they will know that it is just a joke.

The people who are now castigating Coffeeholic for telling a joke are likely to be the same people who were indignant when the muslim world took to the streets in protest, when a Danish newspaper published cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed and the same people calling for an end to aid being sent to sudan after the imprisonment of a teacher for allowing a teddy bear to be named after the prophet.

Lighten up people it’s just a joke, they were just cartoons, it’s just a childs teddy.

I think the joke (not particularly funny) was mainly picking on the disgraceful and criminally negligent actions of the poor little tot’s parents. I just get the feeling if they weren’t ‘nice middle-class doctors’ then they would have got slaughtered for leaving those kids. A single mum with an ugly kid would have got hammered and that is what stinks IMO.

The joke was near the line but not over it IMHO.

I almost agree with you hammer, but I took the joke as a joke and not thinking it need necessarily be picking on anyone.

The Mc Cann’s were negligent on that night, but I’m not sure that their actions (or lack of action) should result in the unimaginable pain of losing a beautiful little girl.

I think the joke (not particularly funny) was mainly picking on the disgraceful and criminally negligent actions of the poor little tot’s parents. I just get the feeling if they weren’t ‘nice middle-class doctors’ then they would have got slaughtered for leaving those kids. A single mum with an ugly kid would have got hammered and that is what stinks IMO.

The joke was near the line but not over it IMHO.

I agree wholeheartedly with that comment.

A 23 year old single mother on benefits who had gone to Turkey on holiday and left her sprog while she went to score some would have had no sympathy.

Wheel Nut:

I think the joke (not particularly funny) was mainly picking on the disgraceful and criminally negligent actions of the poor little tot’s parents. I just get the feeling if they weren’t ‘nice middle-class doctors’ then they would have got slaughtered for leaving those kids. A single mum with an ugly kid would have got hammered and that is what stinks IMO.

The joke was near the line but not over it IMHO.

I agree wholeheartedly with that comment.

A 23 year old single mother on benefits who had gone to Turkey on holiday and left her sprog while she went to score some would have had no sympathy.


Maybe its just me then but, if I heard of a 23 year old mum (on benefits or not) who left her child and went out to score, I wouldn’t think “oh she deserves to have her child murdered”.

I would think she should be taught the error of her ways but surely no parent is bad enough to deserve that sort of pain.

A pathetic attempt at humour - Basically only placed to bait people, well seems like you got the reactions you wanted Neil - bored were you?

As has been said, there is quite possibly a very frightened and scared little girl out there separated from her family, and making light of that is not “dark humour” to most normal people.

For those who have said she is dead, it was not that long ago a German/Austrian girl escaped from a basement where she had been held for many years.

We have a daughter … I saw the joke a lot earlier today and just thought it was a typical joke from a sweaty about football … I have never seen anyone complain about other jokes that border close to the line. But then I am one of those that has no sympathy for the McCanns. As for the kid■■? Well, tis a fact of life, kids go missing every day but this one has a scouser element to it so it becomes a major drama.

A pathetic atempt at humour■■?

Any attempt at humour is just that! An attempt at humour.

I really don’t think that a joke is necessarily a dig at someone, why take such a hard line? We are slowly but surely losing the freedom of speech in this country, we are sleepwalking into a world controlled by the politically correct. Wake up, lighten up.

For those who have said she is dead, it was not that long ago a German/Austrian girl escaped from a basement where she had been held for many years.

And there are dozens of others buried under patios and sheds. The difference is that most people are aware of it and dont leave “quite possibly a very frightened and scared little girl”

Well they should have thought more about that before leaving their own frightened little girl.

Basically only placed to bait people, well seems like you got the reactions you wanted Neil - bored were you?

There you go, nail hit firmly on the head. I was sent it by text and I thought I’ll stick it on TruckNet as it’s bound to get a few all wound up and provoke discussion. Job done so I’ll move on to the next one now. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I’ve got a few Evel Knievel jokes if anyone is interested? Too soon? :wink:

I’ve got a few Evel Knievel jokes if anyone is interested? Too soon? :wink:

Course not, let’s have them. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Basically only placed to bait people, well seems like you got the reactions you wanted Neil - bored were you?

There you go, nail hit firmly on the head. I was sent it by text and I thought I’ll stick it on TruckNet as it’s bound to get a few all wound up and provoke discussion. Job done so I’ll move on to the next one now. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I’ve got a few Evel Knievel jokes if anyone is interested? Too soon? :wink:

Sod Evel Knieval, have you got the balls to do a ‘Mohammed the Teddy Bear’ joke?

:wink: :open_mouth: :smiling_imp:


I’ve got a few Evel Knievel jokes if anyone is interested? Too soon? :wink:

Sod Evel Knieval, have you got the balls to do a ‘Mohammed the Teddy Bear’ joke?

:wink: :open_mouth: :smiling_imp:

I’m an atheist and have no interest in religion, it’s all a joke to me whatever side it’s on.

Maybe its just me then but, if I heard of a 23 year old mum (on benefits or not) who left her child and went out to score, I wouldn’t think “oh she deserves to have her child murdered”.

I would think she should be taught the error of her ways but surely no parent is bad enough to deserve that sort of pain.

I think you’ve missed the point. No-one is saying that they ‘deserved to have their child murdered’, just merely pointing out that by leaving defenceless little tots (Madleine’s YOUNGER sibling was also in the room :open_mouth: :imp: ) alone is courting disaster.

My point was that the media have been ridiculously sympathetic because she is a pretty little thing and the parents are ‘upstanding middle-class’ types. I can’t stand them but replace Mr & Mrs Doctor with Jade Goody and ‘partner’ or Jordan and Greasy Pete. They would have been hounded out of the country and that ‘one-rule-for-them’ attitude is what stinks. :imp:


FACT she is missing and until they find her she is not dead.

I think realistically that whether or not they find her she is almost certainly dead. Is there a single case like this in history that has had a happy ending? I could be wrong but I can’t recall one myself.


Er yes the girl they found either this year or last year in ( once again facts not clear ) Germany or Austria who was kidnapped and then finally found

IMHO opinion,
Its dark humour whch drivers have always excelled at,
do I find it in bad taste?
do I find it offensive?

and there is a difference…
something some other websites fail to understand

It is not the joke that is offensive it is what was said after i mean ffs i thought there was a bit of sense on this site but it appears, and i hope not, that standards may be dropping,


something some other websites fail to understand

It has nothing to do with any other website it is on tnet,l and it is tnet i am a member of and have been for a long time i never slag your site off to anyone, so who are these other sites that fail to undersatnd that Madenlaine is dead and not just missing :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Wheel Nut:

So is Steve Fossit and Richard Branson is seeing to Mr,s Fossit :smiley:

What missing or dead and have you read Tnet rules if not i would because that is slander against Richard Branson and i believe it is not allowed

You have all gone f mad it appears it is one website against another, get over yourselves and get a life the girl is missing not dead