New England Manager

very poor taste neil,even on the dark side that would have been removed :open_mouth:

FACT she is missing and until they find her she is not dead.

I think realistically that whether or not they find her she is almost certainly dead. Is there a single case like this in history that has had a happy ending? I could be wrong but I canā€™t recall one myself.


i wonderā€¦is this f/nets new phase of gathering postsā€¦oh yes
as it surely cannot be just as simple as the ā– ā– ā–  of an authors,s attempt at a joke.
hang your sick head in shame you zbzbzbzbzbz ā€¦(get the picture)?

ur nothing more than the other ZB on f/nets booksā€¦ you knowā€¦the last ā– ā– ā–  to post such ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  on another forumā€¦

a mere piece of zb who want a good slap from every parent of a little girl.



FACT she is missing and until they find her she is not dead.

I think realistically that whether or not they find her she is almost certainly dead. Is there a single case like this in history that has had a happy ending? I could be wrong but I canā€™t recall one myself.


you cannot defend hobbs so dont try repā€¦


FACT she is missing and until they find her she is not dead.

I think realistically that whether or not they find her she is almost certainly dead. Is there a single case like this in history that has had a happy ending? I could be wrong but I canā€™t recall one myself.


They found Fred Wests daughter in the garden

very poor taste neil,even on the dark side that would have been removed :open_mouth:

Hey, I never claimed it was in good taste, all the best jokes tend toward the bad taste side of things. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: I found this funny as did a lot of other people while others took the opposing view. Thatā€™s life.

IMHO opinion,
Its dark humour whch drivers have always excelled at,
do I find it in bad taste?
do I find it offensive?

and there is a differenceā€¦
something some other websites fail to understand

IMHO opinion,
Its dark humour whch drivers have always excelled at,
do I find it in bad taste?
do I find it offensive?

and there is a differenceā€¦
something some other websites fail to understand

offensive=only if your the parent of the little girl involved.
oh and only if your a parent with any kind of decencyā€¦

oh and to have the lacky/previous owner trying to push this into another forum V,s decency ā€¦wellā€¦ words fail me

oh and to have the lacky/previous owner trying to push this into another forum V,s decency ā€¦wellā€¦ words fail me

I am sure they do Terry, it happens often when you decide to come over here and stir the proverbialā€¦ :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


oh and to have the lacky/previous owner trying to push this into another forum V,s decency ā€¦wellā€¦ words fail me

I am sure they do Terry, it happens often when you decide to come over here and stir the proverbialā€¦ :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

quite how you equate to me stirring the proverbial from this topic is also a joke.

i,m reacting as any parent would. in total disgust when a once respected member of rbi,s team
lowers himself to making sick jokes about the loss/kidnapp of a young girl.who may indeed be not with us anymore,on the other hand she could well be still alive.

sick sick sick.

is this why I,M BANNED FROM THE CHATROOM?? so he doesnt get a mouthfullā– ā– ?

You know why you are banned from PMā€™s and chatroomā€¦
I am perfecty willing to provide that information publicaly with your permission
otherwise it stays between us :wink:

:open_mouth: FFS get a grip you 2

If your gonna behave like kids then take some advice from a parent

Terry stop [zb] stirring

Rikki stop baiting him

Both of you to bed early with no supper :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
Sorry dad :unamused: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

montana man:
:shock: FFS get a grip you 2

If your gonna behave like kids then take some advice from a parent

Terry stop [zb] stirring

Rikki stop baiting him

Both of you to bed early with no supper :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Hey, have you heard this oneā€¦ Ooops, better not. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

yes sorry dadā€¦ :blush: :laughing:

rikki, i know why i,m banned from PM,s. since when has this had anything to do with chatroomā– ā– ?

and thanks for the warning via PM which i cannot reply to.

if you want to ban me from trucknet you will do.nothing i can do about it.
what i won,t do though is stop having an opinion. not so long as i have breathā€¦ you know me so you know i wont change my opinions.

rikki, i know why i,m banned from PM,s. since when has this had anything to do with chatroomā– ā– ?

Same permissions - on the software

f you want to ban me from trucknet

If your actions on TruckNet warrant a ban then you will get one, same as every other user,


rikki, i know why i,m banned from PM,s. since when has this had anything to do with chatroomā– ā– ?

Same permissions - on the software

ok i,ll just use another of my accounts then for chatroom.

f you want to ban me from trucknet

If your actions on TruckNet warrant a ban then you will get one, same as every other user,

then why pm me with silly threats?

Cos unlike some people,
I still consider a word to the wise from a friend means something.

I guess that went over your head and I am wasting my timeā€¦

you cannot defend hobbs so dont try repā€¦

Iā€™m not trying to defend him, Iā€™m just saying that anyone who still thinks she is alive is almost certainly going to be very disappointed at some point. I could be wrong (obviously I would love to be) but realistically I doubt I am.


ok probs fellae. :wink: