New BBC series to expose dodgy HGV training brokers

Information here
should be worth watching :laughing:

Not before time. But what a rubbish time to broadcast such an important topic. Still, better than nothing. Let’s hope people take note. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Certainly could be on at a better time but you should be able to watch again on iplayer.

44 Tonne Ton:
Certainly could be on at a better time but you should be able to watch again on iplayer.

That 15 minutes which they air on this subject is likely to get put on youtube :smiley:

cant seem to get the link to work :cry: :blush:

Cant wait to see this, its about time these rip off merchants were named and shamed, the licence is expensive enough without theses cowboys robbing hard earned cash from guys and gals !!

Cant wait to see this, its about time these rip off merchants were named and shamed, the licence is expensive enough without theses cowboys robbing hard earned cash from guys and gals !!

It will bring a whole new breed of people into the industry, the ones who normally watch & star on Jeremy Kyle

Its about time too.

I contacted the C4 Dispatches team giving them information regarding this but I never got anything back from them :angry:

When is this on? The link won’t work for me. :frowning:

When is this on?

9.15 AM BBC1 monday 21st november

cant seem to get the link to work :cry: :blush:

+1 :blush:

for anyone who can’t get the link to work, it says :-

HGV Highway Scam

Episode 6 of 10

Duration: 45 minutes

Matt meets 23-year-old who has wanted to be a lorry driver since he was a boy. But Steve has recently had his dreams shattered by conmen who posed as a HGV training firm so they could get at his cash. Plus, how the Financial Services Authority secured their first ever criminal conviction against a man who set up a bogus firm to scam innocent investors, and the scams that target people who want their fifteen minutes of fame.

and then gives another link to an information page that says :-

HGV Training scams

There are lots of companies - known as brokers - who offer to provide a complete HGV training service. They say they will organise a provisional licence, arrange a medical, book a theory test and provide the practical training. Courses are normally around the £3000 mark, but unfortunately it seems there are some rogue brokers who are set up purely to scam people. They appear to be bona fide firms and will probably have a glossy looking website. They won’t necessarily ask for the full fee upfront - instead they’re more likely to ask for a couple of smaller instalments. In return they will start organising the lower cost elements of the training like the medical and theory test. This builds up trust in the victim, who is then happy to pay the rest of the fee. The company will then stop answering calls, or may disappear completely, and the costly practical training is never provided.

It’s worth looking into local training centres you can visit yourself to see what sort of facilities they provide. If you decide to use a broker then do plenty of background research on them and look for positive testimonials online. … nformation


When is this on?

9.15 AM BBC1 monday 21st november

Thanks Rog. Daft time. Guess it will be sky +sd then. :slight_smile:

As far as I am concerned any publicity on brokers is a good thing. 9.15 is not a great time I must admit but it’s more about what happens after the event.

I for one will be embedding the program onto the homepage of

People would rather watch a 15 minute video (BBC one at that) than read through reams of text?

It should drive the message home that before you buy, visit the training company.

It will be available on iplayer for 7 days and will also be available on YouTube.
As visitors to the BBC website are directed to the RHA for further information should the RHA not update their current LGV training information?
The RHA website states you need to be 21 to drive a truck and also a D1 (provisional licence application form) should be sent to DVLA.
I was under the impression a D2 and D4 form should be completed and the age has been lowered to 18.

For those who cannot link … g-brokers/

For those who cannot link … g-brokers/

Clicked on that link and it went to your site but the text was - Error 404 - Not Found

Hi Rog,

sorry about the link not working. In the process of changing servers!

Should work now however … g-brokers/

Hi Rog,

sorry about the link not working. In the process of changing servers!

Should work now however … g-brokers/

Error for me too

perhaps we should rename this thread as dodgy link (as opposed to dodgy brokers!!)

Just checked the link and it seems to be working.

3rd time lucky!!! … g-brokers/

perhaps we should rename this thread as dodgy link (as opposed to dodgy brokers!!)

Just checked the link and it seems to be working.

3rd time lucky!!! … g-brokers/

working for me :wink: