New BBC series to expose dodgy HGV training brokers

Denis F:

perhaps we should rename this thread as dodgy link (as opposed to dodgy brokers!!)

Just checked the link and it seems to be working.

3rd time lucky!!! … g-brokers/

working for me :wink:

Works for me takes straight to home page with all the details on simple

Will you be putting the link for iplayer on after the programme finishes ( as I dont have a tv cant watch or record )

Fine now.

Will have to watch it on catchup on iplayer as have no sky plus or digital recorder.

As soon as the program is aired we will embed the video into our homepage. As I am sure will you guys on Trucknet.

It made Sean Pargeter look like a sensible bloke, was that a stand in? :laughing:

A lot of good points made, but anyone who relied on a website without visiting the premises or knowing the company is asking for trouble.

This site, or Sean’s site has some great information, unfortunately the new drivers only get here after the scam :frowning:

WATCH IT HERE - the first 17 mins is dedicated to this

Maybe this should go as a sticky. I’ve only watched it once but I noticed one relatively minor error when it said that a candidate had to have at least 5 days training.

But the rest of it, so far as I noticed, seemed factually sound and essential information to the wannabee driver who doesn’t want to lose his/her hard earned.

Well done to all involved in this mini-doc. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I am just waiting for it to apear on Youtube and it will be embedded on our site.
All we (Trucknet, HGVLGV training) have been advising people looking for HGV training is to go direct.

Peter Smythe:
Maybe this should go as a sticky.

There is a sticky on this subject so perhaps the 17 minute video of this - if there is a youtube one - could get added into the first post of that sticky :bulb: :question:

I watched the BBC1 programe about the HGV scam but it didnt name the company involved unless i missed that bit. Or is it ilegal to name and shame them. :imp:
I think scamming [zb]s like that should be named and something done about it.
Poor buggers that shell out the money for nothing and cant realy afford it. :frowning:

ps. does anyone know the name of the company involved its just i just had some bloke from Highway HGV try and give me some hard sell patter.

They didnt name them for a reason, the same reason we wont allow the company to be named on here, and the BBC can afford more lawyers than we can… so if they cant name them nor can we.

As for your question regarding Highway read this then make your own mind up


At about 1.45 the name HIGHWAY HGV appears very clearly on the computer screen


If every LGV driver and his/her family, friend or just someone in their contact list were to go on line to their website and request a copy of their brochure, it may not bankrupt these bandits but it sure as hell would frustrate their corrupt practices :smiling_imp: