Need a new start

Hi everyone,

I am desperate to move abroad with a driving job with my family and i don’t have a clue were to start, Can anyone help me on any ideas on how to achieve this it would much appreciated.

Try some Canadian companies (NOT H&R).
Ask Taffytrucker, Chunk, Newmercman, Bob the Dog or any of the guy’s there.

Hi Pat,

How do i chat to them? Thanks for reply. Daz

dazzy potter:
Hi everyone,

I am desperate to move abroad with a driving job with my family and i don’t have a clue were to start, Can anyone help me on any ideas on how to achieve this it would much appreciated.

First of all choose what province you want to live in and take it from there. do your research on province and company then you can look into what companies have LMO’s dont think that you gotta choose the big red circus because they interview in the UK some companies will conduct an interview over skype or the best way is to come over on a recce trip if you have the funds for that

dazzy potter:
Hi Pat,

How do i chat to them? Thanks for reply. Daz

They are all on here, I gave you their ID’s and Taffy has already answered you :slight_smile:

Don’t go to Canada…
The pay is low and everything is expensive. I went there and came back like other driver.
They promise you lots of miles and in the beginning you get them but after view weeks
they let you wait somewhere in the US for Days without Pay. Canadian Truckers wont do
the Job.

Don’t go to Canada…
The pay is low and everything is expensive. I went there and came back like other driver.
They promise you lots of miles and in the beginning you get them but after view weeks
they let you wait somewhere in the US for Days without Pay. Canadian Truckers wont do
the Job.

Ah the classic “didn’t do enough research” scenario . You chose to to move here , unlike most it didn’t work but that’s no fault of Canada . The majority of ex-pat Brits on this forum have made it work , not without effort on their part , and are now enjoying a better standard of living . It’s what YOU make it .
Another long weekend for me , high of 29 and sunny , we’re off water skiing :smiley: .

Ache all over now , tried to numb the pain with some frosty beverages at the pub then home for rib-eyes on the bbq . Tough life driving over here :laughing: , this time of the year anyhow .

flat to the mat:
Ache all over now , tried to numb the pain with some frosty beverages at the pub then home for rib-eyes on the bbq . Tough life driving over here :laughing: , this time of the year anyhow .

Tell me about it, non stop it is, I had to work two and a half days this week and I’m getting into my brand new truck tomorrow :sunglasses:

flat to the mat:

Don’t go to Canada…
The pay is low and everything is expensive. I went there and came back like other driver.
They promise you lots of miles and in the beginning you get them but after view weeks
they let you wait somewhere in the US for Days without Pay. Canadian Truckers wont do
the Job.

Ah the classic “didn’t do enough research” scenario . You chose to to move here , unlike most it didn’t work but that’s no fault of Canada . The majority of ex-pat Brits on this forum have made it work , not without effort on their part , and are now enjoying a better standard of living . It’s what YOU make it .
Another long weekend for me , high of 29 and sunny , we’re off water skiing :smiley: .


Its all about the area and company you pick to work for you get some good and some bad by the look of it Tom chose a bad one. Yea some of the goods are more expensive and some are cheaper but what you gotta remember you can earn more then you can back in the UK and everything is in comparising to the wage you earn and a big mistake people do is to compare prices to the UK. Its not worth it you live in Canada now and not the UK so forget it


flat to the mat:
Ache all over now , tried to numb the pain with some frosty beverages at the pub then home for rib-eyes on the bbq . Tough life driving over here :laughing: , this time of the year anyhow .

Tell me about it, non stop it is, I had to work two and a half days this week and I’m getting into my brand new truck tomorrow :sunglasses:

Does that mean you be able to go for more then 3 hrs with out stopping for a nap now Mark as gotta work to pay the truck off :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wotcha getting drive

Is this the end of 361 ? Welcome to the 21st century :laughing: :laughing:

flat to the mat:
Is this the end of 361 ? Welcome to the 21st century :laughing: :laughing:

361 has gone from semi retirement to fully retired now :laughing:

Wait until you see what I’ve got, we’ve got a load of those brand new 579s, all mod cons on them, autoshifts, big bunks, etc. But I ain’t getting one :laughing:


flat to the mat:
Is this the end of 361 ? Welcome to the 21st century :laughing: :laughing:

361 has gone from semi retirement to fully retired now :laughing:

Wait until you see what I’ve got, we’ve got a load of those brand new 579s, all mod cons on them, autoshifts, big bunks, etc. But I ain’t getting one :laughing:

youre staying in it then lol

No I’ve got a brand new motor, but it ain’t a 579 :sunglasses:

No I’ve got a brand new motor, but it ain’t a 579 :sunglasses:

Brand new motor, welcome to hell :laughing: Volvo VN ?


flat to the mat:

Don’t go to Canada…
The pay is low and everything is expensive. I went there and came back like other driver.
They promise you lots of miles and in the beginning you get them but after view weeks
they let you wait somewhere in the US for Days without Pay. Canadian Truckers wont do
the Job.

Ah the classic “didn’t do enough research” scenario . You chose to to move here , unlike most it didn’t work but that’s no fault of Canada . The majority of ex-pat Brits on this forum have made it work , not without effort on their part , and are now enjoying a better standard of living . It’s what YOU make it .
Another long weekend for me , high of 29 and sunny , we’re off water skiing :smiley: .


Its all about the area and company you pick to work for you get some good and some bad by the look of it Tom chose a bad one. Yea some of the goods are more expensive and some are cheaper but what you gotta remember you can earn more then you can back in the UK and everything is in comparising to the wage you earn and a big mistake people do is to compare prices to the UK. Its not worth it you live in Canada now and not the UK so forget it

I actualy earn more in the UK than in Canada and do a lot less but i aggree in general for what you earn you can afford a nicer home and car than in the UK and a bit more dispisable income.

Many years ago when I drove in the States I used to convert my standard of living into how many hours would I have to work to buy something in the States, or how many hours would I have to work to buy the same thing in the U.K
Example if i wanted working boots, would I have to work longer in the U.K ? to buy them or longer in the States.?
If you appy this to all the things you need or want, then to my way of thinking you come up with the proper result.

The other and most important factor is, where you are happiest, this isn’t all about posessions.


I earn three times what I made in the UK, we have a nice house I must admit, one nice car and one crap heap Jeep Wrangler that my missus refuses to get rid of. What kills us is the damm taxes, town tax state tax, federal tax, school tax (even if you don’t have kids), riddiculous sales tax on everything, water tax, garbage pick up fee’s, healthcare cost’s and about $250.00 a week on groceries. Add to all this the fact that I live and work in or around NYC from Monday to Friday and spend about $150.00 on food in that vast over priced metropolis and we just get by each month.
Most weeks I only work Monday to Friday and do about 50 hours average so in some respects I am better off than a lot but it’s still a struggle.

Pat Hasler:
I earn three times what I made in the UK, we have a nice house I must admit, one nice car and one crap heap Jeep Wrangler that my missus refuses to get rid of. What kills us is the damm taxes, town tax state tax, federal tax, school tax (even if you don’t have kids), riddiculous sales tax on everything, water tax, garbage pick up fee’s, healthcare cost’s and about $250.00 a week on groceries. Add to all this the fact that I live and work in or around NYC from Monday to Friday and spend about $150.00 on food in that vast over priced metropolis and we just get by each month.
Most weeks I only work Monday to Friday and do about 50 hours average so in some respects I am better off than a lot but it’s still a struggle.

What’s the score with healthcare there Pat ? Nothing resembling the NHS ? You take out private health ins: ? Or just hope and pray you don’t get sick ?
That School Tax sounds a right ■■■■■■■■■ you say,even if you don’t have kids. :confused: