Need a new start

We have health insurance through my company which is subsudised but still costs $130.00 a week (my share), we still have to pay partial payments for every GP visit we do, other treatment costs loads more. My Wife does not produce or store iron in her system and has a transfusion twice a month, it costs us $400.00 every time (again that’s our share). If I get really sick which I hope wont happen and can’t work the insurance company will stop my coverage after about 30 day’s which makes the whole thing pointless.
One of our drivers has discovered he has cancer, his insurance will become null and void on the 20 th of this month … Don’t ever complain about the NHS my friend, it’s the best health care system on the planet.

OH ! and a PS ; Last year the insurance company decided they didn’t want to pay their share of my wife’s transfusions which was well over a two grand every two weeks, in other words it was ‘Just go away and die now please’ … I actually got the very senior management at my company to intervine, they found a medical practice in the same city that could help and ordered the insurance company to pay up or risk loosing a very big contract.

Bloody hell mate.
That’s a lot of money,not to mention the worry.
Hope everything works out for you and your wife.
I’ve never knocked the NHS and never would.We’d be f*****d without it,Im sure.