Here’s one to throw out for your opinions
Should National service be reimplemented
Half of the youth of today would be absolutely useless to try and instill any discipline into.
Unless any young person called up to do national service could learn a skill,or contribute something to the military,forget it.
Yes. I can only see it being a good thing and I bet in 40 years they would all say they would do it again.
Yes, two years minimum.
If only discipline was instilled in them, it would be a good thing…to help them find their path in life, and encourage and educate them towards that path would be the making of a lot of the ‘yoof’ of today
There are very few bad kids but there are an awful lot of bored and neglected ones - a little help and encouragement would reap endless benefits! Slovenly parents are the problem so the kids need taking away from them for a couple of years…National Service would be the way to do it…IMHO, for whats it worth
What, we running out of volunteers to kick arse and get shot at for bankers and their bought and paid for politician spokespersons.
No thanks. I’ve worked full time (except 5 months at construction college) since I left school, and worked part time whilst doing GCSEs and had a paper round at 13.
I also spent time as a fire brigade cadet so I know about stuff in the community and the importance of working.
As a form of correction for the little scrotes infesting our towns, that’s a different matter.
Here’s one to throw out for your opinions
Should National service be reimplemented
Yes for the parents who allow their children to fanny about at all hours worrying local residents. 2 years minimum .
In the meantime the said children will be locked away or relocated to live with a more mature relative/adult until parents are deemed capable of looking after them and instilling some discipline.
I blame the nanny state but if my little uns muck about in the supermarket or public areas under the misconception they have some protection from the crowd they get smacked there and then.
Only ever had to do this once and they never mucked about again.
Edit: Course it hurt me more than them, honest…
We seem to forget that the hoodie wearing scrotes that we are so quick to condemn are the same teenagers performing acts of incredible bravery in far flung war zones. The only difference is that the ones in Afghan or wherever have finally got some direction in life now. So for that reason alone I’d be inclined to say yes. On the other hand do we really want the ones who can’t be rescued from scrotedom (have I just invented a new word?) walking sink estates after being trained to kill?
Or we could get really radical and say that anybody between say 18 and 40 who settles in another country should serve two years national service in the army of that country!
The government is cutting the military as it is, so cant see this ever being an option again. Personally dont like the idea of it. The one size fits all aspect. Last place that would suit me is the military, but then Ive been employed nearly every day since I was 18 so not exactly a waster who needs discipline either
I did not do national service but would have if required, the only way to sort this type of question is a poll type thingy, lots of people would enter the poll but do not wish to post a reply.
Definately not. I have just finished my 22yrs and i have seen first hand how much grief is caused when soldiers decide that they do not want to stay in. Then you get the guys who would rather go AWOL then stay in and complete their time.
So it is a resounding hell no from me.
The government is cutting the military as it is, so cant see this ever being an option again. Personally dont like the idea of it. The one size fits all aspect. Last place that would suit me is the military, but then Ive been employed nearly every day since I was 18 so not exactly a waster who needs discipline either
Right here goes Luke, I’m gonna make some sweeping generalisations here…
I’d guess that you come from a background where you were loved, cherished, valued and gently guided from day one. I’d guess also that the majority of feral kids roaming sink estates had none of that TLC, probably never had any sort of Father/authority figure in their lives, and feel totally disenfranchised.
That’s not to say that ALL such kids grow up to be “wrong 'uns”, any more than ALL well brought up kids turn out to be model citizens (albeit with a penchant for talking to plastic heads! ), and while I don’t subscribe rigidly to the view that children are always a product of their upbringing, I will concede that upbringing is a major part of who or what we become.
I agree in principle with national service but half the useless chavvy ■■■■■ ant be trusted with vegetables never mind weapons
Jesus christ! Get off your ■■■■■■■ high horses you bunch of bloody hypocrites. Some kids are little swines yes, but I’ll guarantee there’s not one among you who can honestly claim they were perfect angels when they were young. I’m so sick and ■■■■■■■ tired of this “bring back national service” and “we never did this and that blah blah blah” BS. What a bunch of moaning old ■■■■■
No! It’s not the job of the forces be a dumping ground because the rest of society can’t sort some kids out.
Of course if some of these “scroates” decide for whatever reason to give it a go, then I wish the very best of success, I know people for whom joining up has been the making of them and almost defiently has stopped them ending up in getting in serious trouble.
If you read the likes of the Daily Mail you’d think all kids are drug taking, granny beating [zb]'s, and no doubt it’s true there are places where there are massive problem with the youth, but the truth is most teenagers are basically ok, maybe a bit stroppy, annoying, lethargic and worry their parents about what they’ll make of their lives, but I’m sure most of us had our parents worried at times,
I’m not for National service. Some sort of boot camp where they learn a trade yes, but mixing with the volunteers in the regs, I don’t think so.
All for it. Rather than cut front line troops, cut all the back ups, still saving money. Bring in the kids and teach them how to maintain the equipment, cook the grub etc etc. Rather than putting them on the front line
Jesus christ! Get off your [zb] high horses you bunch of bloody hypocrites. Some kids are little swines yes, but I’ll guarantee there’s not one among you who can honestly claim they were perfect angels when they were young. I’m so sick and [zb] tired of this “bring back national service” and “we never did this and that blah blah blah” BS. What a bunch of moaning old ■■■■■
Spot on,I was never out of trouble when I was a your,always fighting / town/ football etc etc,just got away with a lot more as no CCTV around in them days
Auntie takes great delight in getting scrap book out with all my court appearances,paper headlines in at family Xmas party
,much to the delight of my girl
,yes it’s very easy to forget your younger years( except if you’ve my aunt ).
TTX boy:
Yes. I can only see it being a good thing and I bet in 40 years they would all say they would do it again.
What even the dead ones or the ones with no eyes no legs or no arms.
Would rather see some “useless scroat” as you people like to label them than some poor mother dying inside stood at a bloody graveside.
Give them a future thats all they need.
Piston broke:
Yes, two years minimum.If only discipline was instilled in them, it would be a good thing…to help them find their path in life, and encourage and educate them towards that path would be the making of a lot of the ‘yoof’ of today
There are very few bad kids but there are an awful lot of bored and neglected ones - a little help and encouragement would reap endless benefits! Slovenly parents are the problem so the kids need taking away from them for a couple of years…National Service would be the way to do it…IMHO, for whats it worth
2 years then the forces can choose the ones they want out of those who wish to carry on in the service