So, are we in favour or not?
I’m always confused by these accounts of how some faceless people, usually referred to as “they”, have been working for years plotting the downfall of the working man, and woman, by goodness knows how. What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat. Not too sure about that football analogy though, don’t watch it myself.
“you are all individuals” “we are all individuals”
“I’m not”
I had a debate a while ago with a conspiracy theorist who went in for this New World Order stuff. In the end I simply said to him if the world is as he describes, if this evil force
is working behind the scenes and has all this power, I’m happier to not know and live my life in ignorance, happy ignorance. But I have read a lot about this subject and I don’t believe it so there we are. An no, before anyone says anything, not from the main stream media, from stuff like InfoWars and Prision Planet. Some read it and believe it, some don’t. I dont.
Absolutely the point. Look at it, process it, decide for yourself.
As opposed to reading the Sun over bacon and eggs for your daily dose of programming.
I salute you sir.
Loving the implied label of “Conspiracy Theorist” btw.
At least with this well used tool the baby can be comfortably thrown out with the bath water.
Why thank you. Sorry if my using of conspiracy theorist sounded disparaging, I didnt mean it to, just cant think of a better phrase. Maybe ‘alternative world view believer’ would sound better. Have I just invented a phrase?!
Well the groups trying to gain absolute power should pull their fingers out, after 2000 years they haven’t managed it.
I see what you did there. Very witty. I’m sold.
I dont take the time to read up on stuff like this because, in my opinion, its a load of crap. If im wrong & end up in a cell with other subversives then i will feel pretty stupid, it wouldnt be the first time.
Doesn’t that contradict itself?
Never been in a local derby scrap, drunken yobs arguing over whose group of foreign imports is best need therapy
In a time when footballers can make more in a week than the prime minister makes in a year, I just don’t thinking need to worry about being subjugated by politicians just yet.
The odd thing to me is that if you lived somewhere with few to no civil liberties you wouldn’t be allowed to have a forum like this, but here we are discussing all sorts of scary stuff.
You speak of civil liberties as if we should be grateful the powers that be have deigned to bestow some on us…
In a time when footballers can make more in a week than the prime minister makes in a year, I just don’t thinking need to worry about being subjugated by politicians just yet.
I don’t consider civil liberties as being allowed by anyone, I was lucky enough to be born in a country where they are the norm, in plenty countries they aren’t. We have no idea what it would be like to have none at all, if you think this country is bad you are truly deluded. And let’s face it, swearing isn’t that big a deal is it? After all any clunt can swear.
That’s all since bliar left office, him & his tramp have always been a pair of money hungry ■■■■■■ It’s no surprise to find him telling lies to others, he did it here long enough.
I don’t consider civil liberties as being allowed by anyone, I was lucky enough to be born in a country where they are the norm, in plenty countries they aren’t. We have no idea what it would be like to have none at all, if you think this country is bad you are truly deluded. And let’s face it, swearing isn’t that big a deal is it? After all any clunt can swear.
That’s all since bliar left office, him & his tramp have always been a pair of money hungry [zb]. It’s no surprise to find him telling lies to others, he did it here long enough.
So your benchmark would be where? Somalia?
So long as it’s better than that, it’s all good?
My “delusion” seem’s somewhat overshadowed by your apparent naivety in terms of civil liberties.
Magna carta v EU directives. Tyranny in a ■■■■■■■ suit. Or is it only armed bannana republics that the term applies to.
We currently live in a country indebted to privately owned banks. Fact not theory. These banks are repaid by tax payers money.
Do you see the conection yet?
It’s called indentured servitude.
We are all wage slaves.
Financial tyranny.
Try missing a mortgage or rent payment. Get behind with your council tax, see what happens.
Money was once merely a unit to barter with. Now with interest, inflation, national indebtedness to private banks (who if you recall were bailed out by the very same tax payers they now have by the balls) it has become a constantly devaluing millstone.
Who needs an AK47 when you control a nations currency and in turn it’s so called economy whilst your mass media operations have the masses under the hypnotic illusion that they’re free. If you’re truly free surely you can take the day off tomorrow on a whim and nip into the West End. Maybe take in a show, just as the elites do? No you can’t. You need to be at work tomorrow driving a wagon for not much above “minimum wage” to “survive” in this economic “downturn”, like most other members on here.
That’s not freedom Slackbladder, not from my perspective.
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion,at the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery,pull back the curtains,move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.
I don’t consider civil liberties as being allowed by anyone, I was lucky enough to be born in a country where they are the norm, in plenty countries they aren’t. We have no idea what it would be like to have none at all, if you think this country is bad you are truly deluded. And let’s face it, swearing isn’t that big a deal is it? After all any clunt can swear.
That’s all since bliar left office, him & his tramp have always been a pair of money hungry [zb]. It’s no surprise to find him telling lies to others, he did it here long enough.
So your benchmark would be where? Somalia?
So long as it’s better than that, it’s all good?
My “delusion” seem’s somewhat overshadowed by your apparent naivety in terms of civil liberties.
Magna carta v EU directives. Tyranny in a [zb] suit. Or is it only armed bannana republics that the term applies to.
We currently live in a country indebted to privately owned banks. Fact not theory. These banks are repaid by tax payers money.
Do you see the conection yet?
It’s called indentured servitude.
We are all wage slaves.
Financial tyranny.
Try missing a mortgage or rent payment. Get behind with your council tax, see what happens.
Money was once merely a unit to barter with. Now with interest, inflation, national indebtedness to private banks (who if you recall were bailed out by the very same tax payers they now have by the balls) it has become a constantly devaluing millstone.
Who needs an AK47 when you control a nations currency and in turn it’s so called economy whilst your mass media operations have the masses under the hypnotic illusion that they’re free. If you’re truly free surely you can take the day off tomorrow on a whim and nip into the West End. Maybe take in a show, just as the elites do? No you can’t. You need to be at work tomorrow driving a wagon for not much above “minimum wage” to “survive” in this economic “downturn”, like most other members on here.
That’s not freedom Slackbladder, not from my perspective.
This post is pretty spot on. If anyone wanted to be really free of control you’ll pretty much have to fall off the grid and go live in the mountains completely self sufficiently. Which is actually my dream in the long run, live in the mountains with my goats, chickens, ducks and Buttercup the cow. Oh and a couple of hyperactive beagles.
Well as it happens I could nip into town to see a show if I wished, I work 4 on 4 off & I’m off. That’s being flippant I know. If you’re fed up of being a wage slave they why don’t you join the great unwashed, those that choose not to work? This terrible country are only too happy to give cash & housing to those on benefit.
Never been, or been interested in somalia but have spent time in Belize, not an oppressed country by any means. They have no form of government help when jobless or sick, if you have nothing there it means nothing, zero. Seeing people there living in a wooden box the size of my cab was truly upsetting. My point is that it’s easy to live here in relative comfort, return to your warm house/ bunk every night, pull out your computer and ■■■■■ about how hard life is.
Well as it happens I could nip into town to see a show if I wished, I work 4 on 4 off & I’m off. That’s being flippant I know. If you’re fed up of being a wage slave they why don’t you join the great unwashed, those that choose not to work? This terrible country are only too happy to give cash & housing to those on benefit.
Never been, or been interested in somalia but have spent time in Belize, not an oppressed country by any means. They have no form of government help when jobless or sick, if you have nothing there it means nothing, zero. Seeing people there living in a wooden box the size of my cab was truly upsetting. My point is that it’s easy to live here in relative comfort, return to your warm house/ bunk every night, pull out your computer and ■■■■■ about how hard life is.
Belize. Must be ex Squaddie then?
Renowned for open mindedness.
I take it by your post I’m a kerboard warrior with no life experience or first hand experience of life beyond passport control?
Sorry to disappoint.
Once again you show a typically blinkered view of the current s5ate of the world. Did you understand anything in my previous post?
Work or be a doley? Enjoy your limited vision of the world SB but please don’t try to impose it on me and have brass neck to lecture others when you haven’t even grasped the basics of the geopolitical nightmare now unfolding.
I don’t consider civil liberties as being allowed by anyone, I was lucky enough to be born in a country where they are the norm, in plenty countries they aren’t. We have no idea what it would be like to have none at all, if you think this country is bad you are truly deluded. And let’s face it, swearing isn’t that big a deal is it? After all any clunt can swear.
That’s all since bliar left office, him & his tramp have always been a pair of money hungry [zb]. It’s no surprise to find him telling lies to others, he did it here long enough.
So your benchmark would be where? Somalia?
So long as it’s better than that, it’s all good?
My “delusion” seem’s somewhat overshadowed by your apparent naivety in terms of civil liberties.
Magna carta v EU directives. Tyranny in a [zb] suit. Or is it only armed bannana republics that the term applies to.
We currently live in a country indebted to privately owned banks. Fact not theory. These banks are repaid by tax payers money.
Do you see the conection yet?
It’s called indentured servitude.
We are all wage slaves.
Financial tyranny.
Try missing a mortgage or rent payment. Get behind with your council tax, see what happens.
Money was once merely a unit to barter with. Now with interest, inflation, national indebtedness to private banks (who if you recall were bailed out by the very same tax payers they now have by the balls) it has become a constantly devaluing millstone.
Who needs an AK47 when you control a nations currency and in turn it’s so called economy whilst your mass media operations have the masses under the hypnotic illusion that they’re free. If you’re truly free surely you can take the day off tomorrow on a whim and nip into the West End. Maybe take in a show, just as the elites do? No you can’t. You need to be at work tomorrow driving a wagon for not much above “minimum wage” to “survive” in this economic “downturn”, like most other members on here.
That’s not freedom Slackbladder, not from my perspective.
This post is pretty spot on. If anyone wanted to be really free of control you’ll pretty much have to fall off the grid and go live in the mountains completely self sufficiently. Which is actually my dream in the long run, live in the mountains with my goats, chickens, ducks and Buttercup the cow. Oh and a couple of hyperactive beagles.
For myself it’s a Smallholding or farm near the hills and a stream, powered a’la ■■■■ Strawbridge.
My 2 black labs fulfill the hyperactive role!
Yes I must be an ex squaddie as there’s no way I could have been there as a civilian contractor is there? Does all that jumping to conclusions keep you fit? I’ve no idea what life experience you have, I know nothing about you other than your views on this topic and you know some big words.
As I’m obviously a dummy could you take the time to explain what the endgame of all this is? You may think I’m blinkered but I’m willing to listen, not agree with maybe. As I’ve said before I don’t know what the aim of all this subjugation is.
Yes I must be an ex squaddie as there’s no way I could have been there as a civilian contractor is there? Does all that jumping to conclusions keep you fit?
? = a question. Look again.
I’ve no idea what life experience you have, I know nothing about you other than your views on this topic and you know some big words.
As I’m obviously a dummy could you take the time to explain what the endgame of all this is? You may think I’m blinkered but I’m willing to listen, not agree with maybe. As I’ve said before I don’t know what the aim of all this subjugation is.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s quite difficult to take it all in in one go. Take the time to research it yourself. Don’t take my word for it. I’m merely throwing stones in the metaphorical pond.
Ha ha nice one, the old its all out there you only have to look ploy, it’s right up there with the cheques in the post, of course I will still respect you in the morning etc. You want me to trawl through loads of books to try & find something I don’t believe in, that won’t happen. I didn’t bother reading think yourself thin but managed to lose 3 stone.
What would you do if we all said sod it and moved into the hills with you? I think you might get a tad fed up with the proletariat turning up on you doorstep wanting some of that utopian society.
Ha ha nice one, the old its all out there you only have to look ploy, it’s right up there with the cheques in the post, of course I will still respect you in the morning etc. You want me to trawl through loads of books to try & find something I don’t believe in, that won’t happen. I didn’t bother reading think yourself thin but managed to lose 3 stone.
What would you do if we all said sod it and moved into the hills with you? I think you might get a tad fed up with the proletariat turning up on you doorstep wanting some of that utopian society.
Aha, the old 《You want all the answers but refuse to look for them.》ploy. Isn’t that a wee bit lazy.
Other members have already outlined it on this thread.
Do you “believe” the news?
Do you “believe” the official version of history?
Whether your bubble likes it or not, this ■■■■■ going on. Take it or leave it, you’re your own man.
I don’t see myself as some nutjob cult leader and you as a potential convert to my new world order cult. Crack on old fruit and good luck in your carefree yet fully controlled future.
I dare say we’ll resume this tete a tete when a cashless society thread is started.
I question what I’m told, read or see. I decide for myself. Try it.
As for my reply to Switchlogic, I don’t remember adding cohabitation with an ex Belize veteran to my wishlist.
I know enough of them already.
Sadly this thread seems to have decended into a ■■■■■■■ contest.
I’ve already shared my thoughts. Over to you sir for some sage advice on the benefits of a global centrally controlled Technocracy, sat atop a one world army and banking network digitally dictating to the final 10% of microchip implanted, quasi lobotomised slaves…
So there we have it.
Nothing to see here, your government loves you!
Accept a single ID card or you’re a nutter■■?
This side of a revolution, the revolutionaries are in the minority.
I’d like to see a bloodless one. No civil war necessary. Wake enough people and you’d get the “hundredth monkey” effect, transcending the whole charade.
I’d like to see a bloodless one. No civil war necessary. Wake enough people and you’d get the “hundredth monkey” effect, transcending the whole charade.
Game over for “THEM”. Imho anyway.
Have you read “The Story of My Experiments With Truth” by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi?
Peaceful resistance & non violent revolution my arse
Give them the reason too & they’ll give you all the violence you want.