JLS Driver SOS:
As I said earlier, I have one and have no problem with it, they can watch me all they like I really don’t care, if BB was really watching you, you would need a lot more civil servants than there is at present.
so you’ll let them put cctv and microphones in your house then,as “they can watch you all they like”? -nothing to hide and all that?
Oh no, not the hundredth monkey story, it’s just that, a story. I’ve been hearing this guff for years and still nothing has happened. I will believe what I believe, I would rather go through life getting on with it, rather than looking behind every door looking for some imaginary boogeyman intent on world ■■■■■■■■■■.
Theres a programme called gogglebox on tv where they do that tv & mic in the houses.
I’d like to see a bloodless one. No civil war necessary. Wake enough people and you’d get the “hundredth monkey” effect, transcending the whole charade.
Game over for “THEM”. Imho anyway.
Have you read “The Story of My Experiments With Truth” by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi?
Peaceful resistance & non violent revolution my arse
Give them the reason too & they’ll give you all the violence you want.
No I haven’t tbh. My understanding of him doesn’t fill a book.
Agent provocateurs only work on crowds of unaware folk. Couple that to the pet media who’ll gladly chop change edit and outright lie if needs be and it’s not hard to see how mere students can be cast as terrorist like mobs.
I did say id like to see it. Whether it’s possible with the generations worth of entrenched programming most people are saddled with is sadly anothef matter.
I’m not a new ager mate. My family like many others have a military background. Despite the last 3 pages of flamboyant prose , I’m still a husband, father of 4 and entrepreneurial genius! I live with my boot’s firmly on the deck.
Oh no, not the hundredth monkey story, it’s just that, a story. I’ve been hearing this guff for years and still nothing has happened. I will believe what I believe, I would rather go through life getting on with it, rather than looking behind every door looking for some imaginary boogeyman intent on world ■■■■■■■■■■.
Theres a programme called gogglebox on tv where they do that tv & mic in the houses.
Hello again. I didn’t think you read about such things.
No I haven’t tbh. My understanding of him doesn’t fill a book.
Agent provocateurs only work on crowds of unaware folk. Couple that to the pet media who’ll gladly chop change edit and outright lie if needs be and it’s not hard to see how mere students can be cast as terrorist like mobs.
I did say id like to see it. Whether it’s possible with the generations worth of entrenched programming most people are saddled with is sadly anothef matter.
I’m not a new ager mate. My family like many others have a military background. Despite the last 3 pages of flamboyant prose , I’m still a husband, father of 4 and entrepreneurial genius! I live with my boot’s firmly on the deck.
Gandhi knew that you cannot have a peaceful & non violent revolution, his genius was that he used that fact to his advantage.
I don’t believe we can ever have another revolution on the same terms of what has happened in the past, the genius’s behind them have already taught ‘them’ their lessons.
Gandhi conquered the might of the British Empire & Madiba simply mimicked him to accomplish his own minor victory.
Don’t worry man, I read all sorts of stuff, as you suggest, I just don’t swallow it all. Righto time for " blacklist" you should have a watch, it’s right up your street.
Don’t worry man, I read all sorts of stuff, as you suggest, I just don’t swallow it all. Righto time for " blacklist" you should have a watch, it’s right up your street.
After 3 pages of, mostly, careful dialogue, it’s obvious you’ve no intention of understanding the information I and others have layed out before you. You already have a stock response at the ready. That’s great news for you. You clearly have a position to protect, with anything that differs from your chosen paradigm clearly being nonsense.
I sincerely wish you well with this strategy. Have fun with your id card and all the things set to follow.
Well thanks for the good wishes, you will just have to accept there are some people you cannot help, or don’t want your help, I’m one.
I don’t have an I’d card just yet, I do have a driving licence, digi card & biometric passport though. I just think putting them into one card would be a good idea. If this makes me a mindless drone so be it.