It’s not an argument mate, it’s just opinion. I have mine and you have yours. I loik at the facts and base my opinions on my situation as I imagine you do too
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hideYou don’t now but what if one day we managed to vote in a facist government and suddenly something as simple as your political view made you a criminal?
My political views don’t leave a trace of my dna and I don’t think you can put it on an id card as it is not a permanent thing about you
I take it the NSA/Google spying scandal passed you by then Jay?
There will always be unscrupulous characters who will misuse anything, but as I’ve said before, it’s nothing on a card that you and I don’t already have on our driving licence and national insurance cards. As for the dna, like I said earlier, they’ve been collecting it from everyone who’s been arrested for at least the last 14 years as that’s when I had it done. There’s got to be give and take, we all ■■■■■ and moan about foreign nationals committing crime, then if they’re caught they disappear. You don’t have the right to moan about it if you’re going to stand there saying you won’t allow your details to be held on file too. You could be involved in a fatal accident this afternoon, arrested as a precaution, then you’re dna will be on file forever, whether you like it or not
To say i disagree is an understatement.
While you evidently feel strongly about this and believe it or not I’ve had this same conversation many times, you’re missing the point massively.
Who allows this current status quo with the illeagals?
The same people who’ve wtitten openly for many decades how they’ll bring in their “New World Order”, not by bloody revolution but with well meaning types such as yourself demanding it.
Humour me. Take the time to research the following:
Problem reaction solution
(And to quote a favourite of mine) The Totalitarian tiptoe.
Digital Angel’s “Veri-Chip”
I should go on but risk sounding like a nutter!
Ultimately the world you see unfolding has been hundreds or more years in the making. I first read of these things in the early 90’s and tbh it all seemed too far fetched to be true.
Sadly with the rise of the internet and the documented hijacking of mass media, the masses are in a hypnotic state and kept there by a steady dose of bull ■■■■, fear and trivia that bears no relation to reality. Do you honestly believe the Royalty based system we have in the UK is really in control? They’re puppets, nothing more. They do as they’re told or else…
The paragraph you’ve given is straight out of the Sun or Jeremy Vine, imho.
We are building a prison planet.
Global economic collapse,false flag terror attacks and multiple wars in the middle east are being used to justify the creation of a new world order.
A centralised facist sate headed by a world government,a central bank,an electronic currency and aworld army to enforce the will of the government,they want a microchipped population controlled by a global computer network.A mass depopulation agenda is achieved primarily through GMO foods,vaccinations,chemtrails and poisoning the environment.
And so finally it seems the hypnosis is fading…
Goaty,thanks for your posts mate,keep up the good work!
The government has more than enough ways of keeping track on people as it is. As for the crime immigration terrorism if there was the political will to sort it they could do it now.
We are building a prison planet.
Global economic collapse,false flag terror attacks and multiple wars in the middle east are being used to justify the creation of a new world order.
A centralised facist sate headed by a world government,a central bank,an electronic currency and aworld army to enforce the will of the government,they want a microchipped population controlled by a global computer network.A mass depopulation agenda is achieved primarily through GMO foods,vaccinations,chemtrails and poisoning the environment.
You’ve a lot more belief in the skills of the human race than me that’s for sure. A world government? Most governments can hardly hang on to power in their own countries. And before you write me off I’ve read a lot about these ideas because they fascinate me greatly, but I don’t believe them, I may be wrong or you may be wrong but trust me I’ve done the reading.
Corrupt elites, a starry eyed aspirational middle class and multi generational retarding of the “proles” coupled with a healthy dose of fear (terrorism) and divide and rule (Manchester United v Manchester City or England v France, whatever cause it takes to create division).
That’s only politics, never mind the Spiritual awakening you don’t hear much of in the MM.
So, are we in favour or not?
I’m always confused by these accounts of how some faceless people, usually referred to as “they”, have been working for years plotting the downfall of the working man, and woman, by goodness knows how. What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat. Not too sure about that football analogy though, don’t watch it myself.
“you are all individuals” “we are all individuals”
“I’m not”
So, are we in favour or not?
I’m always confused by these accounts of how some faceless people, usually referred to as “they”, have been working for years plotting the downfall of the working man, and woman, by goodness knows how. What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat. Not too sure about that football analogy though, don’t watch it myself.
“you are all individuals” “we are all individuals”“I’m not”
I had a debate a while ago with a conspiracy theorist who went in for this New World Order stuff. In the end I simply said to him if the world is as he describes, if this evil force is working behind the scenes and has all this power, I’m happier to not know and live my life in ignorance, happy ignorance. But I have read a lot about this subject and I don’t believe it so there we are. An no, before anyone says anything, not from the main stream media, from stuff like InfoWars and Prision Planet. Some read it and believe it, some don’t. I dont.
As I said earlier, I have one and have no problem with it, they can watch me all they like I really don’t care, if BB was really watching you, you would need a lot more civil servants than there is at present.
Everything is backwards.
Everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health,
Lawyers destroy justice,
Psychiatrists destroy minds,
Scientists destroy truth,
Media destroys information,
Religions destroy spirituality,
Governments destroy freedom.
What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat.
Some folk are happy being rich, some are happy with having lots of power, some want both, a few want it all.
I don’t know who ‘they’ are but I do believe they exist, not as a single entity of lizard creatures like David Icke thinks, but as several groups who are in a constant battle with each other over wealth & the real goal . . . ABSOLUTE POWER.
You have & enjoy your material objects, but what about your children, or your friends children? What prospects do they have of owning the mortgage on a 3 bed semi?
How much of your material wealth will you need to sacrifice when the NHS is dissolved?
Is your pension stock market based?
It’s alright to hide inside your personal comfort zone, but you really should put your head up over the wall sometimes to see what’s going on in the world.
Imo the jury is still out on all this new world order stuff, the majority of our leaders struggle to make it through a term in office without getting caught with their hands in the till/ secretaries underwear, so I fail to see how they could be capable of plotting mankinds total subjugation.
Spookily whilst walking up some stairs earlier I saw the same cat twice! Coincidence or a glitch?
So, are we in favour or not?
I’m always confused by these accounts of how some faceless people, usually referred to as “they”, have been working for years plotting the downfall of the working man, and woman, by goodness knows how.
You’re confused? Then may I suggest reading about these subjects? Make of them what you will, that’s the point. Freedom to choose that which you wish…
I’m not preaching dogma, this ■■■■■ going on whether you’re confused by it or not.
What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat. Not too sure about that football analogy though, don’t watch it myself.
“you are all individuals” “we are all individuals”“I’m not”
Good on you.
The “football thing” was a crap attempt to illustrate division over things that don’t matter. I take it you’ve never been in the middle of a local derby “scrap”?
So, are we in favour or not?
I’m always confused by these accounts of how some faceless people, usually referred to as “they”, have been working for years plotting the downfall of the working man, and woman, by goodness knows how. What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat. Not too sure about that football analogy though, don’t watch it myself.
“you are all individuals” “we are all individuals”“I’m not”
I had a debate a while ago with a conspiracy theorist who went in for this New World Order stuff. In the end I simply said to him if the world is as he describes, if this evil force
is working behind the scenes and has all this power, I’m happier to not know and live my life in ignorance, happy ignorance. But I have read a lot about this subject and I don’t believe it so there we are. An no, before anyone says anything, not from the main stream media, from stuff like InfoWars and Prision Planet. Some read it and believe it, some don’t. I dont.
Absolutely the point. Look at it, process it, decide for yourself.
As opposed to reading the Sun over bacon and eggs for your daily dose of programming.
I salute you sir.
Loving the implied label of “Conspiracy Theorist” btw.
At least with this well used tool the baby can be comfortably thrown out with the bath water.
the maoster:
Imo the jury is still out on all this new world order stuff, the majority of our leaders struggle to make it through a term in office without getting caught with their hands in the till/ secretaries underwear, so I fail to see how they could be capable of plotting mankinds total subjugation.Spookily whilst walking up some stairs earlier I saw the same cat twice! Coincidence or a glitch?
Who can say, Neo!
So, are we in favour or not?
I’m always confused by these accounts of how some faceless people, usually referred to as “they”, have been working for years plotting the downfall of the working man, and woman, by goodness knows how. What is their grand plan, hundreds of years in the making, all about then? If its to keep me in a job with a 3 bed semi, 2 cars, 2 bikes & 2 holidays abroad every year then it’s working a treat. Not too sure about that football analogy though, don’t watch it myself.
“you are all individuals” “we are all individuals”“I’m not”
I had a debate a while ago with a conspiracy theorist who went in for this New World Order stuff. In the end I simply said to him if the world is as he describes, if this evil force
is working behind the scenes and has all this power, I’m happier to not know and live my life in ignorance, happy ignorance. But I have read a lot about this subject and I don’t believe it so there we are. An no, before anyone says anything, not from the main stream media, from stuff like InfoWars and Prision Planet. Some read it and believe it, some don’t. I dont.Absolutely the point. Look at it, process it, decide for yourself.
As opposed to reading the Sun over bacon and eggs for your daily dose of programming.
I salute you sir.
Loving the implied label of “Conspiracy Theorist” btw.
At least with this well used tool the baby can be comfortably thrown out with the bath water.
Why thank you. Sorry if my using of conspiracy theorist sounded disparaging, I didnt mean it to, just cant think of a better phrase. Maybe ‘alternative world view believer’ would sound better. Have I just invented a phrase?!
Well the groups trying to gain absolute power should pull their fingers out, after 2000 years they haven’t managed it. I dont take the time to read up on stuff like this because, in my opinion, its a load of crap. If im wrong & end up in a cell with other subversives then i will feel pretty stupid, it wouldnt be the first time.
Never been in a local derby scrap, drunken yobs arguing over whose group of foreign imports is best need therapy. In a time when footballers can make more in a week than the prime minister makes in a year, I just don’t thinking need to worry about being subjugated by politicians just yet.
The odd thing to me is that if you lived somewhere with few to no civil liberties you wouldn’t be allowed to have a forum like this, but here we are discussing all sorts of scary stuff.