I have an ID book + Driving licence with my ID number on there, makes life quite easy really, give your ID number over for all transactions, if you do not have an ID number, you cannot get anything, might sort out the claiming nonsense from Non nationals occurring maybe and multiple claims by 1 person.
We all have an ID card, whether it is a passport, a driving licence, debit or credit card, or even a supermarket loyalty card, nectar card, someone is watching you, your spending habits, where you have been where you go and anyone using the internet is being targeted by shops and suppliers based on your last google search. I still haven’t found any lime green furry handcuffs though
I used to be a great champion of how IT could be used to improve all our lives.Until someone told me the real motives behind computerising everyones medical records & holding them on a central database. From a very respected source who is/was very high up in the food chain.
I won’t go into the details, I don’t think it would change anyone here’s mind, but needless to say it is in no way beneficial to the average man in the street.
Would it have something to do with the Rothschild’s and the New World Order? That’s the usual answer to everything isn’t it.
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hide
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hide
You don’t now but what if one day we managed to vote in a facist government and suddenly something as simple as your political view made you a criminal?
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hide
That’s a very naive view. If a government wants to it can make you have something to hide wether you’ve done something or not. You may be law abiding now, doesn’t mean you will always be
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hideYou don’t now but what if one day we managed to vote in a facist government and suddenly something as simple as your political view made you a criminal?
My political views don’t leave a trace of my dna and I don’t think you can put it on an id card as it is not a permanent thing about you
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hideThat’s a very naive view. If a government wants to it can make you have something to hide wether you’ve done something or not. You may be law abiding now, doesn’t mean you will always be
Think you’ve watched enemy of the state once to often It’s cut and dried to me, I’ve managed not to murder, ■■■■ or pillage thus far in my life, but if I ever do, I can quite rightly be brought to justice
This thread echos Sundays nights discussion. Here in Euroland (Germany) everyone has to carry their ID card, but it has the same use as a passport in Europe. You do need a proper passport to go outside. Why not, I don’t have much to hide, would make life much simpler…
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hideThat’s a very naive view. If a government wants to it can make you have something to hide wether you’ve done something or not. You may be law abiding now, doesn’t mean you will always be
Think you’ve watched enemy of the state once to often
It’s cut and dried to me, I’ve managed not to murder, ■■■■ or pillage thus far in my life, but if I ever do, I can quite rightly be brought to justice
Never seen enemy of the state, but have read plenty of history books from Soviet Russia to Iraq under Saddam. You’ve missed the point, something simple that you do now that’s legal could be illegal under a dictatorship, simple stuff like being a member of a union. And you think we would never be ruled by a dictatorship? It’s not that far fetched. Give away freedoms and you’ll never ever get them back.
But if you think this only happens on screen who am I to burst your bubble
I bet there were some Jews that said they had nothing to hide when identification papers were introduced in 1940’s Germany.
We live under a dictatorship now luke, albeit one hidden behind a veil of so called democracy. They’ve already got your ni, driver number and a pic of you on your licence. They know who’s who. An id card would just pull the shady characters in with the rest of us. As for dna, it’s already taken if you’re arrested for everything from public order to murder. Mine was taken because I gave a copper some abuse while I was ■■■■■■■ Totally stupid on my part but I was young. But if I raped a woman this afternoon the police would be banging my door in before emmerdale, and that can only be a good thing in my bubble
I used to be a great champion of how IT could be used to improve all our lives.Until someone told me the real motives behind computerising everyones medical records & holding them on a central database. From a very respected source who is/was very high up in the food chain.
I won’t go into the details, I don’t think it would change anyone here’s mind, but needless to say it is in no way beneficial to the average man in the street.
The long awaited “Wrist chip”, aka Veri chip?
Children shouldn’t play with matches and ■■■■■■■■■ shouldn’t call for more erosion our liberties and privacy any further than has already happened.
Turn off the box, bin the papers and get informed ffs.
“Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about”.
How very deeply considered your arguments, parroting mainstream media.
No ID card. I know who I am. If you want to pretend you’re a ■■■■■■■ secret agent then knock yourself out, please don’t drag me into your deluded fantasies.
Wheel Nut:
We all have an ID card, whether it is a passport, a driving licence, debit or credit card, or even a supermarket loyalty card, nectar card, someone is watching you, your spending habits, where you have been where you go and anyone using the internet is being targeted by shops and suppliers based on your last google search. I still haven’t found any lime green furry handcuffs though
Use "Startpage, either instead or as an “internet condom”.
I’m open to new information on this but afaik it gives you complete anonymity online.
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hideYou don’t now but what if one day we managed to vote in a facist government and suddenly something as simple as your political view made you a criminal?
My political views don’t leave a trace of my dna and I don’t think you can put it on an id card as it is not a permanent thing about you
I take it the NSA/Google spying scandal passed you by then Jay?
ID cards in any shape or form are pointless when we live in a country that allows certain people to wear clothes that cover them from head to toe allowing them not to be identified.+1
I’ve been asked to take the hood down from my coat / hooded top in supermarkets before “for security reasons” yet the burka is perfectly legitimate.
I too was asked to lower my hood. I told them I couldn’t as it was against my religion.
He asked me what religion I was, and I replied ‘Jedi’
He laughed and walked off.
I’m a firm believer in mandatory id cards, mandatory dna and I’d even be happy to have tracking chips from birth til 18. But there again, I’m law abiding and have nothing to hideYou don’t now but what if one day we managed to vote in a facist government and suddenly something as simple as your political view made you a criminal?
My political views don’t leave a trace of my dna and I don’t think you can put it on an id card as it is not a permanent thing about you
I take it the NSA/Google spying scandal passed you by then Jay?
There will always be unscrupulous characters who will misuse anything, but as I’ve said before, it’s nothing on a card that you and I don’t already have on our driving licence and national insurance cards. As for the dna, like I said earlier, they’ve been collecting it from everyone who’s been arrested for at least the last 14 years as that’s when I had it done. There’s got to be give and take, we all ■■■■■ and moan about foreign nationals committing crime, then if they’re caught they disappear. You don’t have the right to moan about it if you’re going to stand there saying you won’t allow your details to be held on file too. You could be involved in a fatal accident this afternoon, arrested as a precaution, then you’re dna will be on file forever, whether you like it or not
We live under a dictatorship now luke…… But if I raped a woman this afternoon the police would be banging my door in before emmerdale, and that can only be a good thing in my bubble
No we don’t, ask someone who lived under Saddam or Gaddafi if we live under a dictatorship and see what they say. And if we do end up with one it will be because the population sleep walked into it, talked into believing the dangerous ‘if you’ve nothing to hide you’ve nothing to fear’ & ‘we’re doing this to fight terrorism’ propaganda.
As for your second point, would it also be a good thing if they came knocking on your door to take you away because of your religion? Or political beliefs?
We live under a dictatorship now luke…… But if I raped a woman this afternoon the police would be banging my door in before emmerdale, and that can only be a good thing in my bubble
No we don’t, ask someone who lived under Saddam or Gaddafi if we live under a dictatorship and see what they say. And if we do end up with one it will be because the population sleep walked into it, talked into believing the dangerous ‘if you’ve nothing to hide you’ve nothing to fear’ & ‘we’re doing this to fight terrorism’ propaganda.
As for your second point, would it also be a good thing if they came knocking on your door to take you away because of your religion? Or political beliefs?
We’re governed by a coalition who nobody voted for, just the same as the people of iraq, libya, cuba, zimbabwe and the like. The only difference being is David Cameron isn’t a tyrant. As for your second point, any religious and political views are in my brain, not in my dna or on an id card
We live under a dictatorship now luke…… But if I raped a woman this afternoon the police would be banging my door in before emmerdale, and that can only be a good thing in my bubble
No we don’t, ask someone who lived under Saddam or Gaddafi if we live under a dictatorship and see what they say. And if we do end up with one it will be because the population sleep walked into it, talked into believing the dangerous ‘if you’ve nothing to hide you’ve nothing to fear’ & ‘we’re doing this to fight terrorism’ propaganda.
As for your second point, would it also be a good thing if they came knocking on your door to take you away because of your religion? Or political beliefs?
We’re governed by a coalition who nobody voted for, just the same as the people of iraq, libya, cuba, zimbabwe and the like. The only difference being is David Cameron isn’t a tyrant. As for your second point, any religious and political views are in my brain, not in my dna or on an id card
Blimey, I give up