N I P. For not wearing a seatbelt

A mate of mine has just txt me saying he’s got a nip for not wearing a seatbelt on the A59 at Bolton Abbey knobbled by a scamera Van , he said he had it under his arm and not over his shoulder , told him he will still get done .
Says he’s gonna fight it but I reckon he’s got no chance , what’s the penalty for not wearing a belt ? Is it a set fine or does it go on your earnings , maybe he will start wearing it from now on :unamused:

I believe he has a good chance in fighting that.

If it was buckled and the belt is visible in the photo the van obviously took, you should see he is wearing it, just wearing in an improper manner (According to his text) but he is still wearing it.

Depends on the letter of the letter and interpretation of the law. Could be a grey area really, depending how much he wants to fight it.

Is he able to request all evidence (photos?) they seem to think they have?

It just says images of the offence will not be disclosed at this time , he’s a stubborn git so he will probably fight it all the way , just can’t understand that he went to the trouble to put it on why not put it on correctly :question:

It just says images of the offence will not be disclosed at this time , he’s a stubborn git so he will probably fight it all the way , just can’t understand that he went to the trouble to put it on why not put it on correctly :question:

Probably cos the beeping got on his nerves

I’ve found a lot of modern cars don’t switch the beeping off like they used to after a few min

Same with trucks . I’ve got my unit after night shift had it and belt buckled up so obviously they’re just sitting on it rather than wearing it

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Haven’t they just changed the law so that its points rather than just a fine?

It just says images of the offence will not be disclosed at this time , he’s a stubborn git so he will probably fight it all the way , just can’t understand that he went to the trouble to put it on why not put it on correctly :question:

Freakin typical that they won’t disclose the evidence unless he chooses to gamble on a court.

Like speeding pictures from a fixed camera, you get a picture of the vehicle, but don’t get the one from the second flash that let’s you calculate your speed from the calibration marks on the road unless you choose to go to court, in which case the penalties are that much more severe.

Full disclosure of ALL evidence should be compulsory, not making you take a gamble to get it! :imp:

Unless it’s a medical issue then why on earth would you not just wear your seatbelt properly? It’s not hard is it.

Unless it’s a medical issue then why on earth would you not just wear your seatbelt properly? It’s not hard is it.

Exactly. :unamused:

According to the gov web site, its upto £500 fine although no doubt plus court costs and “victim surcharge”.


Have read its £260 for costs and usually £80 for surcharge. Doesnt seem to be based on earnings and no points currently.

As for winning - personally I wouldn’t if he wasn’t wearing it properly as you’re not dealing with a judge and all technicalities. Its a magistrate so much more likely to lose.

A mate of mine has just txt me saying he’s got a nip for not wearing a seatbelt on the A59 at Bolton Abbey knobbled by a scamera Van , he said he had it under his arm and not over his shoulder , told him he will still get done .
Says he’s gonna fight it but I reckon he’s got no chance , what’s the penalty for not wearing a belt ? Is it a set fine or does it go on your earnings , maybe he will start wearing it from now on :unamused:

Not “scamera” vans at all. You only get caught if you’re a prick not wearing a seatbelt or you’re speeding. Do neither and you’re good to go.

If he’s been wearing it under his arm and not over his shoulder he may as well not have had one on cos in the event of an accident either the part crossing his lap will cause serious internal damage or he’ll slide out of it.

Let him fight it, he’ll end up paying out even more and getting an even higher penalty.

If it’s a ticket then £100, max fine level at court £500. Non-endorsable.

It’s a racket. Having no MOT and not wearing a seatbelt used to be £30 non-endorsable offences, compared to £60 endorsable ones. When they bumped up the speeding etc. to £100 back in 2013, they also bumped the £30 ones up to £100. Robbing ■■■■■■■■■

As has been said if he’s not wearing it correctly, then he really isn’t wearing it. It would be no defence for a motorcyclist to say they were wearing their crash-hat on their elbow!

As above, not wearing the seatbelt properly is just ‘not wearing it’ as far as the rules are concerned, being worn incorrectly isn’t a defence.
In effect it’s become a lap belt - famous for causing significant mid-body injuries, allows the body and arms to flail forward further and incur significant and otherwise avoidable injuries and hence no longer used and fitted to the centre rear seat of cars etc.


It just says images of the offence will not be disclosed at this time , he’s a stubborn git so he will probably fight it all the way , just can’t understand that he went to the trouble to put it on why not put it on correctly :question:

Probably cos the beeping got on his nerves

I’ve found a lot of modern cars don’t switch the beeping off like they used to after a few min

Same with trucks . I’ve got my unit after night shift had it and belt buckled up so obviously they’re just sitting on it rather than wearing it

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My cars 11 year old the bleep has never switched off when the cars in motion and no belt secured

Good luck to him. If I was to wear a baseball cap backwards, on a sunny day, then what’s the point, the sun is in my eyes, it negates the purpose, and I look stupid. But I’m STILL wearing it.

If the RTA 1988 or whatever, doesn’t state HOW it must be worn or that it must be worn in a specific way then he’s not guilty.

Skim reading the Act, it’s all legalese as usual, written by people paid shocking sums to do so, so it should be clear in that regard, otherwise the lawmakers haven’t done their jobs.

Hi all , I got caught by a camera van in Northampton . I was offered an online course or pay the fixed penalty the course cost £38 . It was a joke half an hour of nonsense then a few questions easy to pass so no fine . I do believe they are going to put points on for no seat belt soon . I wear mine now needless to say !!

Hi all , I got caught by a camera van in Nortampton . I was offered an online course or pay the fixed penalty the course cost £38 . It was a joke half an hour of nonsense then a few questions easy to pass so no fine . I do believe they are going to put points on for no seat belt soon . I wear mine now needless to say !!

You wear it now, any particular reason why you didn’t prior to this? I’m struggling to see any logic for not doing. It’s law, it’s most certainly safer to have it on, and it’s extremely easy and hassle free to put it on.

Good luck to him. If I was to wear a baseball cap backwards, on a sunny day, then what’s the point, the sun is in my eyes, it negates the purpose, and I look stupid. But I’m STILL wearing it.

If the RTA 1988 or whatever, doesn’t state HOW it must be worn or that it must be worn in a specific way then he’s not guilty.

Skim reading the Act, it’s all legalese as usual, written by people paid shocking sums to do so, so it should be clear in that regard, otherwise the lawmakers haven’t done their jobs.

I don’t know how it’s worded but I guess you have to wear it in a way it’s been designed and tested to be worn, because otherwise you aren’t really wearing it. Which isnt under you arm for ■■■■■■■ sake :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

If a site rule says high vis must be worn and you scrunch it up and have it hanging out of your trouser pocket and say well I’m wearing it, you haven’t stated HOW to wear it just that it must be on and it is on. They aren’t going to buy that one are they and give you a choice to wear it correctly or leave the site.

No wonder people need babysitting in every day life when they have to be told actually HOW wear a seat belt.

I’d say the law Saying wearing it means wearing it properly and fully and not partially, so saying yeah but I was wearing it and you have specified exactly how to wear it won’t be a defence.

If it’s a ticket then £100, max fine level at court £500. Non-endorsable.

It’s a racket. Having no MOT and not wearing a seatbelt used to be £30 non-endorsable offences, compared to £60 endorsable ones. When they bumped up the speeding etc. to £100 back in 2013, they also bumped the £30 ones up to £100. Robbing [zb]!

Fines got bumped up because £30 wasn’t enough of a deterrent. As for your comment about them being robbing ■■■■■■ quite clearly you must get caught out a lot. Ever thought about complying with the law like the professional you claim you are? Strangely enough when you do you don’t get fines. Personally I see those fines as a tax for stupid people.

im one of those who just forgets to wear when pulling away ,especially if somethings on my mind. So iv had a long handled spade wedged behind my seat>door pillar for the last year this handle gives the appearance at a quick glance that iv got my belt on ,so far so good