N I P. For not wearing a seatbelt

If I was to wear a baseball cap backwards, on a sunny day, then what’s the point, the sun is in my eyes

Doesnt bother some people (who, frighteningly, are still eligible to serve on juries!)



If I was to wear a baseball cap backwards, on a sunny day, then what’s the point, the sun is in my eyes

Doesnt bother some people (who, frighteningly, are still eligible to serve on juries!)

Oh ■■■■, self realisation moment :blush:
Are you telling me I look a ■■■■ wearing mine the wrong way round? :blush:

Ok, maybe I’m too old, I’ll stop it right now. :smiley:

not at all, your a ■■■■ with or without… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

(you did set yourself up…) :wink:

m.a.n rules:
not at all, your a ■■■■ with or without… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

(you did set yourself up…) :wink:

I wouldn’t expect anything else on here from some of you lot. :unamused: :
I’m used to this level of abuse :wink: :laughing:

I’m used to this level of abuse :wink: :smiley:

i’m not surprised after seeing that picture… :open_mouth: :wink:

m.a.n rules:
I’m used to this level of abuse :wink: :smiley:

i’m not surprised after seeing that picture… :open_mouth: :wink:

You ■■■■ !!
:laughing: :laughing:

Are you telling me I look a ■■■■ wearing mine the wrong way round? :blush:

Not at all Rob, not at all.

Wearing shades indoors is another matter though…

Unless it’s a medical issue then why on earth would you not just wear your seatbelt properly? It’s not hard is it.

Most of the lorries I’ve used in the last 15-20 years have the seat belts mounted into the seat not the door piller, and with air damped seats I can see why, but most webbing comes across my neck rather than the shoulder. As my head moves between mirrors & other positions the webbing chafs my neck. This is compounded by the lack of hieght adjustment available & the tension of the belt.

When the belt was fixed to the door piller you couldn’t adjust the height but I remember a clip that would hold the 2 sides of belt below the upper mount like a close gapped “S”. I use the belt when on the public highway but nowadays I use a freezer bagclip to ease the tension across my neck placed at the point the belt goes into the upper mount.

To answer the point about damaging organs how does a seat belt stop internal organs moving? With enough force the dense organs like heart, liver can break ribs. On balance the risk is reduced by wearing a belt but certainly not eliminated. Maybe a 6" spike in the centre of the steering wheel would be an effective moderator of driving habits rather than than faux security of crumple zones, roll cages & seat belt.


Are you telling me I look a ■■■■ wearing mine the wrong way round? :blush:

Not at all Rob, not at all.

Wearing shades indoors is another matter though…

Tbf it was taken in Cyprus earlier this year, lovely sunshine all week, and I was about to go outside the bar after waiting for my beer…( and nothing whatsoever to do with me being in full poser mode, and pretending to be a moody rockstar :blush: . :laughing: )

Seat belts,…why would anybody not want to wear one nowadays, they are there purely to minimise injury and more than likely save your life.
One of my lads was a back seat passenger in a car with a load of other young lads, doing what young lads do about 12 yrs ago.
The car actually took off over the brow of a hill, (indication of thecspeed :unamused: ) and cut a telegraph pole in half :open_mouth: ,.and my lad was actually chucked out through the back window sustaining serious injuries… we could quite easily have lost him.

If he had been wearing his belt he would more than likely have suffered the same type of minor injuries as his mates…or who knows maybe he wouldn’t.
It’s a miracle nobody was killed, the car was mangled.

Even though I went years without a belt because trucks were not fitted with them once over (up to about 15 years ago?) I wouldn’t dream of not wearing one now.

Wow, I honestly never thought those vans picked up the driver wearing or not wearing a seatbelt, I thought they were just for measuring speed and the likes, I’d imagine ANPR too since they are everywhere.

Wonder what’s next, thermal imaging to check tires to see if your brakes are adjusted correctly or facial recognition that alerts the police when someone drives past with a criminal record :neutral_face:

Wow, I honestly never thought those vans picked up the driver wearing or not wearing a seatbelt, I thought they were just for measuring speed and the likes,

Well, there must be a hell of a lot of footage up and down the country of me giving them an assortment and variety of hand gestures as I approach them then. :imp:

Wow, I honestly never thought those vans picked up the driver wearing or not wearing a seatbelt, I thought they were just for measuring speed and the likes, I’d imagine ANPR too since they are everywhere.

The speed camera vans have a live human operator controlling the camera. If he (or she) notices an unbelted driver while peering through their telescope, they click the button. The images are checked afterwards, and if it’s apparent no belt was being worn, the ticketing process kicks in. It’s not rocket science, nor are the cameras doing anything clever to automatically detect the absence of a seatbelt.

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

Fair enough. Just thought they were there to enforce speed. At leas we know they don’t just sit in the back there playing solitaire or whatever :laughing:

Wonder what’s next, thermal imaging to check tires to see if your brakes are adjusted correctly or facial recognition that alerts the police when someone drives past with a criminal record :neutral_face:

Thermal cameras are used at least in Canada, AFAIK as trucks are pulled into checkpoints to see if brakes are binding. Not sure if it gets the driver a ticket though, but wouldn’t surprise me.


Wonder what’s next, thermal imaging to check tires to see if your brakes are adjusted correctly or facial recognition that alerts the police when someone drives past with a criminal record :neutral_face:

Thermal cameras are used at least in Canada, AFAIK as trucks are pulled into checkpoints to see if brakes are binding. Not sure if it gets the driver a ticket though, but wouldn’t surprise me.

Oh yeah the driver gets shafted for any defects the vehicle has, overweight axles or insecure load etc. A lot of the DOT scales have them on the entrance slip road with cameras taking pics of the truck too. As in England, driver not supposed to knowingly drive the vehicle with any defects. Worst thing though is in Alberta, drivers are meant to check brakes on a pre trip and at any brake check areas and make sure they are correctly adjusted but I think the current legislation prohibits drivers from adjusting them ourselves now so it’s a bit of a bugger if one does happen to become out of adjustment while on the road. Not 100% on that though but other drivers do tell you stuff so who knows. Scales all over the place, even on the back roads in the middle of nowhere too so can’t escape the DOT!



If I was to wear a baseball cap backwards, on a sunny day, then what’s the point, the sun is in my eyes

Doesnt bother some people (who, frighteningly, are still eligible to serve on juries!)

Oh [zb], self realisation moment :blush:
Are you telling me I look a ■■■■ wearing mine the wrong way round? :blush:
Ok, maybe I’m too old, I’ll stop it right now. :smiley:

Bloody hell when did rob halford from Judas Priest join TruckNet :laughing: :laughing:

Wow, I honestly never thought those vans picked up the driver wearing or not wearing a seatbelt, I thought they were just for measuring speed and the likes, I’d imagine ANPR too since they are everywhere.

Speed, seatbelts and mobile phones. :smiling_imp:


Wow, I honestly never thought those vans picked up the driver wearing or not wearing a seatbelt, I thought they were just for measuring speed and the likes, I’d imagine ANPR too since they are everywhere.

Speed, seatbelts and mobile phones. :smiling_imp:

Cheers Angus :laughing: