My diary of my 2 days with me dad

“IF”,big word!it didn’t happen,the lads out with his dad,learning real work,showing an interest,not sittin in his room on an x-box or hanging round street corners,jobsworth have ruined this job,let the lad get stuck in,i’m sure he had his all important hi-vis on :unamused:,my boy will be out with me tomo pesterin me for a go of the crane or wanting to shunt when nobodies looking




nice to see a company that still allows drivers to take their boys out with them

And for a company to let the unofficial passenger use the fork lift without so much as an induction or otherwise… :confused:


here we go,wondered when the first jobsworth would stick his oar in! :unamused:

And if at 13mph he rolls it, who will be shouting then?


Don’t mean this in a disrespectful way to matizerSCANIAR480, but why would I want to shout about it. Its not really my problem and probably not yours either. I’m quite sure he knows the dangers involved. He is learning the job by getting stuck right in there and grafting with his old man. A much better way than the way we are taught things these days.

My dad used to let me have 5 mins just messing about on a forklift to get used to it and since then he lets me do a bit more on em and for the last year or so ive been doing all types of pallets whereas when i first started i was allowed near the mushrooms or broccoli but he does trust me alot, to the extent where the only bit im not doing is driving the truck down the road! My hi-viz is a bomber jacket type so i end up wearing it most of the time like a coat even though i never actually need it

Oh ■■■■ all the naysayers!

Well done mate! Loved the diary and it looks like you are a dab hand on a forklift!

My dad shoved me in 360 diggers, JCB’s, tractors, trucks and anything els we owned from when I was only about 7 or 8! I’m now only 23 with more licences, experience, knowledge and skill than most in our firm who have been at it for years! (blowing trumpet hard) hahaha I guess what I’m saying is, the younger the better! It’s a shame more youngsters can’t gain the same experience these days.

Oh [zb] all the naysayers!

Well done mate! Loved the diary and it looks like you are a dab hand on a forklift!

My dad shoved me in 360 diggers, JCB’s, tractors, trucks and anything els we owned from when I was only about 7 or 8! I’m now only 23 with more licences, experience, knowledge and skill than most in our firm who have been at it for years! (blowing trumpet hard) hahaha I guess what I’m saying is, the younger the better! It’s a shame more youngsters can’t gain the same experience these days.

Lucky bugger, thanks for that aswell, i like to think im a dab hand, not blowing my own trumpet either, but ive had less pallets over than a new driver who, lost a pallet on his first night so that makes me feel a bit of a dab hand :slight_smile:

Oh [zb] all the naysayers!

Well done mate! Loved the diary and it looks like you are a dab hand on a forklift!

My dad shoved me in 360 diggers, JCB’s, tractors, trucks and anything els we owned from when I was only about 7 or 8! I’m now only 23 with more licences, experience, knowledge and skill than most in our firm who have been at it for years! (blowing trumpet hard) hahaha I guess what I’m saying is, the younger the better! It’s a shame more youngsters can’t gain the same experience these days.

same here,was driving a MF 165 as soon as i could reach the pedals,my boy has been going with me since he was two,he lives and breathes lorries,diggers tractors,he’s got his own car for running round fields and he’s always tinkering under the bonnet,its the best way to learn listening to me and my mates talking about the balls ups and mistakes we’ve made and passing on years of experience,of course,now the DCPC is here he’ll get all that from a t@t in a hi-viz with a clipboard :unamused: aye,right!

great stuff young man. Good to see a young lad with a keen interest. .

Quinny. No neeeed!

great stuff young man. Good to see a young lad with a keen interest. .

Quinny. No neeeed!

Cheers fella, much appreciated.

good diary matey always good to see wot other jobs entail #onwards

good diary matey always good to see wot other jobs entail #onwards

Cheers, think im going again this thursday so i’ll make another one :smiley:

Well done lad, as I said excellent diary and everyone likes to read good stuff like this :slight_smile:

Nice trucks at Spiers, please ask your daddy why the axles on the unit are the wrong way around… :smiley:

Nice trucks at Spiers, please ask your daddy why the axles on the unit are the wrong way around… :smiley:

Cheers and i’ll find out, but i prefer them to midlifts


By Drivers for Drivers

Should be By Drivers for Drivers Kids But then if you advertise in a Children’s magazine(T&D) then what do you expect.

Good diary - reminded me of the days with my dad loading potatoes in Lincs and going to the fruit and veg markets, then starting the day shift hauling lime out of Dove Holes. Everyone had 2 log books in those days :blush:

Learnt to drive a forklift when I was about 12, came in handy for many a job later. Finally took my test for it when I was about 40.

Sir Bertie:

By Drivers for Drivers

Should be By Drivers for Drivers Kids But then if you advertise in a Children’s magazine(T&D) then what do you expect.

Well your not a driver so how can you comment on the fact im not a driver?

Good diary - reminded me of the days with my dad loading potatoes in Lincs and going to the fruit and veg markets, then starting the day shift hauling lime out of Dove Holes. Everyone had 2 log books in those days :blush:

Learnt to drive a forklift when I was about 12, came in handy for many a job later. Finally took my test for it when I was about 40.

Cheers we dont go over to lincs, but another driver loads frozen and beetroot from over there


good diary matey always good to see wot other jobs entail #onwards

Cheers, think im going again this thursday so i’ll make another one :smiley:

nice one ! i will do another diary week after next now i got different truck jobs bit different !!



good diary matey always good to see wot other jobs entail #onwards

Cheers, think im going again this thursday so i’ll make another one :smiley:

nice one ! i will do another diary week after next now i got different truck jobs bit different !!

I look forward to reading it mate.

Great read mate and keep on going with your dad for as long as your interested,its the best and only way to learn,good on Hartwells for letting your dad take you too!
Health and safety rules and do-gooders are ruining this World as well as this industry,it never did me any harm roping and sheeting and throwing bags of moulding powder and such like off trailers.
By the way,didn’t know Spiers and Hartwells had motors based in Lancashire.