Muppets in HGV's

NO not any of you :sunglasses:

I thought this one might make about as much sense to most of you as it does me. I know there’s no explanation, but it does show why so many motorists have a dim view of the average truck driver.

Tuesday morning, we left early heading for Southampton (in the car). I suppose it would have bene around 7:30am & we were between Northampton & Oxford on the A43. Nice dry, clear day, 100% visibility, obviously a bit of traffic around but certainly not bunched up & the 2nd lane was clear enough for us to get rolling at a reasonable speed.

We were in the 2nd lane nealry all the way, just moving over to let the odd rep prove how quick his Audi was :smiley: Cruising around 90 on our normal speedo, which is usually shown as a true 85 on the satnav … all ok so far (except for the brigade that are gonna have a pop at me for “speeding”).

Still in the 2nd lane @ 90 & approaching 2 trucks in lane 1, probably enough space BETWEEN them to get another one - still ok :smiley:

until we get to within 40 - 50 feet of the rear of truck 2 ----- he gives one flash of the indicator & moves into lane 2 @ 56 :open_mouth: He then sits beside truck 1 for perhaps 2 miles, just getting the better of him

WHY ■■?

IF he knew he had mirrors, there is no way he could miss us. I suspect it was a case of … stuff the car, I can show him.

It really bugs me, simply because on that journey I back of & flash out probably 5 - 10 trucks to help them maintain their speed, no problem, I can get back to cruising speed quick enough, why make them struggle. I also have a habit of NEVEr overtaking a truck on a 2 in 2 out roundabout until he has got his line out of it & turning – why bother to squeeze past him ■■ By the amount of raised hands we get as thanks, I guess there’s a lot out there that know WHY we sat on the arse of his trailer round the roundabout – Bird brain above would never have understood would he :laughing:

Did I get angry — NOPE … just smiled at him as we passed him, knowing I had never driven a truck that way & never would.

I genuinely feel sorry for any of you professionals that get tarred with the same brush as this clown. I know how frustrated I got (still do) when Mr. Motorist slags of HGV’s – then these types just prove them right :smiling_imp:

Rant over - Tin hat on - All pigs primed & ready to fly :smiley: :laughing:

no doubt he’s glanced in his mirror a couple of times as he was appraoching the truck in front, you were two hundred yard back on the last glance so he gets close enough and pulls out by which time your up his arse! who’s the bad driver?

paul b:
no doubt he’s glanced in his mirror a couple of times as he was appraoching the truck in front, you were two hundred yard back on the last glance so he gets close enough and pulls out by which time your up his arse! who’s the bad driver?

what are you trying to say■■?
is toytown the bad driver for doing 90 mph or is the lorry the bad driver for pulling out.

Dunno M8.

By my reckoning, I was doing 44 yards a second

If he was doing 60mph then he is doing 29 yards per second

So I was only gaining on him @ 15 yards per second. If he checked his mirris only once at any point, could he have really missed me ■■

On that basis If I was 200 yards away from him on his last mirror check - that was over 13 seconds BEFORe he pulled out !!!

Aside from the mathematical crap - it just isn’t possible with a speed difference of only 30mph that he could have missed me.

Yes I was speeding, fair cop if I get caught, but in reality we both know that a 90mph car could NEVER sneak up on a truck on it’s limiter IF the driver was on the ball & alert.

Of course, if we’re going down the road of law breaking … the two of them side by side @ 55mph (GPS) for a considerable time … isn’t that also law breaking ■■? I thought HGV’s were on a 50mph limit on the A43. I didn’t mention this simply because that wasn’t a problem to me or anybody else.

can of worms opened up here me thinks…without wanting to get into an argument, ive got to say, i would have little or no sympathy with any one getting the hump, if i had pulled out in front of you, (or anyone else) doing 90mph.

i dont really see what you have to complain about…

hope you dont take that personally, just my thoughts tt… :wink:

Not likely to take anything personal old boy :wink:

Do you REALLY drive at speed limits ALL the time ■■?

I travel @ 80 - 90 most of the time in a realtively safe car, but still get passed by everyone from the 17 year old chav’s in Nova’s to granny in her mondeo !!

Think I must be getting old


I know I get really brassed off by car drivers sitting in lane two all the time. It’s Lane one unless overtaking in my highway code

jessicas dad:

paul b:
no doubt he’s glanced in his mirror a couple of times as he was appraoching the truck in front, you were two hundred yard back on the last glance so he gets close enough and pulls out by which time your up his arse! who’s the bad driver?

what are you trying to say■■?
is toytown the bad driver for doing 90 mph or is the lorry the bad driver for pulling out.

Or is it a bit of both, or just one of those times when the lorry driver misjudged your speed because who you were making good progress, which i’ve got no problem with,. What i wonder is why some truckers cant just back of a smidge when you over take them, if i see a wagon that has been slowly gaining on me over a number of miles, then if it starts overtaking me i just ease of a fraction, even if i’m on cruise control a quick dab on the brakes to nock the c/c of , then once the other truck has passed and you’ve flashed him in, resume c/c and within a minute or so yuor back at your set speed, and the other truck is slowly pulling away. Your not stressed the other guy aint stressed and poor old motorist has’nt been held up for an unesacary amount of time, or is it to simple :wink:

Its a 6 of 1 - half dozen of another.
Towtown shouldnt have been going that fast, yet the trucker should have used his mirrors properly.
If he’d have done that on his HGV test, its an instant fail.
As the driver of the truck was supposed to be the professional at the time (Toytown not, as car drivin’ doesn’t count against being in a truck), I’d blame the trucker.

Quote "Yes I was speeding, fair cop if I get caught, but in reality we both know that a 90mph car could NEVER sneak up on a truck on it’s limiter IF the driver was on the ball & alert. "

I completely agree with this. Although I don’t drive at such speeds I always wait before pulling out into lane 2 or 3 (when driving a car) for people like this to overtake, in the interest of safety as well as courtesy.

Can of worms — understatement of the year !! :laughing:

I do agree that I am wrong for speeding & put my hands up BUT that wasn’t my statement.

What I was saying was that this driver was a clown & didn’t deserve to hold an HGV (ok LGV for the pedants).

As we approached close enough to see, he was still a truck length back from the other one, he could not have caught it at his speed befroe we passed, but CHOSE to enforce a speed limit on me (just because he could I suspect).

what would have happened if it had been an emergency vehicle travelling at 120 or 130 ■■ I am prety certain that a good, alert driver would have seen it coming (regardless of blue lights).

As for sitting in lane 2 — I said I was in lane 2 most of the way ! WHY - because at 7:30am there’s quite a few trucks in lane 1 & only the very occaisional car catching me in lane 2. If theres a quater mile gap between 2, then yes I will use it, but do you REALLY want me weaving in & out of the trucks just to use a few yards of lane 1 ■■

Also bear in mind, several times we were approaching trucks at the same speed & SAW them gaining on another one, I am the one that flashes & backs off (EVERY TIME !!) so don’t make me out to be anti truck.


As for sitting in lane 2 — I said I was in lane 2 most of the way ! WHY - because at 7:30am there’s quite a few trucks in lane 1 & only the very occaisional car catching me in lane 2. If theres a quater mile gap between 2, then yes I will use it, but do you REALLY want me weaving in & out of the trucks just to use a few yards of lane 1 ■■


This is standard fair for many car drivers, and lets face it making progress is what we’re all trying to acheive, so when this guy pulled out yes he may well have not used his mirrors, but all the same he may well have just misjudged your speed. you can only wonder as to wether your speed contributed to this occurance, as that if you had not been able to stop and been in collision with this muppet, then i’m sure the police would not only come down on the trucker for a serious error of judgement or severe incompetence, but would no doutbcosider your speed a contributing factor. All the same the message sent out to the everyday road user by his actions is not good for us as a whole :wink:

ohh no JD will have a go at me :laughing: i can tell if the car behind me is flying or not one flash of the indicator is not enough, as for speeding ( jd ) when i am in lorry i stick to limit but in the car after doing 56 all week i am with toytown 90 on Mway, but the difference between car drivers and me and toytown is that we know how far to look ahead and what to look for. go on everyone have a go i know you don’t mean it :laughing: :laughing:

eddie snax:

jessicas dad:

paul b:
no doubt he’s glanced in his mirror a couple of times as he was appraoching the truck in front, you were two hundred yard back on the last glance so he gets close enough and pulls out by which time your up his arse! who’s the bad driver?

what are you trying to say■■?
is toytown the bad driver for doing 90 mph or is the lorry the bad driver for pulling out.

Or is it a bit of both, or just one of those times when the lorry driver misjudged your speed because who you were making good progress, which i’ve got no problem with,. What i wonder is why some truckers cant just back of a smidge when you over take them, if i see a wagon that has been slowly gaining on me over a number of miles, then if it starts overtaking me i just ease of a fraction, even if i’m on cruise control a quick dab on the brakes to nock the c/c of , then once the other truck has passed and you’ve flashed him in, resume c/c and within a minute or so yuor back at your set speed, and the other truck is slowly pulling away. Your not stressed the other guy aint stressed and poor old motorist has’nt been held up for an unesacary amount of time, or is it to simple :wink:

sounds about right to me. we all misjudge the odd situation or two. just proves were human. how many times have you seen a car flying past you at near warp speed and said to yourself look at that muppet. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing::wink:

Whichever way, it’s like all the other debates on here. Some good points but also valid arguments.

For my view: if I was driving a truck, I would rather be surrounded by 90mph drivers that are concentrating, than 55mph “weekenders” with no idea of what’s going on around them. But of course, I’m biased :laughing:

Legal & Safe aren’t always hand in hand.

I would rather be passenger in a car doing 90 with Donna (my wife) driving, than in the same car with my father in law doing 60 !

when i am in lorry i stick to limit but in the car after doing 56 all week i am with toytown 90 on Mway, :

You must live on a motorway, do all your deliveries on a motorway, or do you sometimes drive slower than 56 :wink:

sometimes i do 40 :laughing:

sometimes i do 40 :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ohh no JD will have a go at me :laughing: i can tell if the car behind me is flying or not one flash of the indicator is not enough, as for speeding ( jd ) when i am in lorry i stick to limit but in the car after doing 56 all week i am with toytown 90 on Mway, but the difference between car drivers and me and toytown is that we know how far to look ahead and what to look for. go on everyone havea go i know you don’t mean it :laughing: :laughing:

im with you on this one :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
i do 90 ish on the m/way really i do between 80 and 90 im all for using speed at the right times and you can only judge the right times yourself. to be honest i drive up and A rds all week and i always look in the mirror plenty of times trying to judge the vehicles speed coming up behind me but i will be honest and sayi have made mistakes before and have pulled out in front of people and when ive done i just give a wave to say sorry and take the 2 finger salut back on the chin.

AAAAGGGHHHHH he found me :laughing:

Same as JD take the two fingered salute whilst trying to get as low in my seat as i can