Muppets in HGV's

I’m with John on this one. Regardless of what speed John was doing, be it 60mph or 160mph the trucker shouldn’t have pulled out at the same time as flashing one flash of his indicator when a faster vehicle was beginning to pass. If John hadn’t been alert on the ball he could have easily ended up squashed into the central barrier or having to brake and possibly swerve harshly to avoid a collision.

If the trucker had done it to me (or any other vehicle for that matter) I would have… no, I won’t go into that.

the best bit that makes me laugh if for what ever reason you upset a car driver is when…

they swerve in front of you… so what whats that going to acheive and do you think im bothered.

Blimey rob :open_mouth:

You have really surprised me, I thought I would be in for a RobK roasting on this one :smiley:

As I keep saying, YES i was wrong @ 90, but bearing in mind I’m in a white car, it COULD have been an emergency vehicle doing a lot more that me & as a professional driver, he should have seen me.

He did cause me to brake, but I had a feeling (& still do) that he was proving a point & doing it “because he can” … didn’t bother me that much, & getting no reaction from me probably hurt as much as seeing me back to “cruise” speed as I passed his cab :laughing: :laughing:

I’m certainly not anti-truck (which anybody will know if they read all of the above), the reason for posting was that I’m niggled when a so called professional acts like this & gives the rest of you a bad name (I say YOU, only because I no longer drive HGV professionally).

Whilst i agree with the arguments that many put across about travelling @ 40mph, again it’s something I have never done, but I quit driving in 96 & a lot has changed in those few years - it was accepted then & considered normal to drive on most A roads @ 50. But that’s a different argument.

BTW - i wanna meet this RobK bloke one day – nobody has ever put more into trucknet than you & I love reading your ramblings (especially when you go off on a tangent :smiley: ) :laughing: :laughing:

they swerve in front of you… so what whats that going to acheive and do you think im bothered.

:laughing: They do it to cars too m8 !!!

On our last trip back from Southampton 2 weeks ago, a cool dude in a Audi Cabriolet did exactly that to me shortly after I passed him :question: NO idea why, I passed at maybe 10 - 15 mph faster than him, left a gap, pulled in gently & on the next roundabout he came down the outside & took the left lane out of it across the front of me :question: :question:

Most of them are trying to “prove” something & I go even more into passive mode which sorta says “i don’t care - nothing to prove, I’m happy as i am” :unamused:

BTW - i wanna meet this RobK bloke one day – nobody has ever put more into trucknet than you & I love reading your ramblings (especially when you go off on a tangent :smiley: ) :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: :confused: :smiley: :slight_smile:

Rob K:

BTW - i wanna meet this RobK bloke one day – nobody has ever put more into trucknet than you & I love reading your ramblings (especially when you go off on a tangent :smiley: ) :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: :confused: :smiley: :slight_smile:

:unamused: On no, it’ll go to his head now. :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

The truth is the standard of truck driving has detoriated over the years. how many truck drivers are not prepared to back off for two seconds? They have to maintain max speed come hell or high water :unamused: II you have to slow down it’s not the end of the world, it’s easier to maintain a constant speedf of 52mph than 56mph and you only lose a few minutes on a journey! Back off !!!it’s not worth the risk :open_mouth:

Car drivers, hrmmmph, they can do 90mph :laughing:. RAOFLMFAO @ rest of it & the general attitude. Can I borrow your tin 'at ?:lol:.

jessicas dad:

paul b:
no doubt he’s glanced in his mirror a couple of times as he was appraoching the truck in front, you were two hundred yard back on the last glance so he gets close enough and pulls out by which time your up his arse! who’s the bad driver?

what are you trying to say■■?
is toytown the bad driver for doing 90 mph or is the lorry the bad driver for pulling out.

i asked the question because theres always two sides and two or more opinions.
i’d ask two questions

  1. can any lorry driver honestly say he’s not misjudged the speed of an approaching car and pulled out in front of him?
  2. at 90mph on a dual carriage arn’t you accepting that at that speed you’ll likely to get slower moving vehicle pull out in front of you and making you have to slow down?

i had a simular situation just the other day, pulled onto the m18 from j1it’s three lanes but after a mile or so the inside lane becomes north bound m1 only, the two outside lanes being south bound, i’m going south so has a look, theres two vans in the outside lane and a car someway in the distance i indicate and move out at the same time the car which turns out to be flying moves into the middle obviousley on his way to undertaking the two vans who arn’t going fast enough for him, this takes him by supprisse and he’s on the horn flashing his lights etc, when he comes past he’s giving it all the hand signals, to which i just laugh. no doubt he’ll tell the strory differently “some prat in a lory pulled out on me, i’m lucky to be alive, they’re all crap drivers” etc but if he’d been doing 70mph and not 100+ he wouldn’t of had a problem!

BTW - i wanna meet this RobK bloke one day – nobody has ever put more into trucknet than you & I love reading your ramblings (especially when you go off on a tangent :smiley: ) :laughing: :laughing:

blimey poor old rob has just got back from being away all week and theres you creeping up behind him.

here you go toytown are these some of your friends

Well it looks like the lightening has fried toytowns brain, i think it is time to go in rest home now :laughing: :laughing:

The truth is the standard of truck driving has detoriated over the years. how many truck drivers are not prepared to back off for two seconds? They have to maintain max speed come hell or high water Rolling Eyes II you have to slow down it’s not the end of the world, it’s easier to maintain a constant speedf of 52mph than 56mph and you only lose a few minutes on a journey! Back off !!!it’s not worth the risk

How true is that :smiley:

Best comment so far :wink:

here you go toytown are these some of your friends

Dunno what yer trying to say there - are you judging me by your own standards :question:

Well it looks like the lightening has fried toytowns brain, i think it is time to go in rest home now

I think you might be right. Who in their right mind would get up at a silly time, travel to Southampton & work in the rain :wink:

Toytown you have had your whinge now shut up and stick to the speed limit and then people will know when to pull out or let you by. :bulb:

Toytown you have had your whinge now shut up and stick to the speed limit and then people will know when to pull out or let you by. :bulb:


A bit uncalled for … :question: :confused:

  • Toytown,

For years I used to drive at the speeds you were doing until a year ago, I was caught driving my car at 70 in a 60 on the A1101 near Littleport. The £60 is one thing but the 3 points for 4 years on my licence is what hurts.

It happened on a Friday afternoon coming home from work, no vehicles in front and nothing in the mirror, but a camera van under a tree by a farm entrance.

Now I stick to the limits which drastically reduces the chances of getting into the situation that you found yourself in.

Toytown you have had your whinge now shut up and stick to the speed limit and then people will know when to pull out or let you by.

Allright - calm down :unamused:

Yes I had a whinge which turned into a discussion, obviously the thread kept going because enough members were keen to put their view forward.
Isn’t that what a discussion forum is all about ■■

It happened on a Friday afternoon coming home from work, no vehicles in front and nothing in the mirror, but a camera van under a tree by a farm entrance.

Now I stick to the limits which drastically reduces the chances of getting into the situation that you found yourself in.

You are 100% right sheeter & I know it !

But - I do like to make good progress when the conditions are right & although wrong in law, I think I am reasonably alert & safe (yeah don’t we all).

Been pulled 2 or 3 times over the years & every time have got away with it because the copper has been reasonable. I do realize though that camera’s are not so forgiving (hence the reason for having satnav :wink: )

The truth is the standard of truck driving has detoriated over the years. how many truck drivers are not prepared to back off for two seconds? They have to maintain max speed come hell or high water :unamused: II you have to slow down it’s not the end of the world, it’s easier to maintain a constant speedf of 52mph than 56mph and you only lose a few minutes on a journey! Back off !!!it’s not worth the risk :open_mouth:

this about sums it up for me. i agree wholeheartedly with this comment.
Do they give hgv licences away with 100 litres of deisel now? Its getting worse by the day. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Toytown, :wink:,52mph as opposed to 56mph over 10hours is a difference of 35 mins ,could mean you get home or not. :unamused:

thats assuming you could run for ten hours flat out, think we all know thats not possible on uk roads 56 appossed to 52 will probably mean ten minutes more stood in a que.