hello all, i have spoke to a friend who is heavily involved in groundwork’s. He says he pays 8-wheeler tippers £200 a load carting muck to and from pits and sites. The distance between them is only about 10 miles each way making it a 20 mile round trip! I would say you would easily do 5 loads a day and a 6th would be a bonus, that means you would be taking in around £1000 a day. I would plan to work 6 days a week this means i would be looking at £6000 a week before expenses which isn’t bad for this day and age in haulage is it? I would probably get a new tipper on finance to start with (the finance shouldn’t be more than £700 a week) also taking other costs into consideration: diesel £900, £150 insurance,£50-£100 yard rent, £23 road tax, £100 tyres. This leaves a profit of £4057 per week… Whats your thoughts?? many thanks dan.
sounds like ■■■■■■■■ to me!
The truth mate!! I don’t ■■■■■■■■!!
Never in a month of Sundays he would have a queue of wagons at his gate as far as the eye could see.
I see him today I’ll ask him! Figures seem too good but I do believe him!
Who pays the tip charge ? but even then unless it is contaminated muck the rate is too high. Another thought some tips charge double to tip wet muck but in the end a fair rate for a 10 mile journey would be around £70-75.
and how long will it last
Your only gonna be able to move so much muck before it runs out
and how long will it last![]()
Your only gonna be able to move so much muck before it runs out
36,000 cubic metres on one site and they run more than one I think they have about 4 or 5 at any one time!
Garunteed loads as well!!
You are dreaming mate. £700 pm hp I estimate means a deposit of about £50k on a new 8x4. Furthermore there is only one thing guaranteed in this life and you making a fortune muck shifting is not it !
OK Mr Scania 730 I agree with Tarmac Ducks posts,do you have any muckshift work under your belt? hold an"O" licence or Transport Managers CPC do you have a waste carriers licence? is the 36,000 cube solid,in which case you have to allow for “bulking factor” or loose ie as dug,most groundworkers go in on a very tight price hoping to get the profit out of extras! is the muck clean inert or could it be contaminated? can some of it be recycled? this is where the money is,How much are you going to pay to tip or do you have your own tip or a restoration project or golf course job etc!,my advice would be if be if this is not “pie in the sky” take it on and sub it out sit indoors & draw 10% btw Iet me know what part of the UK you are in(don’t worry not gonna try and nick your work I’m winding down now(coffin dodger ) I may well know who you will be up against and how they work (been around a long time) sorry if I’ve piddled on your chips mate
Tippers aren’t my thing, but I just can’t see it myself. Why would anybody need to pay £6,000 a week to shift muck when he would get his arm bitten off if he was offering £3,000 a week?
Tarmac duck:
You are dreaming mate. £700 pm hp I estimate means a deposit of about £50k on a new 8x4. Furthermore there is only one thing guaranteed in this life and you making a fortune muck shifting is not it !
I was thinking £700 pound a week mate that would leave me with a tidy profit…
Harry Monk:
Tippers aren’t my thing, but I just can’t see it myself. Why would anybody need to pay £6,000 a week to shift muck when he would get his arm bitten off if he was offering £3,000 a week?
I see what you are saying but this is true… It’s a family grounds works business who turns over millions and they have no idea what to charge!
it is true, rich people got rich by being oblivious to the current economic situation and burning money like there’s no tomorrow. I’m not saying you’ll have a villa in antibes and a 200ft yacht but a beachhouse in fuengirola and a hundred-footer, definitely.
it is true, rich people got rich by being oblivious to the current economic situation and burning money like there’s no tomorrow. I’m not saying you’ll have a villa in antibes and a 200ft yacht but a beachhouse in fuengirola and a hundred-footer, definitely.
Yep!! All what I’m saying is true so in going to go for it I feel…
I see what you are saying but this is true… It’s a family grounds works business who turns over millions and they have no idea what to charge!
Believe me groundwork firms are very handy round a pound note and know the costings of everything down to the last brass farthing! maybe worth looking them up at companies house or similar on line,some info will be free but around £10 will get you a report into the finances & the directors etc.Will they give you a contract & a guarantee of work?, it strikes me that they may be looking for a tipper at their beck & call but don’t want the aggro of running it with all that’s involved!
it is true, rich people got rich by being oblivious to the current economic situation and burning money like there’s no tomorrow. I’m not saying you’ll have a villa in antibes and a 200ft yacht but a beachhouse in fuengirola and a hundred-footer, definitely.Yep!! All what I’m saying is true so in going to go for it I feel…
I think you may find that Milodon’s post was slightly “tongue in cheek”.
Do you actually have an Operator’s Licence? You do know that you will need one, you can’t just go out, buy a truck, and then start working it?
To be honest having a username SCANIA730 undermines your credibilty and makes me think Ice Road Truckers watching fantasist before even starting on the rest.
If there was that kind of money in it those bankers wouldn’t be working at hedge funds in London but all out tipper driving.
I’ve got a rubber dinghy already where is fuengirola ?