no gas cookers in nhs supplies…maidstone.
no phones…yeah right.
A lot of blame for H&S ■■■■■■■■ is attributed to the yanks and their sue for everything culture.However there is hardly any H&S nonsense over there, you can sit in your truck with the engine running in most places, the odd one will lock the red airline, but that’s about it.
… But I find it’s the American owned companies over here that are the most over the top in elf n safety - almost to the point of paranoia
Les Shoes:
I would say that most, if not all these rules have come about because someone, probably a driver has done some thing really stupid which has resulted in a claim.Almost but it’s actually because some chinless, hand wringing middle management bell end is worried someone will do something stupid which will result in a claim.
I agree, but by introducing these rules, they have covered themselves.
Sadly drivers do not help themselves, at my place hivi MUST be worn at all times in the yard, and yet drivers still wander around without one on and moan when they get a bollocking.
The same drivers would be the 1st to have a claim if they were hit by a motor, and moan like f*ck if the claim was rejected because they never had their hivi on!
Hi-viz markings on wheel barrows.
Having to chock cars on level ground front and back.
Not being allowed on site because you’re vehicle has the wrong colour battenberg scheme etc etc. Welcome to the Safety ■■■■’s paradise that is WA.
Welcome to the Safety ■■■■’s paradise that is WA.
Oohhh yeaahhhh
You Forgot to add:
Flat top trucks with Staircases cut into the tray area
Removing fuel tanks to put staircases for drivers
Bright Hi-viz handrails on everything above 1.5m
ADR 1:
A lot of blame for H&S ■■■■■■■■ is attributed to the yanks and their sue for everything culture.However there is hardly any H&S nonsense over there, you can sit in your truck with the engine running in most places, the odd one will lock the red airline, but that’s about it.
… But I find it’s the American owned companies over here that are the most over the top in elf n safety - almost to the point of paranoia
The Mexicans are worse.
Cemex has got to be the numero uno for unnecessary H&S bull[zb] over here.
Ha ha! I want a grey haz jacket!
I used to have regular deliveries to a Sainsbury store in Leigh.
When the yard bloke opened the gate,he would stand to one side in a painted yellow box area.
I would drive into the yard,stop and switch my engine off.Wait as the gate was locked and he walked down a long yard,stand in yet another yellow box area and wave me on to the loading bay…
Just glad I don’t go there anymore.
a driver came in and collected his small cannon as he left the site, unsurprisingly there’s not a lot of road rage in LouisianaI bet the “road rage” thread would not exist id truck drivers were allowed to carry cannons! Citroen guy would probably not be as much of a tough guy then just in case they met again further up the road!
I drive a old Mercedes with the emblem on the bonnet…is it only me that lines up fannys in the gunsight,gets a lock on,and machine guns them to death for being fannies in front of me getting on my wick??
I forgo to add in the above reply…whilst humming the dambusters theme tune.similar as to when im doing a low level bombing run on taliban on the corridor with truckers tizer…
Forgot about this,bollards protecting a bollard
Seen at a warehouse at Martland Park,Wigan.
The reason for this,was so a button can be placed on the centre post so the forklift drivers can open/close the shutter from outside.
Peaky Blinder:
The reason for this,was so a button can be placed on the centre post so the forklift drivers can open/close the shutter from outside.
Just stick it at the side of the roller shutter like everywhere else :S
I’m a forkie now. One of the rules we have is that we must wear a bump cap in loading bays and within 2 meters of any trailer. However, we are not allowed to wear them while operating the fork lift. So quite often you find yourself breaking one of the rules.
Another one is that the gas refilling station has a plastic apron, gloves and a visor for filling up the gas on the fork lifts. Rule number one on the safety notice is ‘park at least 3 meters from storage tanks.’ The length of the filling hose is only 2 meters long.
Hi-viz markings on wheel barrows.
Having to chock cars on level ground front and back.
Not being allowed on site because you’re vehicle has the wrong colour battenberg scheme etc etc. Welcome to the Safety ■■■■’s paradise that is WA.
I do hope that barrow’s got a limiter on it.
Peaky Blinder:
The reason for this,was so a button can be placed on the centre post so the forklift drivers can open/close the shutter from outside.Just stick it at the side of the roller shutter like everywhere else :S
Thats what thought,all that expense . Probably so the forkies don’t have to get off their arse…
What about the universal rule for lorry drivers?
Namely, that when you give a couple of tugs on a snagged strap it WILL ALWAYS shoot back atcha and knack you EXACTLY half way between the ankle and the knee.
I’ve just been reminded of this rule 5 minutes ago.
Jesus, Mary & Joseph
Iceland swindon for Agency drivers
They photocopy paper licence, digi card, cpc card and licence card, they then ask you to copy the exact information onto 5 sheets of A4 and sign it 5 times, then check it again.
It is beyond logic and reason, it causes much aggravation and any driver who questions this non-sense risks being sent home by the…i can only describe some of the transport office staff as rude, ignorant morons.
Common sense doesn’t exist in this place…by the way they are after full time drivers…then you really get treated like ■■■■!