Most stupid rules?

Maybe the cage was a temporary idea then, the fork truck driver placed a cage in front of the cab for you to stand in !! :open_mouth:


I once got out of the cab at Chep Trafford Park before I put the lid on my headā€¦I was told to get back in the cab, put the hard hat on and then climb out again, even though I now had it on my head. Knowing the way it can go against you in there, I just did what they asked!


Wearing a hi viz vest is not enough at an rdc in Eirith. Now it MUST also be fastened correctly at the front.

Asda ā– ā– ? same at Grangemouth

Yeh, Asda. :unamused:

I used to work for palletways and they introduced hard hats for working around the double deckers,i asked what the point of them is and was told if I open the side a pallet could fall off the top deck,i laughed and said if a bloody pallet fell off the top deck you are either seriously injured or dead,a hard hat is no good

To be fair when I used to go in there there was a few times when the wind was whipping through the shed when I was glad I had one on. Iā€™ve been smacked in the head by the curtain poles and errant buckles flying about when its windy enough times in the past on windy days to appreciate wearing a hard hat when opening closing the curtains.

Oh look conor was out on a windy day. Calling Contraflow.

What rules most stupid ??what you think.
my view

4.Dairy check sheet and tick 55 time ok,ok.why needed.simply rules must be if driver start drive -truck must be in good condition with out big defect.

I think youā€™re milking it now

Oh look conor was out on a windy day. Calling Contraflow.


To be fair when I used to go in there there was a few times when the wind was whipping through the shed when I was glad I had one on. Iā€™ve been smacked in the head by the curtain poles and errant buckles flying about when its windy enough times in the past on windy days to appreciate wearing a hard hat when opening closing the curtains.

Although I have never been opening and closing a curtain anywhere, where I have been hit by said curtain, I see your point.

But do we really need to be told by someone, that itā€™s dangerous when windy?? How about a warning sign, with a picture saying if you are ā– ā– ā– ā–  and are not careful, you might get bonked on the head. No, I donā€™t know what sign would look like either. :laughing:

But no, you get no chance to take responsibility for your own safety, you get ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  like the person that told someone to get back in the cab to don their hard hat. ā€¦ =1&theater

Chief H&S pumper at Innovia in Wigton seems to make rules up as & when he likes.
Iā€™ve not been banned off site (yet) but Iā€™ll get the ā– ā– ā– ā–  back one of these daysā€¦


Oh look conor was out on a windy day. Calling Contraflow.


well spottedā€¦ :laughing:

Gatehouse wallah who wouldnā€™t book me in until I stopped jangling the coins in my pocket & wouldnā€™t let me have the use of his pen to sign in

ADR 1:
Gatehouse wallah who wouldnā€™t book me in until I stopped jangling the coins in my pocket & wouldnā€™t let me have the use of his pen to sign in

Haha what a ā– ā– ā– ā– 

A lot of blame for H&S ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  is attributed to the yanks and their sue for everything culture.

However there is hardly any H&S nonsense over there, you can sit in your truck with the engine running in most places, the odd one will lock the red airline, but thatā€™s about it.

I did have to do an induction at a BASF chemical plant in Louisiana, I had to watch a 10min video, but spent the time chatting to the security guard instead, got my ticket and off I went. At the assigned loading dock I was stood outside the shed with the forklift driver having a smoke, about 100ā€™ away was a train full of some flammable liquid or another.

They did have a policy of locking driverā€™s guns up in a gun safe though and while I was ā€œwatchingā€ the video a driver came in and collected his small cannon as he left the site, unsurprisingly thereā€™s not a lot of road rage in Louisiana :laughing:

I would say that most, if not all these rules have come about because someone, probably a driver has done some thing really stupid which has resulted in a claim.

I would say that most, if not all these rules have come about because someone, probably a driver has done some thing really stupid which has resulted in a claim.

While at the same time, they do nothing about an actual hazard until something happens and a claim is made :unamused:

Like everything, its about money, not safety!

I would say that most, if not all these rules have come about because someone, probably a driver has done some thing really stupid which has resulted in a claim.

Almost but itā€™s actually because some chinless, hand wringing middle management bell end is worried someone will do something stupid which will result in a claim.

Like everything, its about money, not safety!

Spot on

a driver came in and collected his small cannon as he left the site, unsurprisingly thereā€™s not a lot of road rage in Louisiana :laughing:

I bet the ā€œroad rageā€ thread would not exist id truck drivers were allowed to carry cannons! Citroen guy would probably not be as much of a tough guy then just in case they met again further up the road! :laughing: :laughing:

I had a stalemate situation years ago (when H&S was just starting to get tight) when delivering a 360 to a construction site, I was only allowed to drive the machine to the bottom of the ramp but not onto the siteā€¦ but the machine operator wasnā€™t allowed to drive the machine whilst it was on the back of the truck! How do we get it from the truck onto the siteā– ā– ?

Site agent would not budge on the rule so we were in a stalemate situationā€¦ :unamused:

After a while of Failed negotiation I decided just to move out onto the public road and unload and then drive it to the site entrance ( not the best option for a machine with steel tracks ) just so I could get on.

The next time I went to one of the customers sites, they had a ā€œno mans landā€ for unloading, which basically was an area of the site which had a few cones around itā€¦ A good idea, but why are these things not sorted before rules are introduced :confused: