Most stupid rules?

thank ■■■■ i,m banned for life from cemex rugby

thank [zb] i,m banned for life from cemex rugby

Will be in there mon afternoon, can’t wait :frowning:

Wearing a hi viz vest is not enough at an rdc in Eirith. Now it MUST also be fastened correctly at the front.

That wouldn’t be Asda by any chance?

I have a hard hat in the cab which I paid £4 for (company paid me back though!!!) for the rare times that I load bricks from near Kidderminster or Walsall, not that a hard hat will actually deflect a ton of bricks off the forklift!!!
Come to think of it nor will a HV or steel toe caps… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What do you mean by

not that a hard hat will actually deflect a ton of bricks off the forklift!!!
Come to think of it nor will a HV or steel toe caps…

Of course they will, Hi Viz is kevlar reinforced doncha know. They’ll protect you from anything, provided they’re the approved colour for that site. Surely you don’t think we wear all this [zb] for no real reason do you?
Or do we? :laughing: :laughing:

Homebase distribution centre at Wellingborough. Once your backed on the bay you have to make sure your parking brake in applied in the cab then apply trailer brake, remove the red airline and put the airline lock on the trailer and chock the wheels. Then after all that your still not aloud to wait in the cab. Absolute ■■■■ take

the maoster:
Sites that require you to put on your hazard warning lights the second you drive through their gate! They then moan at you for making turns without prior indications. :imp:

Had this the other day and feeling a bit daring / friendly asked if it would be better to have side lights for moving vehicles with hazards off and hazards to be used at all times when performing any manouvre like spinning round / reveresing / handbrake turns etc…

The glazed over/ confused expression I received in return reminded me of the time I asked the dog to drive me to Mcdonalds…

Having to wear a hard hat but none of the staff at the site do.

Doing every 6 Weeks a Service

Once i got a Trailer from Service and on the second Trip to American Airlines fell a Brake Cylinder off (roosted away)
Once i shall have picked up a serviced Trailer just outside the Office. =Bolt on the Spring was loos. Luckily the night Manager was also around and Service Man got never seen on our Site.
Got a 10 Meter trailer from workshop and a Brake was jumped. Asked the Technician how i know :slight_smile:
Sure there are more who can tell stories

Bacon Sandwich:

tango boy:
Cemex Rugby!!! Say no more :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


First time I went there I was told to take my glasses off so I could wear the safety specs. I told them that I can see bugger all without my specs but was told that I have to.

2 minutes later, I walked back into the office and asked for the accident book as I had just tripped up over a cracked paving stone that I couldn’t see because I didn’t have my glasses on! :smiley:

Priceless :laughing:

Has anyone had the pleasure of being “caged” at Chep ■■ :grimacing:

Bacon Sandwich:

tango boy:
Cemex Rugby!!! Say no more :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


First time I went there I was told to take my glasses off so I could wear the safety specs. I told them that I can see bugger all without my specs but was told that I have to.

2 minutes later, I walked back into the office and asked for the accident book as I had just tripped up over a cracked paving stone that I couldn’t see because I didn’t have my glasses on! :smiley:

I haven’t yet had the ‘Cemex Pleasure’ but I am now looking forward to it.
As a spectacle wearer I can see (pardon the pun) me refusing to deliver on H & S grounds as I cannot function safely without glasses (to be fair I’m quite crap with them on), the irony of a rejected load (by the driver for a change) and never having to visit them again is going to be great. I may also ask for an official record being made that they have asked me to perform a dangerous act.

Has anyone had the pleasure of being “caged” at Chep ■■ :grimacing:

Yes unfortunately. I hate going to chep especially at West brom


Has anyone had the pleasure of being “caged” at Chep ■■ :grimacing:

Yes unfortunately. I hate going to chep especially at West brom

:question: :question: :question:

when i go to chep i have to open the curtains prior to entering and then i have to move the curtains/support bars while being tipped. what do you mean ‘caged’?



Has anyone had the pleasure of being “caged” at Chep ■■ :grimacing:

Yes unfortunately. I hate going to chep especially at West brom

:question: :question: :question:

when i go to chep i have to open the curtains prior to entering and then i have to move the curtains/support bars while being tipped. what do you mean ‘caged’?

i do the same at pontefract, secure the curtains back and secure them the open the rear doors and secure them

Chep god almighty brings back nightmares eh chep in Glasgow, queues where that long they gave you a pager and told to park a mile away! Get paged to come join the other queue :cry: go with a box trailer they really don’t like that neither did I tbh. But was never caged, just the hard hat routine.

Ps chep Glasgow was shut down many moons ago now a BMW dealership, kinda crazy location for a BMW dealership like having one in downtown Baghdad with all the asluym seekers that live there!

Maybe the cage was a temporary idea then, the fork truck driver placed a cage in front of the cab for you to stand in !! :open_mouth:

Maybe the cage was a temporary idea then, the fork truck driver placed a cage in front of the cab for you to stand in !! :open_mouth:

The cage is there but you drive up to it and wait in your cab now

Amazon Donny will let you sit in your cab with the keys with a trailer connected but take the keys off you when solo. Not sure what you’re supposed to do with trailers that have jacks and suzie locks on :unamused:

Surely you don’t think we wear all this [zb] for no real reason do you?
Or do we? :laughing: :laughing:

Either that or somebody enjoys seeing us dressed like a character out of the Village People :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: