Military Security

I would just like to remind all members of this site not to discuss security at military installations, on this an open forum.

Many people on this site are ex military and some still have access to MOD establishments to make deliveries. We all have our opinions on the security arrangements. Some things are done for no apparent reason; some checks seem superficial and pointless. HOWEVER please do not discuss them in open forums.

It is a well known fact that [Insert name of terror organisation here] would like to score a hit on an installation in this country, please don’t help them.

Every little snippet of information is helpful to them, however small and insignificant it may seem to you. When added to all the other snippets of information they collect, it may become important!

I sure we would all be horrified if at some subsequent trail it emerged that information had been gleaned from this website.

A member of this site is at present working in a hot sandy country and his company have banned blogs. The reason…………………………………………… SECURITY

Please think before you post.

Note to moderators please take action to sanitise or delete posts that refer to military security.

ron i think your being a little to paranoid here or may be the goverment spin has sucked you in.

anyone with half a brain wouldnt say exactly where they had been

Ron, GET A LIFE. Training manuals are easily available and you don’t need to be a brain surgeon to work out what the checks are getting in and out…they’ve not changed for donkeys years.

There’s nowt said here that can’t be found elsewhere. And the reason that company in Iraq/Afghanistan has banned blogs is for accidentally revealing OPS info such as routes/types of loads carried etc, not what checks are done at the gate on the way in.

ron i think your being a little to paranoid here or may be the goverment spin has sucked you in.

anyone with half a brain wouldnt say exactly where they had been

No not paranoid. After 22 years in the army, more than a few tours in Ireland. I have more than a good idea how they work. The system of dickers that the IRA used will no doubt be copied by other organistaions.

We don’t need to say exactly were we have been

used to have to deliver to mod married quarters, which, as some of you may know, is “on camp”.

Now this particular camp, always 1st of my drops, turn up at the gate, van packed to the gunnels, and the guard (squaddie) says open the back please,. …

sure, what you looking for? (parcels in various wrappings … HTH can he “see” what’s inside each one?)

OK driver, do you know where you’re going? …

Is this type of infromation not usefull

It’s not hard, it’s not an infringement of your human rights, It doesn’t make anybody big and clever (This is not a dig at you Alix). and maybe we and others just don’t need to know this information.

Conor has made the point !!!

if a post went up telling folks how to circumvent the checks, or how to get onto a base without being observed at all it will disappear as soon as it was spotted, along with any post that gave out directions to sensitive areas on MOD property.

However the posts that have gone up only reveal what can be observed form the roadside outside any military base 100’s of times a day.

The sort of people that will be planning an attack on any military base will already have far more detailed information than what has been posted here.

being security concious is important, we agree, , and we will make judgements on posts as they appear.

Ron, GET A LIFE. Training manuals are easily available and you don’t need to be a brain surgeon to work out what the checks are getting in and out…they’ve not changed for donkeys years.

There’s nowt said here that can’t be found elsewhere. And the reason that company in Iraq/Afghanistan has banned blogs is for accidentally revealing OPS info such as routes/types of loads carried etc, not what checks are done at the gate on the way in.

Sorry Conor forgot you are the great military expert on here

3 years glass back enough said. Button it

It has been agreed by all that security is an issue that we should be aware of.

descending dangerously close to personal attacks does not help your point of view, in fact it is more likely to be overlooked in the ensuing slanging match that will inevietably follow.

It has been agreed by all that security is an issue that we should be aware of.

And that was the whole point of my post.

But many people seem to just cruise this site looking for posts or posters to attack.

Speaking from a purely personal point of view here, and as someone who clearly remembers the RAF Stanmore bomb when she was a child, on account of living there at the time, I’m inclined to agree that posts like Conor’s would make no difference whatsoever in the grand scheme of things. As the Stanmore bomb showed (and here is a sensible point at which to omit unnecessary detail), gate checks have little or nothing to do with security when it comes down to it. They are far more to do with being seen to be checking - the real protections are far less visible, and far better than in the days of the IRA, simply because so many lessons during what was a dismal period for those of us who lived with the threat every day.

I agree that we must be sensible about what we post, but not to the point of paranoia. Go down that road and the terrorists win without lifting a finger.

I’m inclined to agree that posts like Conor’s would make no difference whatsoever in the grand scheme of things.

I wish to make it clear that the post I refered to was not Conors.

I agree that we must be sensible about what we post, but not to the point of paranoia. Go down that road and the terrorists win without lifting a finger.

All I was asking for was a little bit of thought before refering to matters military. I didn’t see it as a big ask but it seems once again Trucknet have turned it into a big issue.

They are far more to do with being seen to be checking

This is what I mean. Only seen to be checking, not really checking, could this be the way in?

3 years glass back enough said. Button it

Remember Ron, A Wise Old Owl sat in an Oak.


Oh for heaven’s sake…TruckNet did not make a big deal out of anything. If you open your peepers you’ll notice that I posted in a personal capacity. Not TruckNet, Lucy. Me. Human being. Member. Driver.

I merely added my thoughts to the discussion, and ultimately agreed with you whilst adding where I thought the line should be drawn. The citing of Conor’s post is merely an illustration of that opinion. It had nothing to do with you. I’d moved on from there. :unamused:

Can we all please get it through our heads - LUCY IS A PERSON, NOT A WEBSITE!!! :unamused: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh for heaven’s sake…TruckNet did not make a big deal out of anything. If you open your peepers you’ll notice that I posted in a personal capacity. Not TruckNet, Lucy. Me. Human being. Member. Driver.

I merely added my thoughts to the discussion, and ultimately agreed with you whilst adding where I thought the line should be drawn. The citing of Conor’s post is merely an illustration of that opinion. It had nothing to do with you. I’d moved on from there. :unamused:

Can we all please get it through our heads - LUCY IS A PERSON, NOT A WEBSITE!!! :unamused: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I quite agree Lucy. My post was not an attack on your post or you. I was merely pointing out that other members of this site (Not you, Rikki, the mods or anybody else who has a management log in) seem to take great pleasure in decrying other people’s posts.

When I said Trucknet I did not mean the people who bring us this site, But Trucknet as a whole (It’s membership).

As someone who hasn’t been in the forces of any kind,but has delivered myself to various military establishments over the years,I find your opinion totally irrelevant Ron.

If terrorists want to get in,they will.

I’ll quote you an example:

I am a great supporter of a certain part of the RAF,which as a mod of another truck related site,is well documented.I,and others like me,can access a certain part of the base,without security checks,where the aircraft in the hangar,are priceless.It is then just a short walk through the hangar,to the main part of the base,and anyone who is quick enough to evade any sort of capture,could wreak major havoc to what is a very important set up in the RAF,in terms of other types of aircraft that are stationed there.

Discussing on here about what goes off during the normal part of everyone’s job,is what this site is all about.Diaries are written by members,and opinions expressed,with no malice in mind,and this must be remembered when reading them.

Nothing that is ever written on here,is nothing that any terrorist already knows,and while your view is certainly appreciated,hell, that’s why we live in a democracy,I don’t think coming on here with demands that we should all keep quiet,is the way to approach things.

Just my 2p’s worth.



Just from your discription I know the base you mean. I did not know about the security measures at this installation. But I do now. If you see what I mean.

It wasn’t a demand just a request

Ken is right. If anyone wanted to get onto a base the chances are they could quite easily get past the perimiter. Wether they could get onto SENSITIVE parts of that base is an altogether different matter. Truth is the military, as the civilian population, have priorities about who or what has to be protected more than others who will be, and I’m sorry about the words, expendable.

Some 6-9 years ago I was required to go onto military bases and some other sensitive sites which required a higher degree of vetting, clearence and many other notices to gain entrance to anywhere with a really sensitive function. Quite apart from the fact that this information is now out of date those who are seeming to do attack our freedoms and democracy are not always foriegn and are sometimes elected by us.

I quite agree Lucy. My post was not an attack on your post or you. I was merely pointing out that other members of this site (Not you, Rikki, the mods or anybody else who has a management log in) seem to take great pleasure in decrying other people’s posts.

When I said Trucknet I did not mean the people who bring us this site, But Trucknet as a whole (It’s membership).

So as a mere member of this site I choose not to take a lecture from you about my responsibilities to the security of this country, MY COUNTRY. I know nothing of you except what you choose to reveal and you know similar of me. I do however think that your opening post was patronising to people who do understand the difference between real unseen security and visual practices for public consumption and reassurance.

I must stress though,that what I’ve posted above,does not mean that security is not good at the main gate.That I don’t know,because I’ve never had cause to approach the gate at that installation.


I must stress though,that what I’ve posted above,does not mean that security is not good at the main gate.That I don’t know,because I’ve never had cause to approach the gate at that installation.


Didn’t need to Ken, You posted enough to enable me to do a google for the name of the base, I know which hanger you refer to, I now know the opening times, I know the type of aircraft stationed there, I could assume many of the aircrew (Not associated with the hanger) have been deployed to the gulf and I now know of a way to enter the station. A terrorist may not chose to use the main gate.

Thanks for proving my point

Is this
The London bombings on 7/7 were not directed at a military establishment nor was 9/11 these were things that were easier to target than a military establishment .How do you propose to stop this happening again SHERLOCK .
While civilian targets are easier to attack all the military establishments in this country are surely safer.There are 1001 other sites in the uk that are just as bigger target than the military many unprotected by the armed forces .We go to some pretty sensitive places protected by minimum wage security guards so I think you guys will be safe ! :smiley:

Security is an issue for the M.O.D not members of Tnet to decide

I recieved a call from a friend in Gateshead who runs her own business, a contractor she works for was delivering a cooling tower fan to Menwith Hill with their own truck and it truck had broken down, so she asked if I could take her 17 tonner down to the contractor she did work for and swap the load over and deliver it to Menwith.

My first thoughts were how the hell do you swap a 4 ton cooler over then it transpired that the contractors truck had a hiab which was working.

I duly arrived at Menwith Hill to be greeted by the gatehouse who went through the truck with a fine tooth comb even using mirrors on sticks to check under the truck whilst the guard in the gatehouse phoned Harrogate Police to check out my Drivers Licence details.

15 minutes later I was instructed to drive straight up the road and turn left then sharp right into a car park where I would be met.

Sure enough, a young lad aged about 16 arrives and jumps in the truck, american accent he tells me where we are going, after a couple of minutes we arrive at a double security gate manned by police (Not Military but Civilian) again I have to go through all the checks and hand over my mobile phone, they even removed the cassette tapes from the cab belonging to my friends son who normally drove the wagon.

I was told under no circumstances had I to move away from the truck or enter any doors or I would be shot :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Once inside I reversed along to the cooling tower and the contractors started to unload the cooler saying the old one had to go back to Middlesborough, then the banter starts about the security, to which the 16yr old (Apparantly Comanders Son) starts telling everyone that Menwith is the Main site for a certain program the USA has going, and giving great detail at the same time.

Now if thats site security at its best then I think the discussions on here are trivial, moreso when the same lad was spouting off that another base which he named was just a decoy and insisted on going into detail.