Milestone (agency)

Anyone got any info on Milestone, are they just as bad as the rest of the agencies?
Specifically the office which runs ASDA Chepstow and Portbury.

Milestone around here insist you join their Umbrella, else you don’t get the “40 hours a week guaranteed, ongoing” that they like to brag about.

I signed up with them 14 months ago. They called me in for an assessment unpaid, I said “let’s have something else that doesn’t need an assessment”, so I got naff all ever since of course. Not even an “account opening” shift FFS! Still, I saved the wasted trip on not doing that assessment only to end up getting bugger all anyways I reckon. :unamused:

Tell a firm that you’d like to go to work and get paid a wage, and it’s “Arrogant” apparently.
Perhaps Milestone are better in your area. Around here (Thames Estuary) they are no different to ADN/ADL - full of promises to “fill your sheet” with low-grade hourage (6am starts Monday-Friday £8.50ph CONTRACTER rate!) but very thin on work they don’t get backhanders for via the umbrella. I don’t think I’ll ever be interested in paying for work in any shape or form, losing money going to work for nothing but with normal overheads, or listening to the constant bullcrap of “times are 'ard” all the time.

Get us out of Europe, and let’s have a protectionist economy where UK drivers get the tax breaks & other encouragements, whilst foreigners have to buy a tax disk for the whole year, and pass an MOT over here like the rest of us do. That’ll just level the playing field, let alone give us any “unfair advantage” such as being able to speak English, and find our way about our own patch. :open_mouth:

Sounds about the same as ADR Network. :imp:

Milestone around here insist you join their Umbrella, else you don’t get the “40 hours a week guaranteed, ongoing” that they like to brag about.

I signed up with them 14 months ago. They called me in for an assessment unpaid, I said “let’s have something else that doesn’t need an assessment”, so I got naff all ever since of course. Not even an “account opening” shift FFS! Still, I saved the wasted trip on not doing that assessment only to end up getting bugger all anyways I reckon. :unamused:

Tell a firm that you’d like to go to work and get paid a wage, and it’s “Arrogant” apparently.
Perhaps Milestone are better in your area. Around here (Thames Estuary) they are no different to ADN/ADL - full of promises to “fill your sheet” with low-grade hourage (6am starts Monday-Friday £8.50ph CONTRACTER rate!) but very thin on work they don’t get backhanders for via the umbrella. I don’t think I’ll ever be interested in paying for work in any shape or form, losing money going to work for nothing but with normal overheads, or listening to the constant bullcrap of “times are 'ard” all the time.

Get us out of Europe, and let’s have a protectionist economy where UK drivers get the tax breaks & other encouragements, whilst foreigners have to buy a tax disk for the whole year, and pass an MOT over here like the rest of us do. That’ll just level the playing field, let alone give us any “unfair advantage” such as being able to speak English, and find our way about our own patch. :shock:

can you answer me Why international lorry drivers must buy British tax for whole years■■?
if British company lorry go to Germany ,so drivers must buy whole tax in France,Germany and much more country.are you company accept this■■?
language.are any English drivers (who work for international distance)flying speak and understand France,Germany language???exactly no .may be some drivers .
MOT and truck condition.somebody here couple month ago post information from VOSA statistic how many foreigh and British truck was stopped by VOSA and to many people was wonderful who VOSA found tacho infrigement and truck fault not in foreigh truck but in truck which registred here.
leave EU. you will be decide at the end of 2017.but my forecast -British life will be more bad if you leave Eu. if you leave EU London lost possition at finanse capital city.but this bring to England billions of pound.will be more tax and duty.

Milestone around here insist you join their Umbrella, else you don’t get the “40 hours a week guaranteed, ongoing” that they like to brag about.

I signed up with them 14 months ago. They called me in for an assessment unpaid, I said “let’s have something else that doesn’t need an assessment”, so I got naff all ever since of course. Not even an “account opening” shift FFS! Still, I saved the wasted trip on not doing that assessment only to end up getting bugger all anyways I reckon. :unamused:

Tell a firm that you’d like to go to work and get paid a wage, and it’s “Arrogant” apparently.
Perhaps Milestone are better in your area. Around here (Thames Estuary) they are no different to ADN/ADL - full of promises to “fill your sheet” with low-grade hourage (6am starts Monday-Friday £8.50ph CONTRACTER rate!) but very thin on work they don’t get backhanders for via the umbrella. I don’t think I’ll ever be interested in paying for work in any shape or form, losing money going to work for nothing but with normal overheads, or listening to the constant bullcrap of “times are 'ard” all the time.

Get us out of Europe, and let’s have a protectionist economy where UK drivers get the tax breaks & other encouragements, whilst foreigners have to buy a tax disk for the whole year, and pass an MOT over here like the rest of us do. That’ll just level the playing field, let alone give us any “unfair advantage” such as being able to speak English, and find our way about our own patch. :open_mouth:

if Germany transport inspection come to here for one week ,they give to British company million and millions pond penalty for company and drivers.every second lorry with heave load will stopped,because load not strapped.British standart not bad but not high.

I’m currently on with milestone and yes, they are as bad as the rest of the agencies. I’ve landed myself a full time job with a company and can’t wait to get out of the agency game, agencies are/have ruined this job.


Milestone around here insist you join their Umbrella, else you don’t get the “40 hours a week guaranteed, ongoing” that they like to brag about.

I signed up with them 14 months ago. They called me in for an assessment unpaid, I said “let’s have something else that doesn’t need an assessment”, so I got naff all ever since of course. Not even an “account opening” shift FFS! Still, I saved the wasted trip on not doing that assessment only to end up getting bugger all anyways I reckon. :unamused:

Tell a firm that you’d like to go to work and get paid a wage, and it’s “Arrogant” apparently.
Perhaps Milestone are better in your area. Around here (Thames Estuary) they are no different to ADN/ADL - full of promises to “fill your sheet” with low-grade hourage (6am starts Monday-Friday £8.50ph CONTRACTER rate!) but very thin on work they don’t get backhanders for via the umbrella. I don’t think I’ll ever be interested in paying for work in any shape or form, losing money going to work for nothing but with normal overheads, or listening to the constant bullcrap of “times are 'ard” all the time.

Get us out of Europe, and let’s have a protectionist economy where UK drivers get the tax breaks & other encouragements, whilst foreigners have to buy a tax disk for the whole year, and pass an MOT over here like the rest of us do. That’ll just level the playing field, let alone give us any “unfair advantage” such as being able to speak English, and find our way about our own patch. :open_mouth:

can you answer me Why international lorry drivers must buy British tax for whole years■■?
if British company lorry go to Germany ,so drivers must buy whole tax in France,Germany and much more country.are you company accept this■■?
language.are any English drivers (who work for international distance)flying speak and understand France,Germany language???exactly no .may be some drivers .
MOT and truck condition.somebody here couple month ago post information from VOSA statistic how many foreigh and British truck was stopped by VOSA and to many people was wonderful who VOSA found tacho infrigement and truck fault not in foreigh truck but in truck which registred here.
leave EU. you will be decide at the end of 2017.but my forecast -British life will be more bad if you leave Eu. if you leave EU London lost possition at finanse capital city.but this bring to England billions of pound.will be more tax and duty.

I got passed last night by yet another unroadworthy foreign vehicle with bulging load, and back end of curtain hanging off. Headlight out on one side, illegible number plate. A common sight alas.
France would be the main gainer from the UK leaving Europe, but those gains would be offset by the extra money that they would have to put in to make up for what we are no longer putting in.
More depots would be built in places like Calais and Dover, with foreign drivers carrying UK goods leaving them at Calais, whilst a Calais based UK firm fetches them across the water, and forwards it around the UK. The reverse applies to traffic going the other direction. There would be just as many foreign drivers - as far as Calais in this example, but a dearth of them running up the M20/A2 etc because we uk bods have gone down to dover or calais depots to fetch it, with terminals possibly on both sides of the channel.
We would be better off out of Europe, because the only thing we seem to import that makes British Business any money is cheap labour. Business leaders and Foreigners might be happy with this arrangement, but the rest of the economy suffers because a poorer transport worker is not going to be spending so much money supporting other home businesses.
As for London losing it’s “Financial Centre” status - It’s been there since bankers wore big wigs - over 300 years already. It’s not going to disappear because some scaremonger in Frankfurt, and other european centres say it will. America isn’t going to ditch all it’s UK interests if we pull out of EUrope either - They just don’t want us to leave, because they too want access to the cheap labour market that the UK now represents as current “gateway to Europe”.
People don’t remember the 1960’s as an age of Austerity - before we joined that damned common market and had to start selling our own stuff for a loss, living upto fussy standards which meant mountains of one kind of food, and thrown away other kinds. Then there’s all the money we have to pay to foreign farmers who can’t make money out of it without an artificial subsidy that flies in the face of everything truly capitalist.
We’re better off out I tell you. We can still buy selected foreign goods, and foreigners will still buy selected UK goods. The market should serve people everywhere - Not turn us all into debt slaves because we can’t keep up with constantly rising food prices out of our currently falling pay. Let Germany pay for the big European project. Trying to achieve what Hitler tried to do by peacetime means seems to be working remarkably well - IF they are prepared to financially back up those countries cracking under the strain. (That means GIVING them money rather than LENDING it to them!) The UK need not be one of those countries if we leave before crisis point however. :bulb:

…and yes of COURSE Nobby Dressingtable are in pole position to take good advantage of things - whichever way they go with regards to Europe. They’ve already got a depot on both sides of the channel after all, and can run UK and French registered vehicles pretty much anywhere they please. There’s not much point having the left hookers over here, or UK registered ones over there now is there? Just swap, mix & match at the depots already in place, and the only thing they need to complement it is their own cross channel route. Perhaps they’ll be looking to buy out a ferry company before long…

Passed a crashed nobby wagon on the way down the A2 outside dover yesterday… Looked bad with all them screens up and everything.
Does anyone know if the driver got out ok?

“can you answer me Why international lorry drivers must buy British tax for whole years■■?
if British company lorry go to Germany ,so drivers must buy whole tax in France,Germany and much more country.are you company accept this■■?”

The other countries make their money on toll roads so it’s not a fair comparison :smiley:
as usual britain gets screwed .

“can you answer me Why international lorry drivers must buy British tax for whole years■■?
if British company lorry go to Germany ,so drivers must buy whole tax in France,Germany and much more country.are you company accept this■■?”

The other countries make their money on toll roads so it’s not a fair comparison :smiley:
as usual britain gets screwed .

tools road and ROAD TAX for whole years -BIG DIFFERENCE.NObody will be pay for tools road for full years if he use just couple time.

I got passed last night by yet another unroadworthy foreign vehicle with bulging load, and back end of curtain hanging off. Headlight out on one side, illegible number plate. A common sight alas.
France would be the main gainer from the UK leaving Europe, but those gains would be offset by the extra money that they would have to put in to make up for what we are no longer putting in.
More depots would be built in places like Calais and Dover, with foreign drivers carrying UK goods leaving them at Calais, whilst a Calais based UK firm fetches them across the water, and forwards it around the UK. The reverse applies to traffic going the other direction. There would be just as many foreign drivers - as far as Calais in this example, but a dearth of them running up the M20/A2 etc because we uk bods have gone down to dover or calais depots to fetch it, with terminals possibly on both sides of the channel.

about this.first it is increase price in shop ,delivery charge.
second load insurance-if germany company must delivery to England,they buy insurance for this load and give some guarantee for delivery if delivery will be do 2-3 company ,can be problem if theft load or well if you taked Germany trailers and after you make some small crack at curtainside-you will be pay many many pound penalty.drop and swap may be possible for some big Europian company,which have Depo here and there.

if you want live much better for you (british people),must buy much more British food and more.but now to many people blame Polish or germany,but at weekend go to Tesco and buy Belgium beer, chocolate .you must try support more British company ,buy not bananas but buy apple .you British company sale logistic company to Norbert Dentresengle,DHL,Kuehle nagel and many more.if you want better life must not sale to foreigh company everythink.

The whole idea is to discourage foreign drivers to use our roads at all - We have to pay to use theirs, so why not a bit of quid pro quo?
If they don’t want to pay the charges, just dump your gear in Calais, and let one of us bring it over here, and distribute it around the UK.

In return, I won’t browbeat politicians around Europe demanding to be let on their roads without paying, even though I can get by perfectly well in Spanish, German, and even a bit of Russian & Italian. I have no particular wish to drive in Europe. I just want better T&Cs for the job I do back here where I come from. :wink:

If I were a VOSA official based down near Dover, then “Operation Stack” would be the park for all the foreign wagons I’ve pulled! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
I reckon you could pull every other foreign wagon and find something wrong with it enough to levy a fine or two…
Fill the UK coffers at Foreign expense - not the other way around. The supertanker CAN be turned with enough political will. :wink:


Milestone around here insist you join their Umbrella, else you don’t get the “40 hours a week guaranteed, ongoing” that they like to brag about.

I signed up with them 14 months ago. They called me in for an assessment unpaid, I said “let’s have something else that doesn’t need an assessment”, so I got naff all ever since of course. Not even an “account opening” shift FFS! Still, I saved the wasted trip on not doing that assessment only to end up getting bugger all anyways I reckon. :unamused:

Tell a firm that you’d like to go to work and get paid a wage, and it’s “Arrogant” apparently.
Perhaps Milestone are better in your area. Around here (Thames Estuary) they are no different to ADN/ADL - full of promises to “fill your sheet” with low-grade hourage (6am starts Monday-Friday £8.50ph CONTRACTER rate!) but very thin on work they don’t get backhanders for via the umbrella. I don’t think I’ll ever be interested in paying for work in any shape or form, losing money going to work for nothing but with normal overheads, or listening to the constant bullcrap of “times are 'ard” all the time.

Get us out of Europe, and let’s have a protectionist economy where UK drivers get the tax breaks & other encouragements, whilst foreigners have to buy a tax disk for the whole year, and pass an MOT over here like the rest of us do. That’ll just level the playing field, let alone give us any “unfair advantage” such as being able to speak English, and find our way about our own patch. :open_mouth:

can you answer me Why international lorry drivers must buy British tax for whole years■■?
if British company lorry go to Germany ,so drivers must buy whole tax in France,Germany and much more country.are you company accept this■■?
language.are any English drivers (who work for international distance)flying speak and understand France,Germany language???exactly no .may be some drivers .
MOT and truck condition.somebody here couple month ago post information from VOSA statistic how many foreigh and British truck was stopped by VOSA and to many people was wonderful who VOSA found tacho infrigement and truck fault not in foreigh truck but in truck which registred here.
leave EU. you will be decide at the end of 2017.but my forecast -British life will be more bad if you leave Eu. if you leave EU London lost possition at finanse capital city.but this bring to England billions of pound.will be more tax and duty.

What you going on about old boy

The whole idea is to discourage foreign drivers to use our roads at all - We have to pay to use theirs, so why not a bit of quid pro quo?
If they don’t want to pay the charges, just dump your gear in Calais, and let one of us bring it over here, and distribute it around the UK.

In return, I won’t browbeat politicians around Europe demanding to be let on their roads without paying, even though I can get by perfectly well in Spanish, German, and even a bit of Russian & Italian. I have no particular wish to drive in Europe. I just want better T&Cs for the job I do back here where I come from. :wink:

If I were a VOSA official based down near Dover, then “Operation Stack” would be the park for all the foreign wagons I’ve pulled! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
I reckon you could pull every other foreign wagon and find something wrong with it enough to levy a fine or two…
Fill the UK coffers at Foreign expense - not the other way around. The supertanker CAN be turned with enough political will. :wink:

yes tool road -it is one side if lorry use M6 tool-must pay.of course .but if lorry go to Any country-they must pay just for day when truck was inside this country,not for 365 day.every years in Uk come about 1.5 millions lorry.normaly any country charge about 10 Eiro per day.any foreigh truck normaly here 2 day.,so 3 million day for 7 pound ,total about 20-30 million per years.minus all this administration charge.what can improve or repair for this money.may be can build one services or reapir 1 miles of road???any country this charge for use road don t help for road ,just pump money.
about language-you don t answer me-are any British drivers who go to France or Germany can flying speak in Germany or France language.

Milestone are the best I’ve worked for so far but their help desk is useless.


The whole idea is to discourage foreign drivers to use our roads at all - We have to pay to use theirs, so why not a bit of quid pro quo?
If they don’t want to pay the charges, just dump your gear in Calais, and let one of us bring it over here, and distribute it around the UK.

In return, I won’t browbeat politicians around Europe demanding to be let on their roads without paying, even though I can get by perfectly well in Spanish, German, and even a bit of Russian & Italian. I have no particular wish to drive in Europe. I just want better T&Cs for the job I do back here where I come from. :wink:

If I were a VOSA official based down near Dover, then “Operation Stack” would be the park for all the foreign wagons I’ve pulled! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
I reckon you could pull every other foreign wagon and find something wrong with it enough to levy a fine or two…
Fill the UK coffers at Foreign expense - not the other way around. The supertanker CAN be turned with enough political will. :wink:

yes tool road -it is one side if lorry use M6 tool-must pay.of course .but if lorry go to Any country-they must pay just for day when truck was inside this country,not for 365 day.every years in Uk come about 1.5 millions lorry.normaly any country charge about 10 Eiro per day.any foreigh truck normaly here 2 day.,so 3 million day for 7 pound ,total about 20-30 million per years.minus all this administration charge.what can improve or repair for this money.may be can build one services or reapir 1 miles of road???any country this charge for use road don t help for road ,just pump money.
about language-you don t answer me-are any British drivers who go to France or Germany can flying speak in Germany or France language.

In this country, if your vehicle is on the road, used or not, you buy a tax disk for the whole year. You don’t get a rebate if you’re a sunday driver, you don’t get a rebate if you garage your car unless you submit a SORN declaration, which then means you cannot take it out on the road at all.
Europe has daft rules about not being able to drive on all days, so foreign drivers race to get here, so they can park up all over the place, often having journeying flat out to get here before the curtain comes down for the week. This country would come to a standstill if we introduced the same euro-wide rules here, but even us not doing so encourages others to take avantage. Heads we don’t win, tails we lose.

It’s too much uphill to expect Brussels to hand over all the concessions we’d like, such as lifting this ban across Europe in order for us to stay in among other things. Easier just to admit “we don’t really fit in” and leave without disrupting the rules already implemented across multiple countries, as is driving on the right. There’s no treaty to re-negotiate therefore, and it’s just a question of “in or out”.

Trouble is, with us continuing to lose money daily, we need in or out in the very near future - NOT some misty date years away that can easily be forgotten about as we get closer to it.

selby newcomer:
I’m currently on with milestone and yes, they are as bad as the rest of the agencies. I’ve landed myself a full time job with a company and can’t wait to get out of the agency game, agencies are/have ruined this job.

Amen to that



The whole idea is to discourage foreign drivers to use our roads at all - We have to pay to use theirs, so why not a bit of quid pro quo?
If they don’t want to pay the charges, just dump your gear in Calais, and let one of us bring it over here, and distribute it around the UK.

In return, I won’t browbeat politicians around Europe demanding to be let on their roads without paying, even though I can get by perfectly well in Spanish, German, and even a bit of Russian & Italian. I have no particular wish to drive in Europe. I just want better T&Cs for the job I do back here where I come from. :wink:

If I were a VOSA official based down near Dover, then “Operation Stack” would be the park for all the foreign wagons I’ve pulled! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
I reckon you could pull every other foreign wagon and find something wrong with it enough to levy a fine or two…
Fill the UK coffers at Foreign expense - not the other way around. The supertanker CAN be turned with enough political will. :wink:

yes tool road -it is one side if lorry use M6 tool-must pay.of course .but if lorry go to Any country-they must pay just for day when truck was inside this country,not for 365 day.every years in Uk come about 1.5 millions lorry.normaly any country charge about 10 Eiro per day.any foreigh truck normaly here 2 day.,so 3 million day for 7 pound ,total about 20-30 million per years.minus all this administration charge.what can improve or repair for this money.may be can build one services or reapir 1 miles of road???any country this charge for use road don t help for road ,just pump money.
about language-you don t answer me-are any British drivers who go to France or Germany can flying speak in Germany or France language.

In this country, if your vehicle is on the road, used or not, you buy a tax disk for the whole year. You don’t get a rebate if you’re a sunday driver, you don’t get a rebate if you garage your car unless you submit a SORN declaration, which then means you cannot take it out on the road at all.
Europe has daft rules about not being able to drive on all days, so foreign drivers race to get here, so they can park up all over the place, often having journeying flat out to get here before the curtain comes down for the week. This country would come to a standstill if we introduced the same euro-wide rules here, but even us not doing so encourages others to take avantage. Heads we don’t win, tails we lose.

It’s too much uphill to expect Brussels to hand over all the concessions we’d like, such as lifting this ban across Europe in order for us to stay in among other things. Easier just to admit “we don’t really fit in” and leave without disrupting the rules already implemented across multiple countries, as is driving on the right. There’s no treaty to re-negotiate therefore, and it’s just a question of “in or out”.

Trouble is, with us continuing to lose money daily, we need in or out in the very near future - NOT some misty date years away that can easily be forgotten about as we get closer to it.

yes but in Germany and may be some more country have much mores rulls,rstriction for LGV drivers both domestic or foreigh.they have Sunday ban ,lorry must drive just by motorway and tools road,some area can t use countryside road.In Uk just M6 tools and Dartford bridge and Bristol bridges where all drivers must pay charge.jn France and Germany much more toll road for any vechicle

Eurovignette for foreigh truck must pay just in Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Sweden. … reset=true.
all another charges in the road any country must pay not just foreigh truck but domestic registered truck as well.