Eurovignette for foreigh truck must pay just in Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Sweden. … reset=true.
all another charges in the road any country must pay not just foreigh truck but domestic registered truck as well.
I think the point is UK vehicles pay road tax to use roads, instead of tos. Foreign vehicles don’t. Yet if we go over the channel, we still have to pay tolls. Consequently none uk vehicles have an unfair advantage in not having to pay over here.
simply another country have much more tolls road for any goverment as well can introduced charge for M1, for entry in London.why not.Germany pump money not just from foreigh but from Germany company as well.if Polish truck or some big or small British company truck want use M6 tolls ,both must pay charge.
Well they had the courtesy to call me up today to inform me they have go my CV and that I can’t do any work for them as I do not have recent experience so at least they called to tell me that. He was called Simon and I live in the Leeds area. I though this industry was bad in the 1980s but jeeez it is terrible now. Any other country who suffered this kind of humiliation with the decimation of industries would not stand for it. France and Germany would bring their countries to a stand still. No wonder everyone in the world thinks we are soft.
simply another country have much more tolls road for any goverment as well can introduced charge for M1, for entry in London.why not.Germany pump money not just from foreigh but from Germany company as well.if Polish truck or some big or small British company truck want use M6 tolls ,both must pay charge.
Because we are already heavily taxed for this. In France the tolls are the tax and you have a choice don’t pay the toll and travel on the national route or pay the toll and travel on the wonderful autoroute. But WE are taxed to the hilt no matter what route you use AND the government wants to ADD toll roads. Britain, what a joke
simply another country have much more tolls road for any goverment as well can introduced charge for M1, for entry in London.why not.Germany pump money not just from foreigh but from Germany company as well.if Polish truck or some big or small British company truck want use M6 tolls ,both must pay charge.
Because we are already heavily taxed for this. In France the tolls are the tax and you have a choice don’t pay the toll and travel on the national route or pay the toll and travel on the wonderful autoroute. But WE are taxed to the hilt no matter what route you use AND the government wants to ADD toll roads. Britain, what a joke
may be,but may be because in UK very cheap food/stuff.if cheap food,more cheap delivery charges,so less profit for company
Milestone are the best I’ve worked for so far but their help desk is useless.
Have you experienced the DX system yet?
No… Enlighten me please
It’s their own online database called the “driver exchange” or DX for short.
It allows the client, agency & driver to access, & submit information (timesheets, invoices etc) in paperless form. Monitor hours, payments & billing.
Usually when your assigned a shift, the agy raises the shift on the DX, the client then sees who is coming, & the driver receives both a txt msg and email confirming the assignment.
Upon arrival the Tspt office staff log your arrival and the driver receives a txt confirming the commencement of the shift. Meanwhile all the information is logged in real time.
Then at the end of the shift the Tspt clerk logs you off, & you end shift time is logged.
So you are paid for the hrs between the logon and log off times, down to the minute.
You can then login to the DX and submit a timesheet for that shift, check the cash value you’ve earned. The client can then confirm the shift, & the payroll & invoicing process is suposed to be simplified & online
An email I received …
Driver Exchange — The DX
Dear Colleague,
From Sunday 14/10/12
Milestone will be operating a new process to record your hours of work at *****.
The system that is being used is called the Driver Exchange or The DX.
Currently you record your hours worked each week when you sign in & out of the transport office. You then supply Milestone with a weekly timesheet.
From Sunday your start & finish times will be activated on the new system by the transport staff on your arrival and departure from site, creating an electronic timesheet.
All you have to do is report to transport for your allocated start time and inform the clerk you are there. They will then start a stop clock which will run until you are informed you shift has ended. At this point, and after your shift debrief the clerk will then stop the clock. You should check with the clerk that they have started and stopped the clock at the right time, and ask them to adjust it if not. You will then be paid on a minute by minute basis and not on the quarter of the hour as before.
Over the next few weeks we will give you a username and password and you will be able to access the Driver Exchange by going to and logging in. You will be able to view the hours you have worked on a daily & weekly basis and will also be able to see your own information on the system. After you have logged on for the first time, the Driver Exchange will send you real time notifications of the shifts that you have been planned to work and your start and finish times.
If your shift should run into a night out you must call the transport office to inform them of your shift finish time so Transport can stop your shift clock and put you on rest. You must ring in again when you have completed your rest and inform them of your next start time which will be added to the system. When you arrive back at the site and your shift has ended you should report to the traffic desk as normal but must inform the clerk of your night out, parking / other expenses so they can add them to the system there and then. This is your responsibility to make sure that this happens at that time.
simply another country have much more tolls road for any goverment as well can introduced charge for M1, for entry in London.why not.Germany pump money not just from foreigh but from Germany company as well.if Polish truck or some big or small British company truck want use M6 tolls ,both must pay charge.
Because we are already heavily taxed for this. In France the tolls are the tax and you have a choice don’t pay the toll and travel on the national route or pay the toll and travel on the wonderful autoroute. But WE are taxed to the hilt no matter what route you use AND the government wants to ADD toll roads. Britain, what a joke
may be,but may be because in UK very cheap food/stuff.if cheap food,more cheap delivery charges,so less profit for company
If you think the UK is cheap, you have just proved that cloud cuckoo land really does exist! What is ‘cheap stuff’ by the way?
The facts is that the UK is the soft touch of Europe in every way. Truck operation is no different.
Milestone are the best I’ve worked for so far but their help desk is useless.
Have you experienced the DX system yet?
Yes, it paints pretty pictures on my monitor.
Seriously though, the DX system sounds like a “Clipper’s Paradise”…
I bet they are slow to clock you on, and quick to clock you off, costing you 15-30 minutes pay per shift… How ya gonna make time on a system like that?
I’ve yet to see a clocking system where you automatically get awarded overtime minutes for turning up early/clocking off late.
simply another country have much more tolls road for any goverment as well can introduced charge for M1, for entry in London.why not.Germany pump money not just from foreigh but from Germany company as well.if Polish truck or some big or small British company truck want use M6 tolls ,both must pay charge.
Because we are already heavily taxed for this. In France the tolls are the tax and you have a choice don’t pay the toll and travel on the national route or pay the toll and travel on the wonderful autoroute. But WE are taxed to the hilt no matter what route you use AND the government wants to ADD toll roads. Britain, what a joke
may be,but may be because in UK very cheap food/stuff.if cheap food,more cheap delivery charges,so less profit for company
If you think the UK is cheap, you have just proved that cloud cuckoo land really does exist! What is ‘cheap stuff’ by the way?
The facts is that the UK is the soft touch of Europe in every way. Truck operation is no different.
last 10-20 years to many company was lived in credit,borrow, another time.not very good.wages,rates go down not just for drivers.wages go down in construction,shop owner,managment ,bank staff.and in Germany France as well not all good.i have one friend who live in Germany near all life.he talk Germany 10 years ago and now big from present problem,who goverment ,company,people in last 10-20 years borrow to much,can be better if borrow less.
Seriously though, the DX system sounds like a “Clipper’s Paradise”…
I bet they are slow to clock you on, and quick to clock you off, costing you 15-30 minutes pay per shift… How ya gonna make time on a system like that?
I’ve yet to see a clocking system where you automatically get awarded overtime minutes for turning up early/clocking off late.
They wont (or shouldnt) clip time off at the start, if your shift starts at 6am, and they log you on at 06:05, they manually adjust the time back to 6am, but if your logged off at the end of your shift at 17:29, that is when your paid to, minus your 45 break, so youd be paid 10 hrs 44 mins. it just a question of watching the clock, dragging your heels , and walking back in the office to de-brief at the right moment to ensure the clock goes past the quarter hour. The system is still open to human error, as the clerks may be busy & forget to log you on, so they input the time you arrive at the gatehouse and are logged on the gate pass system, so you may initially arrive at 05:47, and the clerk may input that into the system, and forget to manually adjust it forward to 06:00. The DX also allows you to see online immediately after the shift what your time keeping is, & raise enquiries online to both MS and the client should there be an error. This is supposed to reduce the timekeeping problems, that appear after the driver has been paid & discovers a shortfall in his pay packet. so he spends weeks trying to recover what hes not been paid.
As previously stated, this system allows them to pay you to the minute, so like everything else, you just have to play the system. Other jobs for MS arent run through the DX, and are still run/paid the old fashioned way, so theres some poetic licence. but I suspect the larger contracts will slowly come on board and start using the DX